Bzzzzzt! I am responsible for what I say but I am NOT trying to convince anyone of my beliefs.
What a crock. You and I have gone back and forth in plenty of conversations where you are sitting there, claiming that Messengers being sent to Earth and the reasons for God's decisions to do so are "logic 101 stuff." What do you think that is besides an attempt to convince someone of something? Trying to make me feel stupid if I don't accept your ridiculous meanderings. That's
WHAT IT IS. That's exactly what you are doing. And do you know how I know? Because
I EMPLOY THE EXACT SAME TYPES OF DEVICES. The main difference being that (from what I have seen and experienced between us) I am far more self-introspective and therefore am not to be deluded into thinking I am not doing such things. I also have no moral qualms about doing such... so I have no need to fool myself into thinking I am a "better person" than I actually am. There is no contradiction with my personal convictions or principles like there would be in your case.
Bzzzzzt! I do not speak my words as if they were true to others and expect them to toe the line!
Logic 101 stuff, right? Hahaha... wow.
I do not expect anything from anybody. People have free will so they are all free to believe as they wish.
Yeah yeah... sure... and if they deny the reality/truth of "the messengers" then they are free to be as stupid and
incorrect as they like, right? RIGHT??!?!?!?!?!
I do provide evidence for what I believe is true. It is not my problem if people don't like the evidence.
You mean it's not your problem if the evidence is a steaming pile of dog crap, right?
No, I never said I was not responsible for the things I say.
I only ever said I am not responsible for proving to other people that what I believe is true.
Okay then, champ... then I present to you a challenge! Keep your views to yourself. Just keep them to yourself. Should be super easy if you only care about them for YOUR OWN DEVICES and don't need to convince anyone or get them to agree with you. Just keep them to yourself. Then you can rest assured in the knowledge that you are correct, and everyone else can just go about the business of believing whatever it is they want to believe. This lines up PRECISELY with what YOU YOURSELF JUST SAID:
Trailblazer said:
People have free will so they are all free to believe as they wish.
I would be willing to bet that as you read this, you are just itching with discomfort and thinking about all those instances in which you would no longer be able to inform people of "the truth" as you see it. I have a feeling it would eat at you to not be able to tell people what you believe as if it were true for everyone. Or... you're not itching... and the idea that you are "right" with all of the things you believe is just so second-nature for you that you don't even know that you speak/write as if you are correct every time you do it. Because, trust me, YOU DO.
What is utterly ridiculous is to say I am responsible to prove to atheists that what the Messengers said is true. That is not my job.
So me holding you responsible for the things you say is a no-no, correct? As in, me asking you to pony up your justifications for relaying certain items as "truth" or "fact" is just "not fair" to you, right?
"Anyone who wants to know if an alleged Messenger of God is a true Messenger of God is responsible to do their own research and look at the evidence that supports the claims of the alleged Messenger. I can point to where the evidence for Baha’u’llah resides but I am not responsible for doing other people’s homework."
I DON'T CARE what "Baha’u’llah" said. I don't care one bit. He was just another craphead human being - like myself. I work on the assumption that he doesn't know these things any better than I do. And from what I have read from his words... he definitely DOES NOT. It's specious claptrap... meant specifically to ensnare the gullible and speak to the desire of so many to "unite the world" in friendship, understanding and love. It's junk from what I have read. Like an Amway presentation, or Mary Kay.
You are the one who needs to take some responsibility if you want to know the truth about the Messengers of God. It not my responsibility to do your homework for you.
I don't care about it. I don't need it to go about the business of living and thriving. This much is fact... because I don't utilize it... and I am living... and thriving! So, if it is "SO VERY IMPORTANT" and someone else wants me to believe that as well... then it is THEIR JOB to convince me. I don't need it. Do you understand that? Don't need it. I'm doing fine without it, and from what I have read it offers ZERO answers I don't already get elsewhere, and many from my own ability to think through to conclusions! It's unnecessary... unless it is! But again... it is going to take A LOT of convincing at this point. I'm in no position to even want to "seek out" any of this crap. Not even close. I simply don't care about it. I don't know if I can stress that point enough.