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  1. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Of course, this isn't "the obvious"; what you're denying is, though. On that note, ta da. If you're not able or willing to at least attempt to have a fruitful discussion, then far be it for me to attempt to do so in your absence.
  2. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Yet another "cool story, bro." Do you plan to defend that at all? Or just sort of leave there, drive-by comment style?
  3. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Hurt? Who says I'd be "hurting" anyone? Please, the appeals to emotion are getting intolerable. I'm not a lawyer so I cannot give you the nitty gritty specifics, but there are legal resources available to allow person x to visit you at the hospital, or to able to put person x on your will...
  4. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    You know the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"? You cannot possibly help the issue of divorce, adoption, the shirking away of obligations that attend upon procreation, etc., by further detaching marriage from procreation and by institutionally and intentionally detaching children from their...
  5. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Yes, because I have mentioned the Bible so much and because I "really want" to see us turn back to the "good ol' days when we had sexual slavery and when we talked to menstruating women." And, no, we shouldn't "impose" our beliefs on others. That's why we should "like totally impose ssm by...
  6. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Oh pity pity, cry cry. Again, one needn't get married in order to obtain hospital visitation rights or indeed many other "rights" that homosexuals want access to in the first place vis-a-vis marriage (e.g. writing a will and including your homosexual partner in it, etc.). So if ssm was just...
  7. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Yes, the "oh you're opposed to ssm so you just must be a closeted gay!" Will the quality of comments ever improve? Or should I make my responses less that 20 characters for you to adequately ponder them?
  8. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Yes, and unlike many of you, I actually give reasons to think that the antecedent of that conditional is true, whereas you prefer to just say that "it's, like, your opinion, man!" What? When did I ever mention anything about "objective morality"? All I'm doing here is considering pragmatic...
  9. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Lets' say you reject the supposition that marriage is the metaphysically comprehensive union between . . . and that its purpose is to attach . . . etc. What do supporters of ssm think that marriage is? Here is one popular answer: Marriage is the lifelong union of two persons who love each...
  10. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    To assume that ssm is another example of a great "progressive move towards the moral good" or some other amorphous catchphrase is exactly what is in contention. I'm convinced that implementing of ssm will bring nothing but trouble for future generations, busy as we seem to be attempting to...
  11. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    It's called humor. :cigar:
  12. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    That's been my experience yes. You probably know who I am referring to. I'm referring to the sort of village atheist that thinks that the cosmological arguments of Aquinas, Leibniz, Craig, Maimonides, Plotinus, Aristotle, et al. can be defeated by posing a simple question: "WELL THEN WHO CAUSED...
  13. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    What do you mean by my "not caring" for such children? Of course they matter and they ought be looked after for, etc., but we what we ought not do is to change public policy in such a way that we intentionally and institutionally deprive children of a mother or father as such children were just...
  14. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    That's cute but, if you have been paying attention, I haven't mentioned the Bible or "GOD!" once in my opposition to ssm. Once again, even if I had an anti-epiphany and became an atheist, my opposition to ssm wouldn't falter whatsoever because my opposition to ssm does not depend on my belief in...
  15. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Again, it's no surprise at all that you'd disagree with the antecedent of the conditional -- your support of ssm depends on your doing so. But, again, as I have mentioned many times previously, denying the antecedent of the conditional is utterly fraught with problems. Well that's just a mere...
  16. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    On a more personal note, this gives me the opportunity to say that what is most unfortunate about the ssm movement is the fact that its supporters are convinced that they are doing something so good and great and "progressive" by seeking to implementing ssm. But that is just tragically misguided...
  17. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Yes it is if marriage is the comprehensive union . . . Furthermore, who says that we should be promoting individuals having children with someone and then leaving them to hook up with another man/woman? That's precisely what we don't need! If a gay man wants to have a child, then what he would...
  18. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Ay cabron. Who says that there is population? Furthermore, who says that we should treat marriage as a means to an end. Who says that there are more children in adoption than there are available adoptees? Furthermore, where's the evidence for any of these claims? Finally, the "last thing we...
  19. S

    Blog on Same-Sex "Marriage," Atheism, and More

    Childish question. Adult answer: I don't think that we ought to allow single-parent adoption. In circumstances in which an individual in a married couple dies (either the mother or father), the child is deprived of a mother or father, yes, but this occurs without institutional intention. In...