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Search results

  1. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    8. THE SON OF MAN ON URANTIA Lucifer and Satan freely roamed the Satania system until the completion of the bestowal mission of Michael(Jesus) on Urantia. They were last on your world together during the time of their combined assault upon the Son of Man. Formerly, when the Planetary...
  2. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    After the crucifixion, resurrection ans ascension of Jesus Christ, the highest universe intelligence ordered that the Book be compiled and released to our world. This happens periodically, as the man's ability to comprehend grows.These kind of REVEALED TRUTHS try to set the record straight, as...
  3. Christ Michael

    The 'Trinity' of Religious Contradiction

    Of course, God doesn't want evil !!! Please re-read my post(s) and you might be able to discern the "secret of the ages" as The Urantia Book is the fifth epochal revelation of TRUTH. Cheers
  4. Christ Michael

    The 'Trinity' of Religious Contradiction

    Only the first two statements of your 'trinity" are correct. Here is the explanation: [from The Urantia Book] There is no denying that we live in an EVOLUTIONARY and EXPERIENTIAL creation. That is the NATURE of this time-space universe in which we live. There is NO original sin and...
  5. Christ Michael

    The soul

    I guess Jesus Christ doesn't know what he is talking about !!! Cheers
  6. Christ Michael


    Evolutionary man finds it difficult fully to comprehend the significance and to grasp the meanings of evil, error, sin, and iniquity. Man is slow to perceive that contrastive perfection and imperfection produce potential evil; that conflicting truth and falsehood create confusing error; that the...
  7. Christ Michael

    The soul

    . AT EPHESUS--DISCOURSE ON THE SOUL On leaving Athens, the travelers went by way of Troas to Ephesus, the capital of the Roman province of Asia. They made many trips out to the famous temple of Artemis of the Ephesians, about two miles from the city. Artemis was the most famous goddess of...
  8. Christ Michael

    God and Spirit / Soul

    PERSONALITY REALITIES Personality is a level of deified reality and ranges from the mortal and midwayer level of the higher mind activation of worship and wisdom up through the morontial and spiritual to the attainment of finality of personality status. That is the evolutionary...
  9. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    HISTORY OF THE REBELLION The Lucifer rebellion was system wide. Thirty-seven seceding Planetary Princes swung their world administrations largely to the side of the archrebel. Caligastia (devil, our Planetary Prince) advocated the cause of Lucifer on Urantia. The Melchizedeks ably opposed...
  10. Christ Michael

    Trinity Symbol

    I guess Jesus' gospel was not according to the "law and the prophets", so they crucified him !!! Maybe there was another reason I am not aware of ? Please enlighten me !! Thanx. Cheers
  11. Christ Michael

    What was jesus doing in his younger years?

    What does the Bible say about Jesus' brothers and sisters ? There is great confusion in christian belief. Below is an excerpt from The Urantia Book. Mary and Joseph had 9 children and these are their names and birthdays: JESUS-AUG/21/7 B.C. JAMES-APR/2/3 B.C...
  12. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    As you keep reading this "fantasy" there will come a point in time when you will be able to compare it to your own holy book. In the mean time consider this: THE GIFT OF REVELATION Revelation is evolutionary but always progressive. Down through the ages of a world's history, the...
  13. Christ Michael

    Jesus' Final Words

    Anders writes: According to Matthew, Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1). Herod died in March of 4 B.C., so Jesus had to have been born BEFORE that time. But . . . According to Luke, Jesus was born during the first census in Israel, while...
  14. Christ Michael

    Question from a child

    There is no quickest way to God but if you really want to mess-up their young minds start telling them about Jesus Christ and how he was sacrificed on the cross for the atonement of our sins. I guarantee you they will be scarred for life !! IMHO the best thing to do, would be to show them the...
  15. Christ Michael

    Trinity Symbol

    . THE GIFT OF REVELATION Revelation is evolutionary but always progressive. Down through the ages of a world's history, the revelations of religion are ever-expanding and successively more enlightening. It is the mission of revelation to sort and censor the successive religions of...
  16. Christ Michael

    Trinity Symbol

    And what proof do you have for your stated beliefs ? I question the CREDIBILITY of the people who claim their truth is derived from a "holy book" that has "talking snakes and donkeys" in it. Your ignorance in things spiritual in no way negates what The Urantia Book has to say!!! Cheers
  17. Christ Michael

    Trinity Symbol

    - THE PARADISE CREATOR SONS THE Creator Sons are the makers and rulers of the local universes of time and space. These universe creators and sovereigns are of dual origin, embodying the characteristics of God the Father and God the Son. But each Creator Son is different from every other...
  18. Christ Michael

    How does one come to believe in a "revealed faith"

    Unless there is a PERSONALITY that can think, desire, want, need etc, THERE IS NO SELF-AWERENESS, ergo you are nothing but a vegetable !! Electricity is energy but it doesn't have a PERSONALITY, therefore it is not conscious !!!! Cheers
  19. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    4. OUTBREAK OF THE REBELLION The Lucifer manifesto was issued at the annual conclave of Satania on the sea of glass, in the presence of the assembled hosts of Jerusem, on the last day of the year, about two hundred thousand years ago, Urantia time. Satan proclaimed that worship could be...
  20. Christ Michael

    The Lucifer Manifesto

    3. THE LUCIFER MANIFESTO Whatever the early origins of trouble in the hearts of Lucifer and Satan, the final outbreak took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The cause of the rebels was stated under three heads: 1. The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer charged that the...