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  1. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    I did actually make a Dua for 'all'...
  2. IbnUmmah

    The Free Will Question., And How Islamic Philosophy views this issue

    Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem And hold firmly to the rope of Allāh all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allāh upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire...
  3. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    So why do I suggest virgin birth as the miracle? Well it stands as a miracle performed by God HIMSELF through his angels, as we are taught that God uses means. While he merely has to say 'Be' and it comes to pass, we (Muslims) are taught that He uses means to achieve the manifestation of HIS...
  4. IbnUmmah

    The Free Will Question., And How Islamic Philosophy views this issue

    So nice to see a thread on this subject. Throughout the history of schools of thought of Ibrahamic tradition the dynamic between free will : predestination has been discussed over and over. Surely the prohibition of divination within the traditions are to do with these precise issues. We know...
  5. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    Unfortunately what we sometimes think of as maintaining peace can end up being appeasement, sometimes being actively prepared to die for what you believe in, the 'striving' of which you speaks remains as the only viable option. In Islam this is called 'jihad'; however the greatest war is called...
  6. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    I'm obviously in a weird reality where I attempt to engage a well meaning member of the community on a topic of HIS choosing, QED, and end up in a conversation with Shrek. In these cases better in than out.
  7. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    They can't. The questions were to you, as you ventured into a discussion with the OP; obviously one of the ventures of which we DO have proof. My 'answers'/subsequent statements can't answer my questions to you; nor your evasion and ad hominems. I now have far in excess of a 0.2, it only took...
  8. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    The very same was put to Dawkins in seminar in regard to his rejection of creationism. He added it (i.e patterns in creation) had at least non fallacious logic while remaining empirically unproveable and although therefore rational not a position he was likely to adhere to. Richard Dawkins
  9. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    In answering a) i) Really? ii) How so? Furthermore how would you know? b) ii) Such a writer would lie beyond the realms of the measurable then as you obviously will be waiting eternity and a day before a large 'Godlike' hand containing a pen dips into the Atlantic as ink...
  10. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    Some have ventured that coincidences never occur, they are in fact all synchronicity...which by its etymological nature infers a divine writer of destiny; 'the happening of events at their prescribed moment in time'. From this perspective, every event within creation is a dependent miracle...
  11. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    Well ok, thanks for clearing that up as it'll assist. I tend to agree I also agree he was 'just a human' tho I'd contest humans have a range of capabilities; not every human has the insight to reveal the double helix, the insight, technical knowhow, and one might venture bravado to split the...
  12. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    Historical facts and significant statistics which can reproduce are different types of 'evidence'. My question was an attempt to ask the OP what he considers evidence to advance his challenge. It always best to establish the parameters of what is being asked before you rattle off, as otherwise...
  13. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    "Si vis pacem, para bellum"?
  14. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    Thx ChristineM!
  15. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    Shabbat Shalom Jayhawker, thanks for the welcome!
  16. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    The reason I chose the virgin birth as it is in effect a key, perhaps one of Simon Peter's, to the confusion at his time as to his nature which continues to pervade contemporarily and cause division in the religions pertaining to be ibrahimic; the Levitical Tradition of the Hebrews, that which...
  17. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    Do you accept that Jesus existed at all? Given he doesn't feature in the fossil record, scientifically, thus empirically, given we don't have his bones he is in effect a 'missing link'?
  18. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    Wa alaykum rahmat Allah wa Barakhatu. Thx bro/sis!!
  19. IbnUmmah

    Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

    Quite a challenge as it is often said 'miracles do not occur in contradiction with nature, they merely happen in contradiction with that which we recognise as nature'. There is a branch of the magical arts very commonly observed called 'illusionism', where the trickster deceives the eye of the...
  20. IbnUmmah

    New Member - Ibrahimic

    May the Source of Peace, His Grace, and his Blessings be with the Muslim Nation, the Believers, and those who are of the books. May the light of his unity, the lineage of his law bringers and messengers, his angels and mechanisms of the unseen bring all to recognise his Lordship and status...