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Does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?

Does Xmas (Christmas) have anything to do with Christ?

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Active Member
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a religion?
In the sense you probably mean, no. Religion is the teaching of things about God that differ from what God teaches about Himself. In the sense that Jesus meant when he began the Christian Congregation the night before he was killed, no. He began the "one true faith" as he called it. In the sense that the Watchtower Society is registered as such for the purposes of functioning in the world today, yes. The witnesses for God preach and teach ONLY the word of God. No dogma, no doctrine that doesn't come directly from the scriptures. No teaching of their own beliefs other than the things scriptural. Being Christian is NOT a religion. Christendom, all religions claiming falsely to be Christian, is made up of religions, all of which are false. They all teach things about the scriptures and about God and Jesus that are false. They all teach things that differ from all other religions. Catholic different than Protestant. Babtist different from Judaism. Islam different from Hinduism, and so on. And not one teaches what any other teaches. They all teach falsehoods. Religion was first introduced into the world in the garden in Eden to Eve, by Satan. Satan told lies about God, Eve believed it, she made Adam a proselyte. Abel was the first martyr and the first witness for God. His blood cries out as a witness, as the scripture says. So in answer to your question, no.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
. The witnesses for God preach and teach ONLY the word of God. No dogma, no doctrine that doesn't come directly from the scriptures. No teaching of their own beliefs other than the things scriptural.
Not so! You missed the governing body talk on spandex. You should keep up!

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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Even though The Bible says people of the nations must be welcome too the Governing Body has outlawed Christmas but they also outlawed spandex so should they be trusted to teach "only the word of God"? What about women's other clothes choices? Pants and leisure clothes at meetings. Outlawed. Have you ever heard of "tight pants"? Outlawed.

I do not disagree there should be respect for meetings regarding a person's dress. I don't believe RULES that are not found in the Bible should be made for that. It's called the food of Pharisees.


document file
Actually, Jesus said to memorialize his death. Not to do that every time they met in his name. It was written by the annointed, TO the annointed. It means that only the annointed are to partake in the emblems (wine & bread) annually on the day of Jesus death. NOT all the time, and not by any one who is not of the annointed. That is slapping Jesus in the face so to speak.


document file
also please note that everybody in the church should take part in the Holy Communion. The JW believe they shouldn't!!!! There is bo such verse in the whole Bible ,I knowa what they believe but I don'e even want to remark on it as they are very wrong.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
1 Corinthians 11:24-27
And when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord.

Should is a bad word. Jesus knocks at the door. Whenever you answer the door and let him in he comes in. When that happens you need not remember his death any more as he is now alive to you.


document file
1 Corinthians 11:24-27
And when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord.

Should is a bad word. Jesus knocks at the door. Whenever you answer the door and let him in he comes in. When that happens you need not remember his death any more as he is now alive to you.
I am glad we agree. God Bless You


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
You have not backed up your claims with "scriptural seeds". But the claims(seeds) you have sown are those of "tares".

You make assertions that are not even remotely true or honest. I am not here to "prove" anything here. That is a childish concept. I am not a child either.

Your above statement shows who is honest and true. A child asks for information and you, as a minister of Jesus Christ, say to search for yourself. Where in the Scriptures do you find Jesus not informing those HE taught the authority for that which HE was teaching.
Your claims are not found in those Scriptures which Jesus said to search. Therefore, are tares to corrupt the truth of GOD'S teachings.

The true seeker(no matter the age) is searching for truth and the authority by which it is deemed valid. That serpent from the beginning claimed to know more than GOD---and what he proposed was contradictory to the "Thus saith the Lord GOD".

That which you have "claimed"/presented is not Scriptural, but the traditions of those who you believe--- men made origins.

As Jesus asked---what kind of father are you? What is the "gift"(seed) being given to the asking "child"? "stone?" "serpent?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What is wrong with making blanket rules?
blanket statement/rule/ban etc
a statement, rule etc that affects everyone or includes all possible cases

I should beware of bad associations. Correct? But if everyone is made to be the same then how will I know which are bad and which are good? If someone went out in the field service with tight pants on I would know the person is not conscious of the way he looks to other people. I think people who are not conscious are bad associations. What do YOU think?
If someone came to meetings regularly in sweat pants what would I think about that person? I might think she has no respect for decorum. A person without respect for others is a bad association. Right? Whatever a person decides for his or her self tells us a lot about the person. Doesn't it?
I put on Christmas (back to the topic). What does it say about me? .

But to make a rule everyone is guilted into following tells us NOTHING. But to people on the outside it says alot. Those people are mindless sheeple is all it says. Why would they gather to you?


Admiral Obvious
Actually no. His post does not seem to show any ignorance. Yours does however. Christmas is an invented pagan religion adopted by Christendom (false Christian religions) to attract pagans to their false churches, to collect more money.
Sharing his ignorance about "Xmas taking the christ out of Christmas" does not make it any less ignorant.


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
Mike, GOD has made no "viewpoint" arguments saying one should not celebrate another year of "the life" which came from HIM. That is your unscriptural opinion.

Certainly not. It is not "my" opinion. It isn't even unscriptural. It is your ignorance of the scriptures, and God's requirements. Just because you haven't any clue as to how and why of the scriptures, doesn't make me wrong. It makes you guilty of not studying daily what God teaches. Glorifying anyone or anything other than God the Almighty does displease Him. Doing anything pagan has the same effect. You shouldn't assume that relying on your own understanding is correct, because God did say "don't rely upon your own understanding". He also said to "not touch the unclean thing". He also said anything pagan was an unclean thing. Birthday celebrating IS pagan. Jesus taught that we must "take in accurate information about the Father daily". It appears that you've failed miserably at that admonishment.

Mike, You have accepted that view as correct and the claim is that by a consensus of the believers of your persuasion the eisegesis of the scriptures by them is correct.

Jesus Christ is in "Christ"---mass. To those who believe that HE was BORN and lived among men. Those know that the tree is just a tree. The decorations make it festive, but it is not worshiped. Believers in Christ, also, know that the actual date of HIS Birth is not known, but supplied. Therefore, there is no misplaced "glory" or pagan god worship.
"Uncleanness" are the evil machinations which you are supplying.

Therefore, supply that "accurate information" (not assumed) that one's birth day is not to be celebrated.
While you are supplying, Please do so for the meaning of "glory" only pertaining to GOD. the Scriptures say differently. Notice Matt.4:8, "Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, andthe glory of them;"
There has to be something in the world for one to "lust" after it.
The context of the subject determines to what belongs the "glory ".
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Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
Would you accept it if it had been appointed as August or September the 25th???

No.It matters not when the actual day is because it is not commanded to celebrate to begin with.Jesus did command that his death be remembered though.He never makes mention of his birthday.

Then you are basing your supposition on "silence"---it "doesn't say to do". Therefore. the converse is just as valid. The Scriptures do not say "Not to".
The "passover" was symbolic of the protection by Jesus Christ by the believing person---as evidenced by the "broken bread and the wine".
Jesus said, HE is "the way, the truth , and the Life". And one is to "choose life", why shouldn't one celebrate the "Life" that only comes from GOD"? The arguments give by you are not Scriptural, but are a twisting of the truth and the way to the Father.


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
Bible S., Paul's writings to Timothy(1+2) says such "getting along"(God's truth vs. secular(worldly error) will not happen. Sin has to run its full course and that is "wickedness will wax worse and worse"--- sound doctrine will be traded for lies---

Yes.Thats is why people need to learn the truth and stop doing as the world does.Celebrating pagan customs.

Bible S., Jesus, also, stated that, he that is not against us , is for us.Jesus was born as the scriptures declare and you acknowledge.
Therefore, which is against us"? The "assumed" date for the birth of Jesus Christ who was promised before the foundation of the world?---OR the denial of HIS Birth and the claim that HE/GOD/ and Creation is a myth?


I think it was historically started in order to be a way to honor Christ. But with the way society is now, it is more about gift giving and well meaning for all then about Christ. So I vote "no" it is not about Christ. Not anymore.
Aside from its pagan elements, most people understand that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. But in practice, people spend more time in December cruising shopping malls than studying the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer compete with wise men and shepherds for our attention. During all the bustle between “Black Friday” and Christmas Eve, materialism tends to overshadow the simple stable.


Well-Known Member
Christmas has everything to do with Christ, and also with a range of 3 - 5000 year old pagan traditions. However Christianity, & for that matter 'Christ' (and therefore also Christmas) has absolutely nothing in common with the teachings of any Hebrew Messiah around 2000 years ago, and since recorded, duplicated, corrupted etc. in 'The Bible' .

The bottom line is through the centuries, religious corruption and the mythology it has always devised and rehashed, has incrementally all but extinguished virtually everything that was designed to set the 'Hebrew' understanding of reality apart from the assumptions and predispositions that so readily predominate within the human mentality.

Sihopopa, The Creator GOD prophesied of the birth of the Messiah in Gen.3:15, That Being was, "in the fullness of time", born and rejected as prophesied by "HIS own". It is that Being which is the subject of this thread that you admit "Christmas has everything to do with Christ".

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Can you back up your statement that "his followers always noted his birth" etc.
In what way did his followers "note" his birth?
Christ was first and foremost a Jew. Jews did not celebrate births. For purposes of keeping track of age the approximante date of conception was recongnized, not the day of birth. Jews never celebrated someones birth so why would his followers "note" his birth when NO ONE knew the date of his birth. Probably he was born sometime in Sept. as the shepards were still outdoors tending flocks. (read the Bible please)
Everything about our Xmass celebration is pagan in origins. Read up in any encyclopedia if you want to know the truth.
Fact is Xmass is so corrupted that a century or so ago in England celebrating the birth of Christ was ILLEGAL and if people were caught doing so they were jailed.
Why any knowlegable Xtian would celebrate Christs birth as a religious holiday is beyond my comprehension.
His DEATH is much more important and should be observed as his LIFE on earth was to die for our sins. The key word is DIE, shed his blood to save us from the wages of sin.
So how do we observe his death? We color eggs, put out plastic rabbits, and celebrate his Holy death by observing totally pagan fertility rights and spring solstice.
Satan has many clever ways to corrupt what is holy and beneficial.
Same thing with believing in a literal hell that never existed. Observing the notion of a hell where doomed sinners are tortured for enternity brings NO glory to God.
Hell is a completely pagan concept and has no place in Christianity.
The image of Dante's Inferno was a joke. Dante was an artist and playwrite that wrote " a Devine Comedy" describing a terrible place where codemned sinners go.
Do the research. Hell was a cosmic joke, not a real place.
It may interest you to know the ancient Jews had NO conception of a hell at all.
Remember tha Jesus was a Jew, so why would he invent a "hell".
yeah the word in the Bible but it's the wrong word and used wrong.
Check it out for youself please.
Xmass is also a cosmic joke. Jew would never celebrate a day of birth of anyone.
Jesus, Yeshua, our god, was a terrible Jew then. He broke the Sabbath, told us outright to follow different dietary laws, argued with the 'priests' in the Temple, and changed various traditional commandments/teachings. Not to mention telling his followers and those around Him that they literally didn't know the father before Him, i.e. Jeshua. Does this sound like a person who we should be applying those completely "rules" of Jusaism you are presenting? Assuming your research is correct, celebrating Xmas would be very far down on the list of 'rules' to be worrying about lol.