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Those who believe there is no God live by faith

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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
This is what you believe and because you prove difinitively that there is no God this is your faith. The argument simply works both ways for those who believe and those who do not believe.

No, this is my reality, you cannot change the fundimental laws governing this universe just because bronze age man did not understand them


Well-Known Member
Hi epro, nice to see you. I beleive people can provide evidence for either argument of the existence of God or non existence of God. It depends how reliable that evidence is or is not. The op is simply stating we cannot prove difinitively through evidence that there is or is no God. Hence wheather we believe there is God or not both views live by faith.

While I agree up to a certain point that it's possible to present arguments and proofs for or against the existence of deities, I disagree with your second proposition. I don't believe in God based on reasonned evaluation of the evidence not by blind trust in a premise (that which we call faith). Uncertainty doesn't equate faith. There is a gradation between trust and faith just like there is one between fear and terror.

PS: Have we met somewhere else?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You were the one who said to me you do not believe in God or the existence of God not me :)
I never made that claim. Poor reading comprehension might lead one to think that. In fact that is one of the main reasons I concluded that may be a problem of yours. It is also reportable if you continue to make that claim.It

I would suggest that you study up on the proper use of the word "or" and how to use it in the correct context.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
From your reply to someone else
Yet this is my point. If you cannot prove or have evidence that there is no God then you are living by faith just as much as those who believe in God or the existence of God.

This is basically saying we are living by faith that anything we can't detect with our five senses isn't there. We take things for granted, yes; but, that's different than not having faith in something we haven't came in contact with to begin with.


Well-Known Member
It means since we don't have evidence to suggest there is a god, why would we assume that one can "possibility" exist? Why ask a question of his existence if we have nothing to prompt us that he would exist to begin with? For example, I usually use "nothing" in my hand example. If I had nothing in my hand but mentioned there is a pencil, why would you ask "if there is no evidence that there is no pencil there, does that mean there is no pencil there?" Unless you doubt what you don't see, why ask the question. That's how Id see it.

Other religions that believe in the existence of God would argue that the prophets are eyewitnesses that God exists. Just because we cannot see the wind does not mean there is no wind. Just the same as we cannot see electricity does not mean that it does not exist before it was discovered. In science we ask questions and are opened to seek to answer questions we do not understand. If we do not know all things, there is always the possibility that God does exist if you cannot prove they he does not. As the OP states if you cannot prove that God does not exist your believe is simply as those who believe in religion and is based on faith.

Basically. Not all theist religions, though, believe by faith. I know a few say they know god exists. The evidence they give comes from the criteria of their given religious text, tradition, or practice.

I guess I am talking about undisputable definitive evidence. I do not believe both those who believe or do not believe have it, therefore their belief is based on faith.

But god isn't a abrahamaic word, so...

I do not think anyone can prove your statement above or disprove it. It is simply your opinion.

No. What about people do not know what god is, though?

According to the sciptures in times of ignorance (when someone does not know) God does not hold them accountable until they have been given a knowledge of the truth *ACTS 17:30-31

Maybe people who already believed in god and left god or doubt him, that question would make sense. The rest of us, how do we make sense of the question?

Good question. One that is a personal one IMO. Being opened for starters that there may be a God is the first step in the right direction.

No. That's just christianity influencing the mindset of people as if it were a default. Then, when someone comes to christ, they see it as "god pulling them" rather than understanding the psychological guilt behind the problem.

Well that is my faith and what I believe. Others simply have a different faith (belief) this is the point of the OP.

The correct "faith" is a personal decision. That, and not all religions believe in faith. That's christian influence. Once you get out of that, I think the answers would be clearer.

I believe faith whatever belief one has is a personal decision. That does not mean that faith or belief however is the correct one IMO

Thanks for sharing your view UA. :)

We Never Know

No Slack
Ok perhaps you can prove why you think I do not understand it and why you think not believing in God or the existance of God or lack of belief is not a belief? :)

Someone who collects coins has a collection. Someone who doesn't collect coins has no collection.

Someone who works has a job. Someone who doesn't work has no job.

Someone who is alive has a heartbeat. Someone who isn't alive has no heartbeat.

Someone who believes in a god has a belief. Someone who doesn't believe in a god has no belief.

-not collecting isn't a collection.
-not working isn't a job.
-not having a heartbeat isn't a heartbeat.
-not believing isn't a belief.


Well-Known Member
I never made that claim. Poor reading comprehension might lead one to think that. In fact that is one of the main reasons I concluded that may be a problem of yours. It is also reportable if you continue to make that claim.It I would suggest that you study up on the proper use of the word "or" and how to use it in the correct context.

Now your simply not being honest. Did you want me to post the link? Or would it be easier to ask you here directly again as I did in some other threads. Do you believe in the existence of God?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Hi all some questions for consideration for this OP....

1. If one does not believe that there is a God and they have no evidence that there is no God does that mean that God does not exist?

2. If one believes there is no God and cannot prove there is no God then is this belief simply another religion that is based on faith and not evidence?

3. Now for those who do not believe in God and you have no evidence for this belief (faith), does it not worry you that you could be wrong if the scriptures are true?

4. Finally if there is a God obviously not all religions can be correct as many are contradictory to each other. How would one go about finding what is the correct faith? Seems we all live by faith IMO wheather we believe or do not believe in God.

I believe God's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow God's Word according to the scriptures. Can you prove they are not

Thanks for your thoughts...
Why don't we try the same questions with a tiny difference:

1. If one does not believe that there is a Santa Claus and they have no evidence that there is no Santa Claus does that mean that Santa Claus does not exist?

2. If one believes there is no Santa Claus and cannot prove there is no Santa Claus then is this belief simply another religion that is based on faith and not evidence?

3. Now for those who do not believe in Santa Claus and you have no evidence for this belief (faith), does it not worry you that you could be wrong if the stories and carols are true?

4. Finally if there is a Santa Claus obviously not all gift sources (like the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny) can be correct as many are contradictory to each other. How would one go about finding what is the correct faith? Seems we all live by faith IMO wheather we believe or do not believe in Santa Claus.

I believe Santa Claus's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow the command to "be a good boy or girl" according to the stories and carols. Can you prove they are not. Will you still get presents?

Thanks for your thoughts...

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Now your simply not being honest. Did you want me to post the link? Or would it be easier to ask you here directly again as I did in some other threads. Do you believe in the existence of God?

Go ahead. I am betting on massive reading comprehension problems on your part.

and answering your question would not help you since you do not seem to understand the difference between a lack of belief and a belief of nonexistence.


Well-Known Member
From your reply to someone else
This is basically saying we are living by faith that anything we can't detect with our five senses isn't there. We take things for granted, yes; but, that's different than not having faith in something we haven't came in contact with to begin with.

The point here is also that many people believe they have come in contact with God. That is their faith.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead. I am betting on massive reading comprehension problems on your part.

I have chased your own words up for you more then once now. It is easier to ask you directly first here what you believe. I can always chase your posts up latter if needed. Do you believe in God or the existence of God? :)


Well-Known Member
Why don't we try the same questions with a tiny difference:

1. If one does not believe that there is a Santa Claus and they have no evidence that there is no Santa Claus does that mean that Santa Claus does not exist?

2. If one believes there is no Santa Claus and cannot prove there is no Santa Claus then is this belief simply another religion that is based on faith and not evidence?

3. Now for those who do not believe in Santa Claus and you have no evidence for this belief (faith), does it not worry you that you could be wrong if the stories and carols are true?

4. Finally if there is a Santa Claus obviously not all gift sources (like the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny) can be correct as many are contradictory to each other. How would one go about finding what is the correct faith? Seems we all live by faith IMO wheather we believe or do not believe in Santa Claus.

I believe Santa Claus's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow the command to "be a good boy or girl" according to the stories and carols. Can you prove they are not. Will you still get presents?

Thanks for your thoughts...

Yea heard it all before. Let me know when you want to address the OP? I do not know of anyone who believes in what you have posted above. Yet there are many that have claimed they have had an experience with God. You not believing is simply your faith :)
Hi all some questions for consideration for this OP....

1. If one does not believe that there is a God and they have no evidence that there is no God does that mean that God does not exist?

2. If one believes there is no God and cannot prove there is no God then is this belief simply another religion that is based on faith and not evidence?

3. Now for those who do not believe in God and you have no evidence for this belief (faith), does it not worry you that you could be wrong if the scriptures are true?

4. Finally if there is a God obviously not all religions can be correct as many are contradictory to each other. How would one go about finding what is the correct faith? Seems we all live by faith IMO wheather we believe or do not believe in God.

I believe God's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow God's Word according to the scriptures. Can you prove they are not

Thanks for your thoughts...
I mostly agree with you on point 1,2 and 3 but not on point 4.
I'm a muslim. In Islam there is more than enough evidence that God exists. The biggest evidence is the Quran.
In the Quran, God challenges the humanity to try and come up with one chapter like it. But no one will ever be able to come up with a chapter like it, because they are the words of god. The Quran also contains scienrific facts wich are discovered just a few years ago and there are many more evidences.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I have chased this up for you more then once now. It is easier to ask you directly first I can always chase your posts up latter if needed. Do you believe in God or the existence of God? :)
Not until you understand the difference between a lack of belief and a belief of nonexistence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yea heard it all before. Let me know when you want to address the OP? I do not know of anyone who believes in what you have posted above. Yet there are many that have claimed they have had an experience with God. You not believing is simply your faith :)
And many of those claims contradict other such claims. They are not reliable evidence.


Well-Known Member
I mostly agree with you on point 1,2 and 3 but not on point 4.
I'm a muslim. In Islam there is more than enough evidence that God exists. The biggest evidence is the Quran.
In the Quran, God challenges the humanity to try and come up with one chapter like it. But no one will ever be able to come up with a chapter like it, because they are the words of god. The Quran also contains scienrific facts wich are discovered just a few years ago and there are many more evidences.

Hi ST, nice to meet you and thanks for sharing your faith with us. All this OP is trying to show is that everyone is living by faith from those who believe in God and those who do not believe in God. :)


Veteran Member
I believe God's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow God's Word according to the scriptures. Can you prove they are not
I believe God's judgments are coming to this world to all those who do not believe and follow not God's Word according to the scriptures.

I believe this is the correct line, according to the Bible. If you take into consideration ALL the Bible verses. Not just the ones you fancy.
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