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  • LOL sorry Lyn. Didn't mean to throw you for a loop like that. It was time for a change.

    I've said it to others though....I haven't retired my whip. So no worries there. :D
    I'm a fan of books that are both humorous and serious. What's the name of this one?

    Making love to twenty plus women at once seems alarmingly excessive. But a mere dozen or so, too conservative. There must be a reasonable number upon which reasonable people might compromise on.
    LOL! Was the author serious? Or was this intentionally humorous?

    By the way, I have long maintained that highly trained 10 year old girls are to be avoided in dark alleys. Whenever I look down a dark alley and see one lurking there, I pointedly cross the street and take the dark alley on the other side, even if it leads me away from my intended destination. That's how important my life and health are to me.
    Awesome! Just....awesome! I'm speechless!

    That'd be totally believable, like, you needed someone to trust on earth to help you, and you found me. Then, when it was time to get back, you thought i was too strong and trustworthy to let go, so you decided to take me with you. They'd totally buy it.

    I shall start my intense program immediately. But, i must ask, given this infinitely generous act of kindness you've shown towards me, is there anyway i could repay you? Or to better word it, is there anyway i could be of help to you?

    I admit, i have little to offer that would be valuable to you. Perhaps, if i'm more honest, i have no such thing. But, at least in your time on earth, away from your home, could i do anything for you that would make things easier?
    Sandra divorced John and lost almost everything in the process -- her friends, her house, even most of her practice. But she and Paul became both best friends and lovers. It was hard, very hard for awhile. The couple had no friends and was dirt poor. Yet, Sandra managed to rebuilt her practice, although she no longer advertised herself as a Christian therapist. And the couple eventually made a few friends -- not as many as Sandra had had before, but better than she'd had before. Sandra's life was never again as easy as it had been, but now she felt fulfilled.

    I'm willing to shape up. No, i'm dying to shape up. As it is, i stand no chance even against spiders. But, perhaps, if you were generous and kind enough to train me, i'd even stand a chance against your home planet monsters.

    I have special talents, i swear you'd like them. They're just useless against a spider, and certainly - without your guiding hand - against a Thangarian beast. For instance, i've got a powerful punch, but it's not fast enough to catch a spider and bring it down. So what tends to happen is that i quiver in the corner when i see a spider, and then after it approaches me for the kill, it decides to spare me, on account of finding me too pathetic a prey.

    Please, you can't leave me like this. I'm in shame.
    Is your stomach quite settled today? I ask because an unsettled stomach is dangerous when reading my Hot and Steamy posts -- and I just posted a new one last night.
    I won't ruin your fancy spaceship seats, i promise. I'll sit on the floor. I'll even cook for you.

    Sorry, i know i was supposed to leave you time to think, but i just thought i drop a few more relevant pieces of information. That's it, i'm making my graceful exit now.

    I'll even clean the ship!
    Dear Penumbra,

    After deep research into this eye opening resource, i've come to determine that this planet is no longer suitable to call home. I've been looking into other options, and it seems that transportation is inaccessable.

    Now, the reason i'm on your profile pestering you is this; i know you're here just visiting, and i assume you're going back to your home planet one day. My question is, when that day finally comes, would you take me with you?

    Please take your time in considering this, and please, please, don't say stuff like "I'm not an alien", as it will only mean that you don't want me to be your travel buddy.
    Lyn, your idea of my writing a novel has got me thinking. What if I wrote a book of short stories -- mostly very short stories. Along the same lines as what I'm posting in the Hot and Steamy thread? They'd range from purely humorous to perhaps thoughtful. Do you think there could be much to that idea?
    I, too, must apologize to you, Lyn, for shamelessly using your profile page for this, but it must be said: I have discovered myself in deep, abiding, but despairingly hopeless, love with Badran.

    There! It's been said. And said better than Badran said it, I'll wager.
    First, my apologies for using your profile as setting for this horrific discussion, and for the terrifying confession i'm about to make. But since Sunstone insensitively posted this previous message on your profile, i have no other choice.

    I have indeed fallen into deep, hopeless, necessarily unconsummatable love, and my love is for none other than Sunstone himself.

    That is correct, you got it right; i love Sunstone. There, i said it.
    Don't listen to Badran! He didn't do it to appease me. He did it to please you. Yes, you! He's actually fallen deeply into hopeless, necessarily unconsummatable, love for you! I myself find his feelings tragic, but strangely beautiful. In fact, you would be doing me a favor to increase my sensitivity to the tragic beauty of his love by promptly, and as cruelly as possible, dumping him. Please!
    It was only to appease Sunstone. Really, i had even forgotten it was you who asked me to post there originally.

    What, you think i'm posting there because of you? Or that i even had fun doing it? That's ridiculous!

    Fine!! But now i'm too embarrassed, i couldn't post there again. Thanks for that!
    Damn. Your situation's even worse, as Josh at least had something to be excited about.

    I try to avoid anything similar like the plague. I sympathize, truly. :D
    I appreciate your generous expectations. But Lyn, i had a terrible accident today. I was playing with my cell phone as i walked in the street and it fell into a large garbage truck, i stuck both hands inside frantically trying to get it out, and that large metal thing closed on my arms.

    I lost both hands, so i can't make that post. I can't! My mother is in grief, and my father's already in Kuwait trying to earn more money for the operation.

    FINE!! It's all lies, i'll make the post tonight. But it's responsibility is on you.
    Well, i'll need some time to collect myself. I'm a bit overwhelmed.

    1) I'm still crying from your first posted scene. The happy ending only made things worse for me.

    2) I'm reveling in the fact that i foresaw early on your sadistic side, which is clearly displayed in the second scene.

    3) I'm one of the cool kids!

    This isn't easy! :D
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