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  • I'm well rested (I had a long nap earlier), happy to see you, and wondering what you might think of my scandalous new thread. How are you?
    When I noticed a while ago that it was two in the morning here, I said to myself, "I'll stay up another hour or so to see if anything horrible happens", and then, there you were!
    I slept on and off. I feel pretty good right now, but I bet I'll want a nap later on to make up for a bit of sleep I missed last night. Chat today?
    I've decided to follow up my recent message with an even more cryptic, "Hi". That hi should, I'll wager, drive you to new levels of curiosity, given that it's a strange moment to be saying, hi. :D
    I'm posting here just to make you wonder, "Why is he posting there?" Are you wondering yet? I really hope you're wondering by now.
    Your outfit looked really good in the FaceBook photos. The only thing that distracted me from it was the astounding beauty of your face. Such a shame you couldn't come up with an outfit better looking than you yourself!
    Yeah, because you know, if you see a fetus as part of a woman's body, rather than, say, an autonomous individual with a right to life, then that must surely mean you are anti-human and should never have kids. Got it.

    Was the food good at the wedding? The room looked beautiful!
    I'm doing fine. Yesterday, though, I allowed myself to get suckered into a debate in an abortion thread with a couple of people who seem to me deficit in the listening department. I really should have known they'd just put whatever spin they wanted to on my words. At any rate, I've decided to cease and desist from trying to inform them of anything.

    Have a great party! :)
    LOL! Good genes and boring! You're just about anything but boring. I'll believe the good genes though. Sleep well! I'll be around tomorrow too.
    All that is just make-up? A likely story! It's got to be something in your food. I want to eat whatever you're eating!
    Nice powers! Can I lease them?

    Dani, those photos of you -- you're beautiful. Why don't you send some of your looks my way? You've certainly got enough good looks you can spare some.
    I'll go take a look. I was just working on my study of you, and suddenly decided to log on to RF. I thought you had gone to bed.
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