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  • I like the shallow end --it makes me look brainy and theres too many sharks in deep water.
    You know what? Your last statement really resonated with me -- "One of my firm beliefs is that if I or anyone else is earnest and tries to do no harm, we'll be ok with God." I could not POSSIBLY agree more.
    Not at all. As you know, I am really, really committed to my own faith, but I have often said on this forum, that if I were ever to leave Mormonism, I would probably join the Baha'i Faith. Admittedly, I do not know a great deal about it, but I absolutely love the respect the Baha'is have for the other religions of the world. I just can't help but feel as if God is very, very pleased with the tolerance and open-minded attitude the adherents of the Baha'i Faith show towards their fellow men. I guess I am also drawn to it because of a number of things it has in common with Mormonism. As odd as that may strike you, a number of Baha'is have agreed with me that we do have a lot in common.

    On the other hand, we have a few things in common with Islam, too -- not so much in terms of doctrines, but in terms of life style, standards and values. A Muslim once posted something on this forum which, if I had not known it was posted by a Muslim, I would have thought it had been posted by a Latter-day Saint. I know that not all Muslims follow the teachings of Islam the way they were intended to be followed. That's sad, because it gives the faith a bad reputation it probably does not deserve. It does bother me, though, that there seem to be so many extremist Muslims in the world. I am very much opposed to extremism of any kind, and so teachings that seems to appeal to so many people who feel justified in distorting them are of some concern to me. I don't see this in the Baha'i Faith.

    All of the things I've mentioned so far are more or less just my perceptions and gut feelings. The one thing that more than any other would cause me to reject Islam is the idea that any man would proclaim himself to be the "final prophet" God would ever send. Why would God ever stop communicating to His children? Why would He provide one person with inspiration and guidance, have him record His words and then suddenly just stop talking. Most people know that Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was an actual prophet, the way Muslims believe Mohammad was an actual prophet. The difference is that we believe God has never stopped talking to us through a living prophet, and that there is one on the earth today. The Baha'i Faith also teaches "progressive revelation," though they don't believe there is anyone currently receiving it today. They don't claim that the Heavens are sealed, though, and that communication between God and man has ceased. I cannot believe in a concept of a God who would direct mankind through a living prophet at one period of time and then simply leave humanity on its own forever after. I'm thinking that maybe there would be less extremism among practitioners of Islam if Muslims believed that the were still led by a living prophet. There would be far less liklihood of so many of them misinterpreting Mohammad's words. See what I mean?

    So that's probably the main reason why I said what I did about your sticking with the Baha'i Faith. I hope that helps.
    I agree with you that there is a certain beauty in Islam. I'm kind of hoping, though, that you stick with the Baha'i Faith. (Jeesh, coming from a Mormon, how weird is that?)
    I haven't been to Banna, the road from Cork puts me off, too vomity , but I am sure it is lovely.
    i do not know how things are in Turkey lately. i am isolated. my last exam is tomorrow.

    i do not think we would see dooms day in our life time :)
    Harun Yahya - PORTENTS OF DOOMSDAY THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE FROM 1979 TO 2006 - Download Page

    this is interesting reading i believe. almost everything Mohammad (PBUH) said already happened. bloodshed would be over soon but before that i am afraid way too many more would die.
    Hi :) you're on my mind very often since your respond to me about journalists that got killed in Iraq. i could not stand if i was misundertood by you. i do not want to disturb you either. this guy, he is not my teacher or a friend of mine. maybe you want to read what he says when you have spare time. i do not agree with everything he says but i agree in general. this war in Mddle East is long time waited Dejjal's work. Dejjal does no take sides. just likew satan he is not friend to any human. both side in this war lose their lives. just do not think i do not valiue life of troops. i know they are dying too.

    Sorry about not getting back to you until now, it slipped my mind. Basically I was born a catholic and remained one until I was about 20 (I was even an alterboy). After I read the Bible from cover to cover I had to reject Christianity as I couldn't accept it as the word of God. So I remained an Atheist for a number of years.

    About two years ago I began reading the Quran and about Islam, mostly out of curiosity but also to prove to myself that it was falsehood. Quite quickly however I realised it was the truth, although I continued to deny this to myself for about another yea after that. Then eventually I decided to convert.

    On the day I became a Muslim in Belfast Islamic centre it was also the first time in my life I had ever met a Muslim face to face, because as you know there isnt alot in Ireland.
    Its about 15 miles from Tandragee. Newry is only 5 miles from where I lived. I became a Muslim 1 year ago this sunday coming.
    South Armagh. A small village called Meigh at the foot of Slieve Gullion (its where foot and mouth started in Ireland if you remember). I lived there all my life though I have been in the Maldives now for 6 months but I will return to Ireland.
    Very cool! I like the old race cars. :D I try to go to the vintage racing festival at Mosport International Raceway every year. It's a pretty big event, but even they don't tend to have the pre-war racers. I think it's stunningly amazing (but somewhat frightening) that they have a whole race just for "Edwardian era" cars.

    Looks like a ton of fun. You'll have to let me know what it's like after you get back.
    :D thank you. i want to start hunger fasting right away and hope to finish that process before school next year. 14 weeks, even whole summer would not be enough to complete it though. but that's the only time i would have.
    hi :) thank you for the message. it is good to hear you are OK. i am one week away from final exams and i am sorta freaking out. quiting smoking is now a far far away dream for me. it's been months i am away from home. haven't seen my nephews for 5 maybe 6 weeks now.

    there are many complicated things going on in Turkey. but from what i've heard, the worst part of darkness is over. they say next 5-6 years is a pay back time. those who organize wars, very same people who kill millions to steal oil etc...they are doomed. and Turkey is right in the middle of everything. they expect assasinations in here. we'll see what happens.
    hi :) i've been wondering about your health. i do not mean to disturb you therefor i try not to ask about it. but i remember you and i do not know how it's going. if it bothers you to alk about, then just ignore thi message. wishing you and your loved ones well.
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