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Weight Loss and Diet Support Group


RF's pet cat
I've lost a few pounds, from 148 to 145, probably due to working last month. With the amount of work I was doing though, I felt I should have lost more but maybe I gained some muscle too?

I'd love to lose a LOT of weight. I thought I looked my best around 115 pounds. It's all down to discipline and making excuses, like I'm too tired today, I've been good this week so I'll do it tomorrow.


Get me off of this planet
I stop drinking ale and stop eating grains & flour, bread and dairy. Switch to mich ultra, or milly 64,
eat mostly of raw uncooked veggies and fruit, try to drop sugar all together. Regular, moderate
portions of meat and lots of water. Cut soda all together, diet or full flavor, aspartame isn't a
good alternate, apparently. Drink tea, get electrolytes from Gatorade or powerader or propel.

I eat lots of pistachios and other nuts. Pocorn is good as well and lower carb. Pistachio's are my
power food and I recommend using vinegar/olive oil on your salads, the dressings don't really
matter but extra vinegar does clean the system and olive oil is good for the liver from what
I recall.

You could drink a shot of vinegar or two a day for a few days.

I don't recommend diuretics/weight-loss supplements but was successful with hydroxy-cut hardcore
a few years ago. But I was running daily and am not entirely certain if it was the supplements or

I've also try a liquid fast and that works but is sort of manic, I wanted a challenge. I made it
2 weeks and had a minor, minor psychotic episode. These are done with liquid nutrient like
GNC's Super Foods or just a regular liquid soup, like tomato.


I don't suggest relying on liquid nutrients though but using that for a meal a day is popular with
most normal diets.

I suggest running/ jogging most of all. Get the body active, go for walks or anything.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The jeans I was too fat to fit into last year are almost too big now.:clap2:
But this time I don't have any smaller jeans waiting to be worn.


Wonder Woman
The jeans I was too fat to fit into last year are almost too big now.:clap2:
But this time I don't have any smaller jeans waiting to be worn.

Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Congratulations! :foryou:

I have a couple pair like that. Worked really hard to get back into and now they are a little loose on me. Worked to get back into a size 10 and now own my first size 8. :jiggy: Onward to a 6 maybe?

Now you get to shop for that new size and do the little happy dance in the dressing room when you zip up the new smaller size and realize it not only fits, but you look damn good in it. ;) :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Congratulations! :foryou:

I have a couple pair like that. Worked really hard to get back into and now they are a little loose on me. Worked to get back into a size 10 and now own my first size 8. :jiggy: Onward to a 6 maybe?

Now you get to shop for that new size and do the little happy dance in the dressing room when you zip up the new smaller size and realize it not only fits, but you look damn good in it. ;) :D
I think a belt's more closer in my future. I still don't know what I weight at, but I think I'm gonna hold off until I'm about between 210-220 before getting new clothes. Which by that point in time I should be at a weight where I won't have too much more to go before I'm at least at a good BMI for my height (about another 40-50, which is abit much but far less than the 100+ I was at), and I think I'll be much more comfortable slowly burning that weight off so I don't get stuck with a bunch of flappy skin. I don't think I would get much if I did go on an aggressive weight loss plan, but the idea is to not look like I had surgery to do it.


Wonder Woman
I think a belt's more closer in my future. I still don't know what I weight at, but I think I'm gonna hold off until I'm about between 210-220 before getting new clothes. Which by that point in time I should be at a weight where I won't have too much more to go before I'm at least at a good BMI for my height (about another 40-50, which is abit much but far less than the 100+ I was at), and I think I'll be much more comfortable slowly burning that weight off so I don't get stuck with a bunch of flappy skin. I don't think I would get much if I did go on an aggressive weight loss plan, but the idea is to not look like I had surgery to do it.

Oh, I went the belt route for quite a while. In fact. I had belts that, when I started, barely went around me, that now I'd have to punch a hole in to use. And the extra skin thing, some of it is going to be unavoidable. Granted, if you don't lose extremely quickly you will definitely have a better chance of your skin being able to rebound a bit, but you'll still get some sag. Sadly unavoidable. Gratefully we're young enough that we have some time for it to rebound more easily with time. Well, you more than me. :p Just looking at me, especially clothed, you wouldn't guess at the sag I still have going on over my belly (my belly is starting to flatten pretty well actually), but when I bend over, especially undressed, it is quite apparent. :eek: I hate doing things like push ups and planks just in a sports bra, must wear a work out shirt.:cover: But,...I gained that weight, I needed to lose it, it's something to deal with. I certainly don't plan on putting on weight like that again. I'll say that much. :no:


Wonder Woman
Avoid sugar!!!!!

Sure thing! *rifles through side cubby of desk* Will do! *finds bag of Hershey Kisses* Avoid sugar. *unwraps Kisses and..* gotcha *mmm mmm smack smack mmm mmm * Good advice. ;)

Seriously just downed a couple Kisses typing this. :p Been craving sweets this past week. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Avoid sugar!!!!!
One of my problems is I love orange juice. If it wasn't so expensive, I could easily drink a jug a day. I'd even add another hour (or two) at the gym just so my body could use all the sugar.

Oh, I went the belt route for quite a while. In fact. I had belts that, when I started, barely went around me, that now I'd have to punch a hole in to use. And the extra skin thing, some of it is going to be unavoidable. Granted, if you don't lose extremely quickly you will definitely have a better chance of your skin being able to rebound a bit, but you'll still get some sag. Sadly unavoidable. Gratefully we're young enough that we have some time for it to rebound more easily with time. Well, you more than me. :p Just looking at me, especially clothed, you wouldn't guess at the sag I still have going on over my belly (my belly is starting to flatten pretty well actually), but when I bend over, especially undressed, it is quite apparent. :eek: I hate doing things like push ups and planks just in a sports bra, must wear a work out shirt.:cover: But,...I gained that weight, I needed to lose it, it's something to deal with. I certainly don't plan on putting on weight like that again. I'll say that much. :no:
My problem areas are going to be my thighs and arms. I don't carry much weight in my stomach, and even at my biggest my stomach was still smaller than people who weighed less than me.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Sure thing! *rifles through side cubby of desk* Will do! *finds bag of Hershey Kisses* Avoid sugar. *unwraps Kisses and..* gotcha *mmm mmm smack smack mmm mmm * Good advice. ;)

Seriously just downed a couple Kisses typing this. :p Been craving sweets this past week. :D

I said sugar NOT CHOCOLATE! :drool: You think Im nuts or something????:D


Get me off of this planet
I experiment with diuretics just for the hell of it, I wouldn't recommend any.

In losing weight the healthiest manner is going on a nutritious diet and getting adequate exercise.

Sugar is ultimately the root of all evil, you can still have high carbs and drop some weight. In my personal
experience cutting bread and dairy works wonders, but not all carbohydrates like some diets suggest, although
they do work. In brevity, cholesterol and saturated fats - ect - try to cut that out.

More than anything, run and run at a high enough intensity to sweat. You don't have to lift weight over exercising
at a high enough or aerobic intensity to lose fat. You mainly want to sweat and sweat all those impurities out.

My diet is a bit unorthodox, I have a high saturation of beer but recommend lower quantities to little alcohol while
eating smaller portions of meat, lots of fruit, veggies and nuts.


That being said, I personally eat mostly red meat, yuengling and pistachios, when I'm cutting.

I've just recovered from pulling my Achilles tendon and am in wretched shape after being down for two months.

I'm probably going to go the ways of the earls of old my 40's or so.

Motivation is the hardest part, just try to stay committed to one or the other with diet or exercise.

Run, Jump rope - ect... I don't suggest low impact like the elliptical machine over running.
The low impact machines do not work the muscles used in running, I went from elliptical back
to high intensity running and that's when I pulled my Achilles tendon and thought I had a stress
fracture. It's also important you start out at a reasonable pace and let your body and especially
your ankle and feet muscles build strength to hall your fat *** around at combat speed.

Swim! Swimming is magical exercise.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Well, a year later and I'm about 10 pounds heavier than I was, though this is after loosing the weight from being off my feet pretty much this entire year, especially after knee surgery.


RF's pet cat
I lost about 14 pounds in 3 months. :D Woohoo! I still want to lose more though. I feel better when I'm at the lower end of my BMI, more energy and feeling lighter, like things are easier to do.


Active Member
I lost about 14 pounds in 3 months. :D Woohoo! I still want to lose more though. I feel better when I'm at the lower end of my BMI, more energy and feeling lighter, like things are easier to do.

Congratulations! That is pretty much the amount that I need to lose. I love the more energy and lighter feeling you get from losing weight.


Get me off of this planet
I've put on 20 pounds since I hurt my back in December. I went on anti-psychotics as well and the Psyche said I would probably put on additional weight. That being said I didn't F around and got back into the gym, fully recuperated from my back injuries.

So basically supplements aren't necessary to lose weight, nor are diuretics like Hydroxycut. While hydroxycut can work but it's not something I would recommend to others do to health concerns.

My cardio routine involves 10-15 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) @ 6-12.5% incline @ 5-6mph, and 10 to 30 minutes of additional walking at 3.5mph @ 12.5% incline.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday I perform this routine and the 25 minutes of cardio above.

Wednesday and Saturday I do 45 minutes of cardio and abs.


Going on about supplements, you should see a good nutritionist like it says on the FDA labels.

I learned that I store more nutrients than I process immediately, so all those protein shakes don't turn over for months afterwards and I put about 20 pounds of fat on.

I think many peoples physiology is like this where more nutrients goes into storage over processing immediately like you're lead to believe.

I am also a firm believer in the 'Cave Man' diet or Paleo, it's not a fad diet. So after that intense cardio session your body is expecting to consume something like it just chased down an animal. So that's a good time period to eat something. Nutrition macro's are up to you, I'm not that fanatical. I just learned I didn't need 160-200g of protein a day.

More importantly, stay motivated and keep your health in mind, that's what keeps me motivated.


RF's pet cat
Well no one posted here in a long time. Long story short, I'm about 140 pounds right now.

I'm really struggling in finding a way to be able to lose weight and maintain it. My calorie requirements are actually quite low (around 1650) and I hate to exercise... But I can manage to make myself do it for 30 min on the bike, about 200 calories. I get really low and irritated if I try to force myself to do more. I don't get a high at all and never understood how people could enjoy the pain of exercise. I'm also not eating unhealthily but maybe I am having bit too much calories. :/ I don't count calories, because I hate doing it, it feels unhealthy and obsessive to me.

I'm trying to look into alternatives to daily calorie counting and cutting. But then even if I get to my goal weight, I don't know how I'll maintain it. I'm really not sure what to do. I'll try to make myself bike consistently but I really don't know what to do about food. -_-' I mean, if I am eating over my calorie amount and then manage to burn 200 calories, I might just come about even and not lose anything. Something has to give in and right now, I don't feel up to exercising more.

Ugh why is this so fraking difficult!?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This thread has made me depressed. I was doing so good until I had to move back into my mom's, and she gets nothing but junk to eat. I even almost got back up to 300 pounds, which caused me to get so stressed that I pretty much refused to eat because I didn't want all the chemicals, added sugars, and other processed junk my mom insists is food. I think when I get back out on my own I may become borderline militant about keeping all that crap out of my house.
I'm really struggling in finding a way to be able to lose weight and maintain it.
There is always my own method of "get so stressed out of your mind that you barely eat and loose about 20 pounds in two months," LOL!
I hate to exercise... But I can manage to make myself do it for 30 min on the bike, about 200 calories.
What I do at the gym is three sets of 10 on machines with just enough weight to make myself to have to focus and concentrate on what I'm doing, which totally gets my mind off of everything else. The demands of focus and pushing yourself to make it through those last few lifts are a far greater escape than any drug because you really can't focus on anything else. And because it's high rep-low weight you can tone up without bulking up.


The sickness
anybody that needs help.. anyone that needs support.. im on year 3 and still not 100% but i refuse to go through it without doing as much as i can to help others

Marvin L. Zinn

no title
I hear and read many discussion on this "lose weight" discussion. My common reply when asked is, "Stop eating junk!" I am often asked about it because my weight has always been below normal, and never changed 5 lbs in 50 years. (The greatest addictive drug in the world is SUGAR.)