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Search results

  1. H

    Are US drone pilots war criminals?

    What is the civilian to terrorist kill rate...it's horridly high...
  2. H

    Favorite TV shows

    Boondocks all the way!!
  3. H

    What religion believes in souls?

    Muslims believe in souls...it's an impalpable body which will detach from this physical body upon death...
  4. H

    Hundreds of Britons fighting in Syria - MI5 chief

    *facepalm* ...many factors must be considered before entering Syria...there are wahhabis in the rebels camp, as well as other extremist groups...what are they really fighting for if they go to fight Assad? for Syria to be taken over by extremists? no doubt Assad is a tyrant, just gotta think...
  5. H

    should all history books be destroyed and forgotten?

    Hypothetically, if all the history books were destroyed and forgotten (while it's a given, some of the books are full of fabrications, but you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water), the next generation would be oblivious of what happened centuries ago...oblivious of historical...
  6. H

    What is freedom?

    A loaded word which a considerable portion of the American population thinks they are the vanguard of...
  7. H

    What gives your 'God' the right to damn? What condones burning for eternity?

    From an Islamic perspective, The Creator has the right to do anything; God owns everything and owes nothing to anyone. Everything is owned by Allah (literally meaning "The God"). Everything is The Creator's property and, accordingly, The Creator can do whatever with anything. Injustice is to do...
  8. H

    Is it possible to believe in several religions at once?

    No, it's not possible to fully believe in Islam, judaism, christianity, and other religions at the same time. Besides the fact that Islam believes in salvific exclusivity, salvation only through it, those other religions' belief in God is not compatible with the Islamic belief in The Creator of...
  9. H

    Are history courses in U.S. schools failing students?

    In high school and middle school (in Memphis), we never finished the history book (and my school was supposed to be the best school in the county with straight As on the report card); we always had around half of it left. Nor did I ever get to learn of WWI until 11th grade and that was only...
  10. H

    Is America a Police state?

    If one does genuine research on this topic, or just even keeps up with the news (Government spying on calls & computer, et al), who wouldn't say it is a police state? Perhaps those living under a rock.
  11. H

    What is the religious definition of eternity?

    Sometimes Muslims use "Eternal" to mean The Creator is Beginning-less and Everlasting, and sometimes to just mean Beginning-less (which is why it's said God is Eternal and Everlasting). Beginning-less meaning The Creator was not brought into existence after non-existence, as opposed to...
  12. H

    Why Do Gods Need To Be Worshipped

    The Creator is not in need of worship. It is to the Muslim's benefit to worship The Creator, as The Creator does not benefit nor is harmed by our worship. It is to our benefit in this evanescent existence, as well as the next life, which is everlasting.
  13. H

    Why does god have to be perfect?

    The Creator must be Perfect, i.e. free of flaw, as the opposite would entail God to be a creation, which is a contradiction. E.g., being ascribed with a shape denotes imperfection, as that which has a shape takes up space, it requires space to exist, (not to mention it is dependent on something...
  14. H

    Al-Ghazali's Last .....

  15. H

    Palastinians now non member observer status

    unfortunately, this won't stymie the illegal activities of Israel...such as building settlements on Palestinian land...