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  • Did you fall asleep reading michael crichton :sarcastic: you should delete those pics fast before someone notices you broke your rule and works out your secret identity. BTW didn't you break your rule already with the damaged tootsies.

    Are you selling your stuff on ebay, I have thought about it but it seems efforty and tbh vibes and scribes is nearer and there is no post and packaging.

    The wild life park here is controlled by lemurs, they pretend it is the UCC , but they can't fool me it's the lemurs

    Right, finally scanned some images form that book that reminded me of your drawings. Dunno why, perhaps it's the shapes, or the patterns etc etc, but anyways when I saw you're drawings they instantly reminded me of some of these:




    But y' see, because I spent so long finding this stuff and hyped it up so much, you're probably gonna be left dissappointed, but meh, they reminded me of your stuff - so shush!

    Your snap happy today :) we have stuff like the model railway village which looks boring when you are in your 30's but when you are 3 and 4 years old you get to be a giant and is funs http://tcs.ireland.ie/dataland/TCSImages/16401_804.jpg and some museums 'n' stuff the kids favourite day out is the shopping centre :facepalm: or Fota Wildlife park :)
    Roman looks very inquisitive, wonder where he gets that from :p
    Did he have fun ? We don't have theme parks here, we just have educational crap :mad: So I have no frame of reference at all at all at all.
    Actually I eventually caved and opened it , soz I forgot to say :( it was a scary picture of a red demon child and some kind of devil mouse made of lights, the demon child looked bewildered but cute :D
    Lol @ dads they are so macho, and lol at you coz your not :p I didn't even know Toni Collette was seeing JRM never mind about married to him.

    Did you send me a weird email, coz I got a weird email, but it won't open or something or nothing, probably the spam :shrug:

    I did not care for signs even a little bit, and while M Night got something from Gibson he seems to have had a negative effect on Joquin Phoenix , don't know if that is spelled right and frankly don't care.

    I have the insomnia I was up till all hours, probably lack of exercise, but it is sooooooo rainy :( (and other girly excuses such as emmmmmmmmm I don't have the right outfit)
    Tickets are $8 for adults, but $7 for students. And on tuesdays, there's free popcorn, and tickets are $5.75. :D I never ever buy popcorn. I only get it when it's free. It's a complete rip off to actually pay for it. Every once in a while I'll buy a drink, but even those are $3 or $4. It's ridiculous.
    New Moon was pretty good, I think. The movie, that is. The book was good too. I didn't see New Moon on opening night though. :D I waited until free popcorn tuesday. :danana:
    :danana: I see. I think the Twilight books are okay. I've only read the first two. I don't like that some people act like they are the greatest things ever written though. They are okay, but they aren't that great. I see people quoting it all over facebook all the time, and I just want to virtually b*tch slap them.
    Reading this message may cause nauseua, vomitting, diahrea, weakness, dizziness, bloating of the hands, face, and neck, kidney failure, halitosis, headaches, memory loss, or vaginal bleeding.
    Oh in bruges was artlessly contrived and I think the only reason people found it funny was because of the dwarf.
    I think part of his sucess is with the performances he gets from the actors, like him or hate him the performance of Bruce Willis in unbreakable is astonishing, and Toni Collette in Sixth Sense is phenomenal, she is a fantastic actress already but I think she stepped it up a notch in that movie.

    My dad used to be the safety officer on a building site, I told him he was like a totem for all the accidents, he was nearly blinded, almost had about 100 000 gallons of water crash down on him, had his hand crushed in a piece of machinery among other things( the bosses were cutting corners like gangbusters, he eventually quit because of the safety issue) people died on that site afterwards, I was glad my dad wasn't still there. He has no sense of danger is his problem, he has been known to fix gaping wounds that need stitches with duct tape :facepalm:

    I see Paul has been leaving little treats for you :p
    LOL! You wouldn't think that!

    Anyways, I've gone and checked all the old books and finally found it hidden away behind some other books, the front cover looks like this:


    Oh wait, hold on that's not the one......... wrong collection :eek:


    It's this one: a minging green colour. Now I've looked on Google and I can barely find any pictures from it (especially the ones that remind me of your drawings).

    Anyways the book is called "Dwarfs" from "The Enchanted World" series of books. The artwork varies so much from story to story, so there appears to be multiple artists but anyways I'll just scan the ones I'm on about in the RF Artist's thread sometime and show you.

    But since it's kinda late, and I'm feeling lazy, I'll do it when I'm next online - which is my polite way of saying "Wait 3 months" :P
    Oh crap I've just realised like ages ago I was gonna tell you the name of this childhood book I read, which has illustrations that remind me of your drawing style!


    Lemme go find it........

    BRB in another 2 months :p
    My poor dad, I know his friend has worse luck this week, but to be honest when he told about the guy dying (not on the coffin he is laid out on a bed, culchie thing) I had to suppress laughter The last funeral my dad was at he was strongarmed into opening the casket (which was closed for a reason) he was traumatised by that as well. He just shouldn't go

    I believe you can buy a special edition of the wizard of oz that is thus aligned, perhaps this is an urban legend

    M night makes such pretty films, it is a pity they are frequently such vapid confectionaries, an anomolous case of the sum of the parts being less than the whole, I didn't like Unbreakable the first time I watched it, when I have a strong bad reaction to a film I often watch it again straight away to find out why, this is a mad thing I am fully aware, sometimes though the second time I like the movie, I think it's an expectational thing. Jay and Silent Bob was one of these though so I don't know how good the system is
    Thanks for the pity vm. :p

    Maybe you have the brittle bone syndrome, like mr Glass, oh now I want to watch unbreakable, don't mock me, I like that movie :mad: Ah kids with the jumping Ciara takes running jumps and knees people into the crotch, I told her to make sure she doesn't do it to her dad, she said she did and his eyes cried :)

    I am chat aversed, there is no polite way to leave when you get bored, there is only so many times you can claim to be booted :biglaugh: that is a lie I get booted all the time chat dislikes me :(

    My dad's best friend died last week, he is a wreck, he watched him die at the hospital and is in a state of shock, the removal part of the funeral was today (the body is laid out in the dead persons house) While my dad was there one of the mourners was paying last respects and keeled over and died on the body :facepalm: my dad is so upset, **** like this always happens to my dad :(
    Ah so it is the fakey looking broken ankle, how long before your back on your toeseys? You can't sign something that looks like a surgical support sock btw, you should stop asking your co workers, they will suspect oddness.

    You have been boring, but then so have I and everyone else, it's no fun spamming you when you are closing your eyes and thinking of the flag while I bully you into responses.

    That won't stop me from doing it, but it depletes the funzie, just so you know.
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