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Does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?

Does Xmas (Christmas) have anything to do with Christ?

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Well-Known Member
Actually, he was not brother.The holy scriptures tells us that Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem for the census declared by Caesar Augustus.This did not occur in the winter.This is in Luke 2.

Luke 2:1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world

Luke 2:4,5. 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

Also if you keep reading it tells us that the shepherds were outside tending to their flocks at night.This is not done in the winter time.The Jerusalem area in december is very cold.

Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

So we can clearly see that Jesus was not born in december when it is vert cold.It had to of taken place before this time.

Would you accept it if it had been appointed as August or September the 25th???


Well-Known Member
My last comment re this A. H observance's
All those ORNAMENTS AND I SAY IT AGAIN ornaments put on the tree
Are and always has been a representative of sex organs
Why would anyone in their right mind want anything that allows ungodliness for homosexuals to elaborate their practices
I'm finished with any discussion of foolishness of Xmas the worst observance day of the year.
Fools feed on foolishness and always follow those who lead people astray
Those leaders of society (fact) are all under a cloud that spreads deception that has filtered down from the most ungodly leader of society.
And he is the holder of the office where that ungodly leader shows himself as being godly, and has deceived the whole world to suck up to and go salami salami baloney eventually wanting to control all of society under him
They want control of society for their own ego, they do not want the god created this world to control of the world.
That is where you are going to end up and you will be keeping their values ending up as their slave. A society of slaves and no freedom of choice where to live and play etc.
Don't believe me
Just go to rerum novarum and read all of it to find out how they will take control of society and will do with your life and will distribute the wealth that those who have and will give to those who don't work
Question before I say good bye
They will do this to you
You go away from your house shopping and you come back and find someone else living in your house
You go to the police and they will tell you nothing we can do
They have need and therefore they are entitled to it. That is found in that reading of re rum novarum,
And you because you own the house have to pay their bills
Go ahead and keep this pagan holiday observance and you will find all of those involved will see the beast power come to do that 666. Is that what you want for your children and your life?
Allow only a small part of this practice to enter into the lives of yourself your children and just wait and see what happens when the military, police all back this man of sin, that you supported.

Keep up your practice and enjoy your future life with 666 the beast. God says to come out of her!
If you don't know where all this is or has been going
Here's your answers
Beast no, 666 relates to the PAPACY, practices and it's future leadership.

Leaders controlled under him and not in order that have already infiltrated all leadership of society and not in order of authority
Some of these leaders of society;
Jesuits, Illuminati, Mason's knits of Columbus, GOVERNMENTS and their organizations, (Just check and see who of the leaders are 33 degree masons) You won't believe it.
Now if you still don't believe me go to Doctor Walter Veiths you tube videos and look up total onslaught and there is many well investigated research done on this subject
Then go to beyond today tv and go to archives and watch the video re Xmas or what you can find on the subject of Easter and Xmas
Both are pagan in origin and an extreme offence to God
Do you or anyone else want to get up out of bed one day on the wrong side of GOD?
Be my guest as I I've given you more then enough where to go and learn the truth.

Check your conclusions "against the Scriptures"---Not those man made opinions---I see part right and part suppositions.


Well-Known Member
You don't know what your talking about
Go study the true word and stop listening to what a false minister is and has told you
Christ had and will never have anything to do with Xmas
Xmas was implemented in the 300 AD I think it was said in the Catholic catechisms during the reign of Constantine

My answer was to s2a; or didn't you read his post?
You are doing a little projecting of your ideas here.

I am seeing your computer meets the same criteria thus far...

Santa another man made invention, did not hijack anything.
People make Christmas what they wont of it.

what difference does it make seeing as Christmas is a man made invention that Jesus never gave instruction about?

has become...?

Ah, so you are a polytheist then?

Only if you let it.

Nice ending for a sermon.

Only if you let it....Very true, whilst Christ gave no instruction to celebrate Christmas, He did not say not to either. For those of us who are Christians, it is good to give thanks for Christ's first coming, and look forward with expectation to His second coming. For those who hold Christ in contempt, they will be alarmed when Christ appears the second time because there will be no excuse to hide behind, but for those who are His, we will be excited at His brilliant appearing, knowing that we have nothing to be frightened about. Christ's love says that He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Christ came first as a babe in a manger, but His second appearing will be with power and judgment because we are all accountable to Christ the Creator. I ask the question, 'What have you done with the life that Christ has given you? Have you used it for your own selfish desires or have you used it for Him?' Christ's Prophet, Certainty for Eternity


Well-Known Member

Bible S., Paul's writings to Timothy(1+2) says such "getting along"(God's truth vs. secular(worldly error) will not happen. Sin has to run its full course and that is "wickedness will wax worse and worse"--- sound doctrine will be traded for lies---
Only those who hear, see their plight, and do as GOD has directed will be among those who "come out of her" and are saved with the meek, peace-keepers who have GOD as their GOD.


Active Member
Mike, GOD has made no "viewpoint" arguments saying one should not celebrate another year of "the life" which came from HIM. That is your unscriptural opinion.
Certainly not. It is not "my" opinion. It isn't even unscriptural. It is your ignorance of the scriptures, and God's requirements. Just because you haven't any clue as to how and why of the scriptures, doesn't make me wrong. It makes you guilty of not studying daily what God teaches. Glorifying anyone or anything other than God the Almighty does displease Him. Doing anything pagan has the same effect. You shouldn't assume that relying on your own understanding is correct, because God did say "don't rely upon your own understanding". He also said to "not touch the unclean thing". He also said anything pagan was an unclean thing. Birthday celebrating IS pagan. Jesus taught that we must "take in accurate information about the Father daily". It appears that you've failed miserably at that admonishment.
Would you accept it if it had been appointed as August or September the 25th???

No.It matters not when the actual day is because it is not commanded to celebrate to begin with.Jesus did command that his death be remembered though.He never makes mention of his birthday.
Bible S., Paul's writings to Timothy(1+2) says such "getting along"(God's truth vs. secular(worldly error) will not happen. Sin has to run its full course and that is "wickedness will wax worse and worse"--- sound doctrine will be traded for lies---
Only those who hear, see their plight, and do as GOD has directed will be among those who "come out of her" and are saved with the meek, peace-keepers who have GOD as their GOD.
Yes.Thats is why people need to learn the truth and stop doing as the world does.Celebrating pagan customs.


Active Member
Yes.Thats is why people need to learn the truth and stop doing as the world does.Celebrating pagan customs.
That is one very great reason that Jesus told his apostles to "be no part of the world". They lived as alien residents in the world, but did not participate in the "desires of the world" or it's machinations.


Christmas has everything to do with Christ, and also with a range of 3 - 5000 year old pagan traditions. However Christianity, & for that matter 'Christ' (and therefore also Christmas) has absolutely nothing in common with the teachings of any Hebrew Messiah around 2000 years ago, and since recorded, duplicated, corrupted etc. in 'The Bible' .

The bottom line is through the centuries, religious corruption and the mythology it has always devised and rehashed, has incrementally all but extinguished virtually everything that was designed to set the 'Hebrew' understanding of reality apart from the assumptions and predispositions that so readily predominate within the human mentality.
Santa, Satan? Santa is simply the Latin word for "saint". I wouldn't put too much stock into the letters used. :)
So you got me thinking. Here is what Wikipedia has to say:
Sinterklaas [sɪntər'klaːs] or Sint Nicolaas [sɪnt 'nikolaːs] [ pronunciation (help·info)] is a traditional figure based on Saint Nicholas. Other names for the figure include De Sint ("The Saint"), De Goedheiligman ("The Good Holy Man"), and De Goede Sint ("The Good Saint") in Dutch; Sinterklaas in French; Saint-Nicolas in Frisian; and Kleeschen and Zinniklos in Luxembourgish.
Sinterklaas is celebrated annually with the giving of gifts on the night before Saint Nicholas Day (5 December) in the Netherlands and on the morning of 6 December, Saint Nicholas Day itself, in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Northern France (French Flanders, Lorraine and Artois). He is also well known in territories of the former Dutch Empire, including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao.
He is one of the sources of the popular Christmas icon of Santa Claus.[1] You never hear of Saint Claas?? Happy Sinterklaas to you. Christ's Prophet
Christmas has everything to do with Christ, and also with a range of 3 - 5000 year old pagan traditions. However Christianity, & for that matter 'Christ' (and therefore also Christmas) has absolutely nothing in common with the teachings of any Hebrew Messiah around 2000 years ago, and since recorded, duplicated, corrupted etc. in 'The Bible' .

The bottom line is through the centuries, religious corruption and the mythology it has always devised and rehashed, has incrementally all but extinguished virtually everything that was designed to set the 'Hebrew' understanding of reality apart from the assumptions and predispositions that so readily predominate within the human mentality.

No...it does not.It has everything to do with pagan customs.


Active Member
Christmas has everything to do with Christ, and also with a range of 3 - 5000 year old pagan traditions. However Christianity, & for that matter 'Christ' (and therefore also Christmas) has absolutely nothing in common with the teachings of any Hebrew Messiah around 2000 years ago, and since recorded, duplicated, corrupted etc. in 'The Bible' .

The bottom line is through the centuries, religious corruption and the mythology it has always devised and rehashed, has incrementally all but extinguished virtually everything that was designed to set the 'Hebrew' understanding of reality apart from the assumptions and predispositions that so readily predominate within the human mentality.
Christmas has NOTHING to do with Jesus, the messiah. Nothing whatsoever. It is false religion that teaches that it does. Nowhere in the inspired word of God are we told to perform such pagan rituals. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that Jesus was born in December, on a date corresponding to Saturna. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that we are to celebrate anyone's birth anniversary. It DOES say that the day of one's birth is unimportant. It DOES say that the day of one's death IS important. It does say that we are to engage in or to touch NOTHING pagan. Birthday celebrations ARE pagan. Everything in the scriptures that is not a command, is an indication of the principles of God, our creator and sovereign ruler. The scriptures also say to "be no part of the world" or it's desires. The world does pagan things, but that is no reason to ignore our sovereign and do what the world does, is it? When it means missing the mark, or sinning. When it means displeasing God the Almighty. When it proves that one does not take in accurate knowledge of God every day. The two keys there are ACCURATE and DAILY.
Christmas has NOTHING to do with Jesus, the messiah. Nothing whatsoever. It is false religion that teaches that it does. Nowhere in the inspired word of God are we told to perform such pagan rituals. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that Jesus was born in December, on a date corresponding to Saturna. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that we are to celebrate anyone's birth anniversary. It DOES say that the day of one's birth is unimportant. It DOES say that the day of one's death IS important. It does say that we are to engage in or to touch NOTHING pagan. Birthday celebrations ARE pagan. Everything in the scriptures that is not a command, is an indication of the principles of God, our creator and sovereign ruler. The scriptures also say to "be no part of the world" or it's desires. The world does pagan things, but that is no reason to ignore our sovereign and do what the world does, is it? When it means missing the mark, or sinning. When it means displeasing God the Almighty. When it proves that one does not take in accurate knowledge of God every day. The two keys there are ACCURATE and DAILY.

Yes,Ecclesiastes 7:1A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.

James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
That is one very great reason that Jesus told his apostles to "be no part of the world". They lived as alien residents in the world, but did not participate in the "desires of the world" or it's machinations.

Christ said that we as Christians are to be in the world, but not of the world. The Christian is to be in the world that people can see God’s love at work, but contra wise, the world is not to be in the Christian. Otherwise He would have wanted us to be Monks and Nuns and isolate ourselves from the society around us. That’s not what He wanted. Christ prayed for His followers:-
John 17:20-26 (NIV2011)
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Christ's Prophet. Certainty for eternity.


Active Member
So you got me thinking. Here is what Wikipedia has to say:
Sinterklaas [sɪntər'klaːs] or Sint Nicolaas [sɪnt 'nikolaːs] [ pronunciation (help·info)] is a traditional figure based on Saint Nicholas. Other names for the figure include De Sint ("The Saint"), De Goedheiligman ("The Good Holy Man"), and De Goede Sint ("The Good Saint") in Dutch; Sinterklaas in French; Saint-Nicolas in Frisian; and Kleeschen and Zinniklos in Luxembourgish.
Sinterklaas is celebrated annually with the giving of gifts on the night before Saint Nicholas Day (5 December) in the Netherlands and on the morning of 6 December, Saint Nicholas Day itself, in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Northern France (French Flanders, Lorraine and Artois). He is also well known in territories of the former Dutch Empire, including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao.
He is one of the sources of the popular Christmas icon of Santa Claus.[1] You never hear of Saint Claas?? Happy Sinterklaas to you. Christ's Prophet
Christ's prophet? Most certainly not. Saint means holy. One cannot be made holy post mortem. The annointed were holy WHILE ALIVE. No one can petition heaven to make them holy when they are dead. The apostles never called themselves saint, and they were holy. They were the first of the annointed. The only ones going to heaven. The scriptures were written BY the annointed, and addressed TO the annointed. It is in this light that one must study them. They were not addressed to the rest of the world. The annointed are to use them to teach the rest of us with the scriptures. This accounts for a VERY LARGE amount of misconceptions about the inspired word of God.


Active Member
Yes,Ecclesiastes 7:1A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.

James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
Spot on the money my Texan brother.


Would you accept it if it had been appointed as August or September the 25th???

It's not that December 25 is (clearly) the incorrect date; heck virtually all theologians have now been forced to admit this. So the date being wrong is not the biggest issue by any means.

By far the most concerning issue is how this is coincidentally (yeah right!) the correct date for the PAGAN winter solstice rituals of the religious ancient (and current) Romans - all leading up to Sol Invictus (the invincible sun/son) - indeed on DECEMBER 25, no less.

The pagan celebrations included Saturnalia, Brumalia, Consualia, Opalia, and as it has always been - the Christian church still today identifies with the depiction of the sun/son.

How convenient!


Active Member
It's not that December 25 is (clearly) the incorrect date; heck virtually all theologians have now been forced to admit this. So the date being wrong is not the biggest issue by any means.

By far the most concerning issue is how this is coincidentally (yeah right!) the correct date for the PAGAN winter solstice rituals of the religious ancient (and current) Romans - all leading up to Sol Invictus (the invincible sun/son) - indeed on DECEMBER 25, no less.

The pagan celebrations included Saturnalia, Brumalia, Consualia, Opalia, and as it has always been - the Christian church still today identifies with the depiction of the sun/son.

How convenient!
Nor is that the only principle of our creator to consider.