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  • Haha thanks for the feedback in the where will you go when you die thread!
    hehe being fertilizer just doesn't cut it!!
    Weird, my brother Chris's defacto Amy is in love with Skarsgaard as well O.O The show looks like a pop video to me, I got series 1 the box set from my brother and watched them over the course of a week but I just don't get the young people with their hippedty hoppedty musicks.

    School was cool. It was only an induction day so not much going on. Of course I got landed with a woman who was determined to get me onside in her custody dispute with her rich French ex husband :rolleyes:

    How was the creche landing? (see why it's such a more better word!)
    Is your missus a true blood fan? perhaps you could explain the appeal, unless it's all the shagging, because I don't get it :no:
    YouTube - True Blood Parody:Sesame-Street---True-Mud

    This made me laugh :biglaugh:

    Ok maybe :biglaugh: is overstating it but definitely :)
    Silly boy, it's actually called Canadian Happy Thanksgiving Great White North Ride a Moose and Save an Igloo Day.

    And it's ok, I forgive you :D Did you have a good time and eat lots?

    I celebrated your yankee Thanksgiving by going on a date, hahaha
    You are quite old :yes:

    It is very boring isn't it, I thought it was just me being meh! The place seems choc full o'crazy some days and not the good kind of crazy that makes you spit your coffee at the computer screen, the bad kind of crazy that makes you dribble your coffee onto the keyboard.I seem to have lost my sense of humour somewhere along the line. Of course it doesn't help when people are chased off by some peoples trolling :eek: I can be bothered give any real input here since my sabatical. And lots of the posters I used to like are gone. My unending quest to break frubals is done which is all kinds of depressing :sad:

    I still enjoy spamming you though :D
    I don't worry about getting sick I just hate the whining :( Tbh it was the only course available so soon. I would have had to wait till august for the next one , great to know that free education isn't wasted isn't it.

    Are you abandoning the interwebz? :sad:

    Is it because you think this place is a cul de sac of wastrels and dullards? because it.........em.....
    It's not exciting stuff but it's free and it will give my cv a boost, plus I won't have to go into the dreadful story of why I don't have a job for almost a year :( I'm sure I mentioned it, I had to wheedle my way past an official who rightly believed I wasn't qualified for it :D

    CareerGuidance.ie - Medical Secretary - Receptionist - College of Further Education Dundrum - FETAC Level 5

    I also shouldn't be doing it because I hate sick people :eek: but it will keep my brain occupied so I don't go completely ******* crazy. I might also be able to get a part time job while I'm doing the course.
    RF is as dumb as a box of frogs :mad: I don't know why I'm lurking here.

    I start college on Monday coincidentally, hopefully I will have more sense than to troll once I am occupied :sarcastic
    Yes you can. I don't know what time it is there but I think you should be excused due to extenuating circumstances and phenomenal boredom, also your iphone is fully charged by now so is there any real need for you to still be there :shrug:
    I thought you were joking about the spam thing :eek: Did I tell you steve is a wow gm now? He loves it :rolleyes: What reminded me is your obviously lax workplace, they have pool and ping pong tables and games consoles though.
    I'm going to delete one of my posts and post a new one in honour of my 8008 post DO NOT OPEN IT AT WORK!!!!!! It is mildly unsuitable :D
    That's because I'm almost twice as intelligible, I mean intelligent :D

    This is what I imagine your work desk looks like, from what I could extrapolate from the shoe incident I suspect it p.accurate. You get points if you can figure out the monta touches :D


    OMG I forgot and p.accurate reminded me, I was writing and I accidently used an internet acronym! can you even imagine such a thing, I mean seriously wtf?

    Is it wrong that I laughed when I read that Katherine wanted to stick one of these in her 'mancave' ?

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