Take your time. I attempted to argue with statements that refused to acknowledge bad things happened to Arabs on the creation of Israel. I don't understand; to me it seems Christians have ****** with Jews so much harder throughout history with Arabs. Arabs lived in peace with Jews, I thought at least. It's sad a statement to say that Europe (by which I mean the Allies, so including America and Britain and France) conquered Israel after WW1, and then handed down to Jews, which they use as a foot in the Middle East. It made not have been anyone's intention, but that's the result of it either way. I got a lot of reading to do before I really have much of an opinion, but at least I see there is going to be two signs of the coin, and it really never beneficial any actual people, just rich people. Needless to say, I got ignored by a Jew. Supposedly I'm anti-Semantic because I think my own country and Europe and their religions are the ones responsible for both other religions problems.