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Weight Loss and Diet Support Group

Me Myself

Back to my username
I'm working out everyday now. I walk every morning when I get up. In fact, I'm getting ready for my morning walk right now. I workout later in the day by doing either some intense cardio or strength training too depending on the day. I use to have weight lifting in the mix when I first started my weight loss trek and I'm planning on throwing that back in as well. I'm trying to treat these next few months like boot camp. I remember what real boot camp did for my body and I want to try to duplicate the results as much as I can. Which is why I'm not concerning myself as much with the end result on the scale as much as the body fat percentage now. When I went through boot camp I came out lean and strong and 9lbs heavier...but lost 10% body fat. I was lean bulk muscle, and I liked it. ;)

Has "working out every day" worked before? o.o . I generaly hear muscle needs some time to recover.

Heh, true pounds on themselves are unimportant. What`s your body fat porcentage goal if I may ask?


Wonder Woman
Yes, recovery is important, but we all walk don't we? I go for a daily walk and rotate types of extra workouts 6 days a week leaving the 7th day as just a walking day. Thus still essentially getting in some exercise but nothing more than what we have to do anyway...just a set time doing it ;) This morning I did pretty well. Did 3.5mi at about 4mph. Probably would have gone for a full 4 miles if it had been a little cooler out and there had been a breeze to speak of. Oddly warm for 8am this morning.

As for body fat percentage, it would be really great to get down to 21 to 23% again, though I realize that's going to take a lot of work.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Yes, recovery is important, but we all walk don't we? I go for a daily walk and rotate types of extra workouts 6 days a week leaving the 7th day as just a walking day. Thus still essentially getting in some exercise but nothing more than what we have to do anyway...just a set time doing it ;) This morning I did pretty well. Did 3.5mi at about 4mph. Probably would have gone for a full 4 miles if it had been a little cooler out and there had been a breeze to speak of. Oddly warm for 8am this morning.

As for body fat percentage, it would be really great to get down to 21 to 23% again, though I realize that's going to take a lot of work.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Wonder Woman
Okay, here we go.

This is me...what I looked like a little over a year ago.


This is me...65lbs lighter...today.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Wow, you look great. Not that you looked bad in your before pics, but wow you have lost alot of weight and it shows.
Me, I'm just now able to fit into the size of jeans I was when I was in high school. But tomorrow I'm going to find out when my knee surgery is, and after I get back on my feet from that I plan on making an intense, 6 day workout regiment to shed weight, and the remaining 70 pounds to be at a healthy weight. Also to help fight the heart disease that runs in both sides of my family, but I think it stems more from life style choices than anything. Such as everyone on my dad's family except for him and one of his sisters are heavy smokers and/or drinkers and/or drug users, and on my moms family poor diets are the norm, such as my mom who eats alot of snack cakes and fried foods (and she takes nitroglycerin).


Wonder Woman
It's good that you are deciding to be proactive on the health front then, knowing your family history. That's to be commended.

Out of curiosity I just looked up what was considered the "ideal weight" for someone of my height and build. For a 5'4" small build woman I'm supposed to be 110 to 119lbs. Yeah right! I can't remember when I've ever been that weight. I'd have to go back to childhood records for that. :p I'm 150lbs and my goal is tentatively to 140 for now with the prospect of going down to 135 or even 130 depending on how I feel about my body when I get there. I know I have toning to do and I'm more concerned with that really. I honestly cannot imagine my body at so little as to be 110 to 119 though. How does one have muscle mass at so little???

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Out of curiosity I just looked up what was considered the "ideal weight" for someone of my height and build. For a 5'4" small build woman I'm supposed to be 110 to 119lbs. Yeah right! I can't remember when I've ever been that weight. I'd have to go back to childhood records for that. :p I'm 150lbs and my goal is tentatively to 140 for now with the prospect of going down to 135 or even 130 depending on how I feel about my body when I get there. I know I have toning to do and I'm more concerned with that really. I honestly cannot imagine my body at so little as to be 110 to 119 though. How does one have muscle mass at so little???
I'm not a big fan of ideal body weights or the BMI. For starters it doesn't consider muscle mass, and it doesn't consider the fact that some people have larger frames than others. And they don't consider a few extra pounds really isn't that unhealthy.
My personal philosophy has become as long as I am doing what I am supposed to, which is eating healthy and getting adequate exercise, then I'll loose some weight and even if I don't get to an "ideal" weight I'll still be healthy as long as I continue with a good diet and exercise program.


Well-Known Member
I have a pretty physical job but I have time off in the summer. I walk and lift weights and work on my core and stuff in the summer to prepare for going back to work. I usually take a month off to heal before I begin lifting weights. I am six feet one and a half inches and weigh 170 but I was down to 165 during work and then gained 10 pounds while I 'healed'. I have lost 5 of them since I began walking and working out at the end of July. I jog just a bit and am increasing that. I try to eat very healthy and take my vitamins and such. I like to snack and have a some drinks in the evening but I try to eat peanuts and grapes, a little cheese and crackers sometimes, and pretzels or stuff that's not too fattening. Sometimes I eat whatever I want, I like my snacks. I have a little garden and I make a nice meal in the morning with tomatoes and different peppers and green beans from my garden along with garlic, onion, broccoli, mixed veggies, chicken or tuna, sometimes pasta...for a nice soup or sometimes an omelet. I just go out and pick and chop up whatever I have on hand. Eating food you grow is soooo good. I try to eat some fruit like an apple, orange, or peaches or whatnot, too and drink lots and lots of water. I feel really good from just walking 2-3 miles a day and lifting light weights every other day. I am getting in better shape this summer than I have the past few. Its nice to go out and walk, so relaxing to the mind and I can't believe how just walking really does so much for you! It really is amazing and I highly recommend to everyone, if you don't walk, go walk! You will be so surprised about the third day in. I enjoy reading my Bible and other books and playing with my plants, walking, playing my guitar and bass when I can, gaming, and posting here now and then, and just learning stuff online about gardening and cooking and stuff. I slow-cooked a chicken the other day, yum. Ok. Come to think of it, I only had my one soup meal earlier today and an apple. I did lift weights but I missed my walk 'cuz I got caught up here, lol. Gonna lift weights again tomorrow as I only did one rep of each, and walk extra, too. I think my feet needed a break, so, np. I'm gonna go watch tv and have a snack and some drinks now, gonna go "make merry", but not TOO merry :). I didn't mean to bore anyone, just sharing. Have a nice evening!


Wonder Woman
Okay, down 73lbs now. Down to 26.3% body fat, which is considered in the healthy range for a woman, but I still think I can do better. Currently 141.4lbs, 64.14kg for our metric friends, and still aiming for lower.

BTW, those are my size 10 Jordaches I have been working on getting into all along. They slid on this morning without issue. :jiggy:


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Me Myself

Back to my username
Okay, down 73lbs now. Down to 26.3% body fat, which is considered in the healthy range for a woman, but I still think I can do better. Currently 141.4lbs, 64.14kg for our metric friends, and still aiming for lower.

BTW, those are my size 10 Jordaches I have been working on getting into all along. They slid on this morning without issue. :jiggy:


Sucsess! :D

Keep on the awesom work! :bow:


Wonder Woman
Thank you. Still have more work I want to do, but rather proud of myself for finally getting into those jeans.


Wonder Woman
Okay, oddly enough, I stopped dieting and even trying to lose weight around the time of my last post here I think it was. When my son had Pneumonia and was in the hospital I started dealing with fatigue issues of my own and just decided to not worry about dieting for a while. I say "oddly enough" because I stepped on the scale this morning, out of sheer curiosity, and weighed in at 136.6 lbs. I've lost weight and haven't even tried. Granted, it is probably because I've been sick lately, but still. I guess that brings my total weight loss to about 77 or so now? Can't remember if my starting point was 214 or 215 anymore. I know I've seen as high as 216 on the scale, but whatever. Either way...I've lost a lot :p
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have no idea where I'm at right now as I don't have a scale and haven't been weighed in a few months. My mom says it looks like I have lost some more weight, but I really don't feel it and I don't think I look like I have.


Wonder Woman
So, as I said before, I had stopped dieting and such. Well, I have started back up on my goal for better fitness and a better body. I have tweaked my diet and have started an exercise routine. I'm in my second week of my new exercise routine and have gone from that 137lbs up to 140lbs awful quickly. Well, you just don't gain 3lbs in a week and a half from dieting nor from miraculously gaining muscle that quickly either. Nope, stupid me, I've just realized that I'm not really drinking anything. Whereas before, most of my hard exercising has always been in the warmer months and so I'm usually guzzling water, I'm not doing so now. So, here I am doing this self-***-kicking and I'm barely sweating...therefore I'm retaining water and thus, water weight. So here I am, bottle of water in front of me, promising myself to religiously drink water throughout the day from now on otherwise I'm going to just be a bloated water-retaining camel. :(


Veteran Member
Premium Member
To 214 to 137? Great! Congratulations.

I have a question. I had a really big baby and I carried him all up front. Since then, 16 years ago, my weight crept up another 25 pounds. Most of it was gained over all those winter months. My goal is to lose 30-40 pounds. I have lost 10 so far. My question is how does the skin over my belly shrink? Will it? I am 57 and afraid to be a kangaroo for rest of my life should I meet my weight loss target, but keep the sag.


Wonder Woman
Skin takes a long time to rebound, and unfortunately, longer the older you are. Sometimes, depending on how long it's been stretched and how old a person is, it may not entirely rebound at all. Now, you can do your best at trying to minimize the sag. Making sure you get your vitamins, especially A, and perhaps using some skin tightening creams. Also, the quicker you lose weight the more easily your skin will sag. The more gradual the weight comes off the more time your skin has to adjust to the change. I had quite the large belly, in fact, I have found back ups of the pics I took as "before"s that I thought my son had deleted and just looked at them, and whoa nelly, I had a belly. So, yeah, I have some loose skin, but I don't think it all that bad that someone is going to notice unless I'm naked or in a 2 piece doing push-ups :p Still working on it.

30-40lbs, you might not have as much to worry about really. You're talking to someone who's lost over 70lbs and mine is manageable. It takes time. Best just to really work on getting your body fat down, especially in your abs. The flatter you can make your abs the less prominent any excess skin is going to show in your clothing anyway.


Wonder Woman
Okay, since I have found my "before" pics I will say this much. When I have reached my goal, if it is okay to post them (they are in bra and panties - equivalent to two-piece swimsuit - I'll even hide and tag them if necessary) I will bravely post my before's and some after pics as well. And believe me, considering what I looked like, "bravely" is the word for it.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Noted. Keep up the good work! :)

I myself have kept the belly measure I wanted since my diet :). I am closer to six pack looking now, But I have slacked off. In any case given progress I think I'll have them. For now, there is central line more marked. Actually I tink I'll post a photo soon :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I need to get a scale. I'm down a shirt size, and the jean size I was in high school I almost need a belt to keep up now. It is my goal that when school starts again in the fall I will have to get new clothes to have something that will fit.


Wonder Woman
I need to get a scale. I'm down a shirt size, and the jean size I was in high school I almost need a belt to keep up now. It is my goal that when school starts again in the fall I will have to get new clothes to have something that will fit.

I love that feeling. Having to get new clothes, not because things are too tight, but because they are falling off you. ;) When you simply can't wear your jeans without a belt because they fall down, or workout pants are unwearable completely because they just won't stay up. :jiggy: Bras are another thing I've been contending with. I've gone from a 42DD to a 36D. 36D is hard to find in certain stores. For some reason they seem to think women don't have D-cups unless they have a 38 band. I have one 38D bra...it's a constant tugging thing with the band riding up. :rolleyes: I was recently able to get a few more appropriately sized ones luckily, so I won't have to use that one much now.