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  • Well I am bored out of my skull, I have been online all day :( I have plumbed new depths of mundanity, and you are not helping by being uncharacteristicly taciturn :sad:
    ru busy, you're busy aren't you, I'm not busy , I'm that other one, what is it called you know when your brain atrophies, I got a day off from the baby corrupting gig following the day off I had yesterday and preceding the day off I have tomorrow.

    Did anyone sign your cast, do you have a cast or is it one of those breaks no one believes is real, you should get a cane and stop shaving and start being super mean to people a la house, you can pop your advil in public as well, afterwards you can tell them it was the bone crystals thing. But you won't will you , you are going to waste this opportunity just like you flushed possible swine flu down the crapper like the tinfoil covering on yesterdays take away, then just walk away like nothing happened while everyone is paddling around in the funky water :mad:
    see I knew I liked you for a reason that was completely unclear up to now, Kavanagh is about my favourite ever. The hunger gives me the chills

    clay is the word and clay is the flesh ....brrrr!

    And he reminds me of my childhood or the farm part of it anyways.
    I saw it on the witches of eastwick, so it must be true the ankle thing that is.

    Baby gap is not a euphemism, you wouldn't believe what they did to the city centre :sad: they have turned the old quarter into the mall of ******* america or some ****. Helena is a lable whore, I think I mentioned so I got Olivias xmas present in baby gap, I feel dirty.

    Bored avec moi, impossible, that is just the pain meds talking, my guess is a girlie man such as yourself is drugged to the eyeballs

    Oh I remember now , I asked how you were going to get to work, are you going to put a brick on the pedal :biglaugh: was funnier when I said it earlier :(
    No I did leave a message, it was long and dull and there was a mid message rant about Baby Gap, and I may have mentioned Waterstones and HP Lovecraft, I have checked a few pages and can't find it, I will just have to wait for the *** later.

    I am bored of the signature, I am going to do the xmas poem thing, coz I loves me some xmas, tis the season you know :D

    I heard that if you break a bone you can get crystals in your blood that make you go crazy, let me know if it's true will ya!
    Sugriva AKA Nepenthe , what too subtle :p I am bored of it, I might post a christmas poem line by line , hmmm I wonder where the message I left you earlier went.... I think that qualifies for an Ooops :facepalm:
    im glad you enjoy my sense of humor:angel2: im not so sure many here do, oh well:drool:
    I liked the film of fight club about 1000 times more than the book, I always think bad books make better films than good books, Palahniuk is definately delibrately trying to foster an image of hipness.

    Everyone must be ******* bored out of their brains or they wouldn't be so fired up about the jellyfish, I don't blame them, I seem to have lost the will to post myself.

    Did you see Hannah is going to do her student teaching abroad :)
    I did have the worlds longest shower when the water came back, actually not the first day I just had a perfunctory wash the first day, but the next day...heavan.

    I was starting to worry the book thing was a bit mental, now I am worrying that worrying about the book thing is a bit mental. We are progressing :) in a fashion anyway.

    The unfolding language was interesting but Deutsher doesn't have the same gift of storytelling of Pinker or Chomsky, it is a bit dry in places and even then just when he is getting into something interesting he seems to abruptly stop and go onto something else, I think he is just too aware the book is for non academics and is consciously talking down to the reader all the time, I was very aware I was reading a book the whole time and usually I just switch off after a few pages and then wake up done at the other end. But the actual material itself is interesting. It is worth a read.
    Jellyfish don't have feelings, tis true.

    I used to love walking to work, it sets you up for the day, I do have gym memberships but they were comps, I never go to the gym, I can cope with swimming and jogging, but the boring stuff is too boring for me.
    Is it not a bit early for you to be heading home, or am I all turned around on the time dilation thingy again :shrug:

    The reading thing must be a reaction tthe mental stagnation of minding the kids all day, I think I stayed up to 3am last night, I have stopped posting in that thread, I was running on a bit at the mouth in there. I read ''The Unfolding of Language'' by Guy Deutshcer, ''The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Part 2 , The Fall'' :sad: ''Lords of Human Kind'' and ''Women Who Kill'' I also read 3 books of poetry, which I never count as reading a book for some reason. I guess my job was more stimulating than I thought. I'm reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk at the moment, don't like it so far, or else I wouldn't be cluttering up your view screen would I.

    Customers are so banal and predictable that I can't remember ever having to deal with a language barrier, why because they all generally only say about 10 to 15 different things.
    Lol , am I usually vaguely uninterested, I apologise, I get small talked out when I am working, and often get cranky if someone tries to engage me in it off the clock, though I can kick into the shallow ''mwah mwah kissy face how are the wife and kids at any time '' I am obviously starved of it at the moment as well as mental fodder hence the maniacal reading, which hasn't stopped, 3 books Sunday and 4 books since Sunday, do you think that counts as a mental abberation? I told you I wouldn't talk to you again tonight as in last night your time.

    It takes me 10 minutes to walk from work to the train station 10 minutes on the train and about 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the train station home. I would rather walk for the 40 minutes than drive ( with some exceptions of course) but that would have something to do with our roads :biglaugh:
    How long does it take you to get home anywho, it seems like a long commute.
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