Thank you for sharing.
I have a couple, if you don't mind.
1. Is God seen as imminent within modern Deism, then? I read that in Classical Deism God is transcendent only, but in modern Deism God cannot really be defined.
2. How do you view some of the religions that don't have prophets or revealed scripture, for example, Taoism?
3. What is a common belief regarding the afterlife within Deism (and your own if you don't mind)
4. How are those who believe God subtly intervenes viewed within Deism?
and finally, 5. The website says "spirituality is a major component of Deism". Are there any Deist spiritual practices out there, or are they all entirely individualistic? Do you practise any forms of spirituality that you feel comfortable discussing?
Hope you don't mind me asking so many questions.