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Search results

  1. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    As far as I am aware, there are to "forms" of agnosticism (though do not inquire about their nomenclature for memory fails). One form of agnosticism is as you describe, namely, that such an agnostic holds that the proposition "it is impossible to know whether God exists" expresses a true...
  2. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    No, marriage is a social institution that exists for some purpose or other. By merely asserting that marriage is "a legal contract for two people to commit to each other in order to gain certain legal benefits and to clarify certain questions [whatever these questions are]," you've simply begged...
  3. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Any chance you'll clarify?
  4. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    A couple points: (I) the theist will obviously disagree that there is no evidence for God's existence; (II) Even if there was "no evidence" for God's existence, it would be fallacious to then conclude that God does not exist. You seem to be aware of this, however, given your previous comments on...
  5. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    I suppose the relevant question to ask, then, is "what leads you (that is, the weak atheist) to speculate that there are no gods?"
  6. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Various sources of research, yes. But isn't it just flatly intuitive that, all things being equal, a child is best raised by his biological mother and father? That some people's intuitions have become so muddled as to make this observation not forthcoming them is worrying, to say the least.
  7. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    If the argument I presented above is sound, then the supporter of same-sex marriage, if he holds to same-sex marriage on the grounds that anyone who is "lovingly committed" should be able to marry. Notice, however, that the bestowing of marriage will inevitably concern matters of parental law...
  8. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Another thing that I forgot to add: So-called "weak atheism," we are told, is simply "lacking belief" in god(s). If so, then how is "weak atheism" not just agnosticism by a different name, insofar as an agnostic also presumably "lacks belief" in god(s)?
  9. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    I'm not inclined to think so. All things being equal, a child is best raised by his biological mother and father. Adoption exists for the exceptional cases in which this is not possible (e.g. the child's parents died, the child's parents abandoned him, the child's parents are drug addicts...
  10. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Well, feel relaxed with the knowledge that I needn't rely on scripture not "psuedo-scientific instutitions" to provide a case as to why homosexual acts (among other acts) are immoral :beach:. There are a number of ethical theories that lead to the seeing of homosexual sexual acts as immoral. One...
  11. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Are you a realist, then? Of a Platonic sort, or of an Aristotelian sort (or other)?
  12. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Again, the "so by default you must be right" does not follow and I never purported to demonstrate that it does follow. My aim was more modest than that; I aimed to show that the grounds upon which many individuals support same-sex marriage leads them on the pain of irrationality to support other...
  13. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Good question. Since God is not some contingent, material thing or other with a given spatio-temporal location, God could not, even in principle, be "found out there" in the universe by means of empirical observation and/or experimentation for God is precisely not the kind of thing susceptible...
  14. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    No, a proposition can have the property of, say, "being false," or "being true," or "being incoherent," but that doesn't thereby entail that "being false" itself or "being true" itself or "being incoherent" itself has any kind of ontological status.
  15. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Yes, thus we could amend our standards and ask ourselves if we have any good reasons for believing that x, in this case, that the president is male (or, alternatively, that the president is not a female). We obviously have such good reasons, e.g.: Barack Obama clearly looks male; his wife can...
  16. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    What do you mean by "a god's validity"? The term "validity" is used to describe syllogisms whose premises deductively guarantee their conclusion. If one where to show, for example, that God as the Christian (or Muslim or Jew, etc.) understands is logically incoherent -- that is to say that God's...
  17. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    By simply "going out there" as it were and determining so by observation and/or experimentation. The claim "the president of the United States is a woman" is after all an empirical claim that can be falsified or confirmed by means of observation and/or experimentation. An analogous claim would...
  18. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    To note: I am noticing in many of the replies that people are complaining that, while I have offered an argument to think that the position of the supporter of same-sex marriage is incoherent or untenable, I haven't yet defended the claim that marriage as I envision it should be accepted (i.e. I...
  19. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Greetings all. I am a new user here in the forums and I am hoping to strike up some intellectually fruitful conversations here. Allow me, if you will, to begin launch such endeavor (pardon me if this is not the appropriate section for this topic). Very often it is said in the web that "there...
  20. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    One can only wonder where this "you can't prove a negative" nonsense originates from... If it is the case that you are ostensibly committing yourself to the supposition that you are a so-called "weak" atheist because so-called "strong" atheism involves something tantamount to proving a negative...