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  • Racoons look adorable, this is aparently because we don't have racoons here, it seems like the people who have racoons regard them as almost as coldly evil as lemurs :eek: someone on the internet told me that kids who pull the heads off toys, become serial killers, be careful

    The interrogation went so -so , the old why do you want to come back when you wanted to leave and what will stop you leaving if you get offered something else, is never an easy one to answer honestly. The job is pretty sucky, and they have to have a conference about whether or not they want to take me back. I should know in a couple of days (sooner if my spies get wind of it :D )
    That is the best picture ever, I like the victory stance he is adopting over his fallen quarry :)

    You're joke probably went over peoples heads, I haven't been reading the thread tbf.

    Don't hate on the crows man, they just do what they got to do, and they are smart and they were MY FRIENDS! You're just jealous coz you don't have any friends :p, I can't do that thing where a link has different writing on it, now I'm jealous :mad: I do like me some poe though :)
    YouTube - Wild crows inhabiting the city use it to their advantage - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
    Thank you :)
    Liv is funny but spoiled, Rats looks well behaved, occasional attacks from behind notwithstanding, I hate bratty kids.

    That donkey story is gold, it serves a twofold purpose, it is an amusing anecdote to break the ice,and It plants the idea that if I am upset by say , not getting the job, I may come round with a pickaxe.

    It is hotel related :( I used to work there before, they offered me a different job a few months ago but I turned it down because the hours were going to be horrendous, but I swallowed my pride again(tastes like chicken) and rang the boss lady again, it isn't a very formal and may come to naught.

    Hung out with crows, doesn't have the same je ne sais quoi as raised by wolves, plus I could get on the discovery channel, I which I love, the only chance I have of getting on at the moment is by becoming a serial killer or dying in a nuclear accident or something :(

    I better get to my bed, confused, sleepy and glassy eyed = drug addict
    Interview tomorrow afternoon, I must try and get an early night tonight, confused and sleepy is never a good look.

    If you thought the heartfelt outcry of pain vis a vis the donkey was scary, wait till you get a load of this. Look at that hair :D aww, don't laugh at the baby :(

    I wish I was raised by wolves, or baboons, that would be friggin' cool, I am considering putting that on my list of stuff that I feel ripped off because I wasn't born with. :mad:

    Any news on the workie front with you or are you condemded to sit in front of the count-ry peeps?

    You seemed angry, or at least like you were holding a barely containable, seething ball of rage fueled irk.
    phew just made it. I would like to get Rats some spurs for his Daddy and me time!

    If I am still online after 11pm I am going to have to kick my own ***. :mad:

    The donkey story is just one of many horrible story's involving my grandad, he was of a different ilk. 6minutes before 11, I am definitely, assuredly , 100 percentedly logging off now. No procastinating, no nothing.

    Made it to 16 without tv, tell the truth, you were in a coma weren't you, it would explain so much, :yes: Or a plastic bubble like a hamster boy, allergic to the 20th century.

    Aww! that's just mean, look at his little face, ''I wanna play in the sun'' :sad: or you were part of some religious cult, that makes way more sense. No point in denying this, I won't believe your lies.

    crap it's 1 minute to 11 now, how did that happen.
    No terrahawks, that is the saddest childhood story I ever heard,3 times worse than chicken murders :eek:

    You know that Ciara has a violent streak,she punches her dad in the balls as a hello! (she aims for the stomach but gets the balls) I think it is a fallout from her dads straighten the boy out campaign where he encourages Ian to be more macho by having fake fist fights with him. He deserves it really. What I am saying is, count your lucky stars.

    My Grandad once killed a donkey with a Pickaxe. My dad was about 6 or 7 and saw it and apparently didn't speak for weeks. This naturally was the source of much mockery and could account for my dad's nickname Ned (a popular nickname for donkeys)
    It is my zelda from terrahawks avatar, the scales with the X's was an anti frubal avatar, it didn't work out too well. I am trying to instigate a childhood terror avatar thing. It's not taking off :sad: Nvrmind.

    Whats with you and listening to the Book of Kells soundtrack, I only noticed it a few minutes ago, you have reached all new levels of girlishness. Is your random on your ipod actually random, because mine isn't, maybe I've upset it somehow :shrug:

    A friend of my brothers did the whole bolt gun slaughter house thing for about 3 weeks before he collapsed into a simpering heap and couldn't go back.

    Olivia gave me her first autonomous hug earlier ....daahw!
    Thanks, that is a pretty awesome pic, I'm going to have to use it as a background for my CV , totally get the job then, no question!
    Breathers is SO worth reading!! I f-ing LOVE it. Like for real. I wanna marry it and have it's litle zom-rom-com babelets.

    Ah, you broke down and bought yourself an iPhone, eh? Whatcha playing??
    All hail Steve! I bet the new phone makes it easier for you to tweet as well, it won't be long now before someone sees you have an iphone and you get a big fat raise accompanied by a hearty back slap and ''this kid's going places'' :p

    I need to alleviate my boredom somehow, next step is to create an internet enemy to fight with. I am taking applications until the 4th of April, if you'd like to apply :)
    And by yesterday, I meant the 17th. It's still technically the 18th for me because I haven't slept yet.
    Holy taking forever to reply to my PM Batman!

    F***** I just realized I totally forgot to wish you a happy birthday yesterday! I was honestly reminding myself all week not to forget! Crap! I'm so sorry! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS. Read Breathers by S.G Browne! AND Dead B' Army!
    I'm suprised they let you back on the internets at all :O

    I meant you disapprove of my machiavellian ways! It gets dull around here, without some distraction.

    Get back to work you slacker!
    I don't think people were in the mood for the funny in that thread, :no: If it makes you feel any better, I feel deeply unappreciated for my comedic stylings, all the time!
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