Who knows, I know there's hints of it in the Ṛgveda, if I recall correctly.
And yeah, I'd rather be with God, or the gods; or both. Probably not my ancestors so much. I'm not close to my family at all. Never have been. Closest to my brother out of all of them. I'd rather not be reincarnated or "absorbed"; I want to taste Sugar, not become it.
I've been looking a lot at various paths; I still heavily lean to the Hindu and Buddhist pantheon, and naturally my love of Sikhi has not faded. I've also come to love Confucianism. I like Religious Taoism, where Dao is essentially Brahman. I like the Ásatrú gods, too.
I've got a few Shenist and Shinto deities I like, but I don't consider myself an adherent.
I see the Hellenic and Roman gods as the same source as these, but under different titles, so I indirectly honour these, and because I believe Tian = Tengri (thanks, Middle Chinese(!)) I'm indirectly linked to Tenrikyo, and Konkokyo through Shinto.
A mess, aren't I?