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  • Ah, that's my uncle's bday too! Well, you missed being born on the best day of the year but only by so little that the level of awesomeness may as well be up there with me. I'll give you that :p
    Cancerians are crabby btw :p

    :clap: for your google fu :) I was feeling enigmatic, and nationalistic and it is a reminder for me, and it is more accurately everyone has a way of doing it and everyone thinks there way is the right way, far more positive, n'est ce pas ?
    I'll believe it when I see it, birds gotta fly bees gotta be, paedos gotta sign up for big brother projects and you gotta harp on and on about my advanced old agedness.
    re star cops, I was young and it was part of my sci fi / babysitting night, put kids to bed watch red dwarf and star cops, get paid, good times :D
    Meh, I was going to leave as soon as I got something even marginally better or before christmas , whichever came first, realistically this just sped things up a few weeks and I am pretty sure I can go back to another job I left before if I want to. I have had worse news.
    I am sorry my ocd like response time feels a bit stalky, I told you before I keep a clean inbox ;) although I have an email from work sitting there that I am too chicken **** to read. I knew it was coming and decided to leave it till the morning, no point in going to bed on bad news and nothing I can do about it now anyway.
    YouTube - Baby Cakes - Role Play Tournament (Be Aggressive)

    Lol hilarious and fantastic

    I want to be visited from someone from a hidden world of awesomeness :sad:

    I am on a link cascade to damnation and I likes it , I likes it alot, this is the best explanation of King Lear ever :biglaugh:

    YouTube - Baby Cakes - Baby Cakes Sees A Play
    I was going to spam your page with Colin Farrell pics, but I got bored. So here is brendan Gleeson instead, you will probably prefer him anyway , he is after all a titian :p on Bruges delibrate prepositional error fyi, reminded me of another film with Brendan Gleeson in it, the provocatively titled '' I went down'' good flick, not in the slightest bit taxing mentally, but interesting.At Bruges is almost like a remake of some scenes. I Went Down (1997)

    I almost forgot brendan :facepalm:
    Oh yeah en Bruges, that was a sad movie , I blocked it out of my memory. ''The little boy'' :sad: I also forgot about the Skaarsgard thing, this is him right http://wearemoviegeeks.com/wp-content/alexanderskaarsgard.jpg

    Just not getting it :shrug: usually even if I don't get it, I get what I'm not getting, but he is just very bland to me. Enjoy your full nights sleep in the middle of the day you ******* slacker, I guess if you ****** around on the internet all day, it would just feel like work :p
    I don't remember seeing a colin farrel film to be honest, what is he in? I am going to assume the missus is on my side and smokes side too :) You tube gives me stuff like this

    YouTube - Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 1/9

    YouTube - The Toll of the Sea (1922) 1/5

    and I appreciate it's efforts.I don't download stuff though, you have to draw the line somewhere. My brother Steve has threatened to lend by the box set of true blood, he says it is ''sexy'' :facepalm:

    I don't think it is questionably legal , more flat out illegal, unless you are living in Ethiopia :p
    I should also be asleep, it is one of those work days where I get to have more than 4 to 5 hours and I stayed up till gone 4 and got up at 8.30 perhaps I have evolved beyond the need for sleep :D or perhaps I shouldn't have drunk all that coffee.

    I am assuming Annie was on my side, because despite obvious unadvisable charitable acts (I mean you) she seems like a woman of taste and discernment, and face it, pretty is pretty.

    Series one, I remember it well, the hope was so palpable and the walls were so wobbly, enjoy :) I won't here a thing against Youtube however, it has been recommending me all sorts of lovely films lately.
    I had to learn all 7 verses of that 'latin babble' I know not of the Greg ory of which you rant. as far as I know it was written by Rabanus Maurus.

    I am sorry you are impressing your boss by seeming to work overtime in order to put me right on the gregorian thing :p

    The only fun to be had is mocking the trolls, and even that is wearing a little thin.
    What about st Old greg now :confused:

    I think rf is beyond help :( everything has been said twice, sigh. Perhaps the shelf life of such things is limited. I don't even word associate anymore, it is too much sadness to be born by a single human.
    I have come over all spirtual like now, I am singing my little heart out , my poor neighbours

    Qui diceris Paraclitus,
    altissimi donum Dei,
    fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
    et spiritalis unctio.

    Good night
    a scaggie is an implement with 2 purposes, it can be a weapon and also can be used to break into a car, it is often a flattened and sharpened flat headed screwdriver or a small crow bar. Cultural update ends .

    Bushing is only done by teens and paedophiles, and that doesn't include me thank you very much, my phone can't even coordinate phone calls sad to say. It does work remarkably well as a walkman, but I don't use it for that, who would.

    I imagine your teen years were largely bush free, seeing as you don't have it there.
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