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  1. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    This doesn't help one bit: P1. If one accepts the proposal that marriage is just a legal contract that exists to join people who want to commit to each other for some period of time, then logic demands that we accept 5 men and 5 women who want to "commit to each other for some period of time"...
  2. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    The Regnerus Study is the most comprehensive study on same-sex parenting that there is available at the moment. The ASA, however, being the bastion of pro-same-sex marriage and LGBT thinking, is obviously motivated to dismiss the Regnerus study to the best of their ability, for its conclusions...
  3. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    "Cliches and generalities" Please, George. One cannot have an intelligible discussion about circumstantial topics without the use of phrases like "all things being equal." To illustrate: Suppose someone asked me: “Isn’t it better for a child to be adopted by a gay couple than to not be...
  4. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Of course there have been unwanted children ever since the dawn of time. I'm not denying that. What I pointed out was that, given the availability of contraception and the loosening of sexual moral mores (e.g. sexual exclusivity, marriage being the proper context for childbearing and sex, etc.)...
  5. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    No, all things being equal, a child is best raised by his biological mother and father. If, for whatever reason, this is not possible, then the next best thing -- again, all things being equal -- would be that he is raised by a married heterosexual couple, preferably one which is related to the...
  6. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    This is about as asinine as it is question-begging. You see, you are simply assuming that something can only be immoral if it causes some "verifiable harm." That's just to assume that some form of ethical consequentialism is true, i.e. to rule out all other ethical systems without warrant. That...
  7. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    No one is denying that marriage has something to do with the law. Indeed, I think that marriage has much to do with law, but I also think that marriage is more than just a mere "legal contract." Suppose, however, that marriage is just some form of governmental contract between individuals. What...
  8. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    That's funny because I haven't seen you even attempt to interact with the argument I presented. Instead, you just seem to dismiss it outright, ostensibly so on the basis of some pathetic ad hominem. Moreover, I genuinely wonder whether you know what an argument being "logical" or "valid" even...
  9. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Well, again I haven't even yet offered a comprehensive defense of marriage as I think it should be. To respond negatively however (that is, refraining from producing forth a positive case for my position in the meantime), he hasn't provided any reason to think that marriage should exist for the...
  10. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    And yet you haven't even purported to demonstrate how this "bigoted" argument I provided is unsound, thus revealing your own bigotry. If this were twitter, I'd be more than inclined to include the following: #irony.
  11. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    I'm not seeing how you're coming to that thought. Could you elaborate? This is also confusingly worded. What do you mean, exactly?
  12. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Supposing that we have good reasons to think that economic/behavioral reasons may make the distributing of children to polyamorous unions difficult (a sentiment I'd be eager to agree with), this at best only demonstrates that there might be a problem in practice, but the supporter of same-sex...
  13. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    As I mentioned previously, the argument I provided is strong, I think, because the supporter of same-sex marriage, if he is willing to hold to his support of same-sex marriage, he must deny either premise 1 or 2 (or, of course, both). Doing either one, however, has a high price tag. If he...
  14. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    Note that I'm not saying that talk of children is irrelevant to the matter at hand; I think that marriage inextricably has something or other to do with children. Rather, I'd simply like to save the topic of same-sex parenting for another time, though everyone in this thread keeps pressuring...
  15. S

    Argument from Consistency Contra Same-Sex Marriage

    That's not the point; the point is that if an individual supports same-sex marriage on the grounds that being "lovingly committed" to someone else is the sufficient reason for marriage, the that individual has, in principle, no grounds upon which to disallow any conceivable configuration of...
  16. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    The problem with empiricism is that we can always doubt the reliability our cognitive faculties vis-a-vis Cartesian worries. Say that God reveals Himself to you and only you. Might you not think to yourself that you have simply suffered from an illusion wrought by a "chemical imbalance" or some...
  17. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    You mean that God could reveal Himself if he wanted to? Sure, but he may have overriding reasons to not do so. Many do. But P1 is the only premise that could be objected to for the rest of the premises are a mere exercise in modal logic. "Denying" S5 would be tantamount to "denying" modal...
  18. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    That seems to be a category error; as I have elaborated before on this thread, you cannot prove by means of empirical endeavors that God exists as God isn't the sort of thing that is susceptible to empirical endeavor in the first place. That's more or less taking him out of context; Plantinga...
  19. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    I ask because your previous comment seems to invite a theist such as myself to confront you with Alvin Plantinga's dreaded Modal Ontological Argument, whose soundness solely depends on the first premise, namely P1. It is metaphysically possible that a maximally great being exists. To make...
  20. S

    Do you believe in Strong Atheism or Weak Atheism?

    Do you believe, then, that God is metaphysically possible (that is, that God existing entails no kind of contradiction)?