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What is the religious definition of eternity?

Sometimes Muslims use "Eternal" to mean The Creator is Beginning-less and Everlasting, and sometimes to just mean Beginning-less (which is why it's said God is Eternal and Everlasting). Beginning-less meaning The Creator was not brought into existence after non-existence, as opposed to everything else, which was brought into existence after non-existence (by The Creator).


Not your average Mormon
Why don't you have a go at it? I'd like to see you try.
If you want to start a new thread on the subject, I'll be happy to. I don't believe in trying to derail somebody else's thread with rants about why I hate someone else's religion, though, so I'm not interested in pursuing any of your criticisms here. By the way, have you always been a Catholic? Your behavior seems to be very out-of-character for a Catholic.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
If you want to start a new thread on the subject, I'll be happy to. I don't believe in trying to derail somebody else's thread with rants about other people's religions, though.

Sure, go ahead.

By the way, if you actually read the thread, idea was the one who started talking about God the Father having a body and all. Epic Beard was confused about that and I was trying to help him. I didn't bring up the topic of Mormonism here.

By the way, have you always been a Catholic? Your behavior seems to be very out-of-character for a Catholic.

What does that have to do with anything? The Catholic Church doesn't even recognize Mormons as Christians.

What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism? | Catholic Answers


Not your average Mormon
Sure, go ahead.
What do you mean, "go ahead"? You're the one making the challenge.

By the way, if you actually read the thread, idea was the one who started talking about God the Father having a body and all. Epic Beard was confused about that and I was trying to help him. I didn't bring up the topic of Mormonism here.
Well, do us all a favor and stick to a topic you understand. If anyone needs help understanding Mormonism, there are several of us here who are considerably better qualified at answering people's questions on the subject than you are.

What does that have to do with anything?
I'm just curious, that's all. In my experience, Catholics are generally quite respectful of other people's beliefs. They seldom post the kind of inflamatory misreprestations you did. You sound like you started out as a fundamentalist Christian who converted to Catholicism and are still dragging around all of that hateful baggage you should have left behind.

The Catholic Church doesn't even recognize Mormons as Christians.
So what? God does.

And why should anybody care what the Catholic Church thinks about Mormonism? I don't really care what Baptists think of Lutherans, what Pentacostals think of Catholics, what Jehovah's Witnesses think of Methodists or what Orthodox Christians think of Seventh-day Adventists. There are better sources of information about people's beliefs than their enemies.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Well, do us all a favor and stick to a topic you understand. If anyone needs help understanding Mormonism, there are several of us here who are considerably better qualified at answering people's questions on the subject than you are.

Instead of getting uppity, why don't you attempt to correct what you think is wrong that I said?

I'm just curious, that's all. In my experience, Catholics are generally quite respectful of other people's beliefs. They seldom post the kind of inflamatory misreprestations you did. You sound like you started out as a fundamentalist Christian who converted to Catholicism and are still dragging around all of that hateful baggage you should have left behind.

Well, you're very far off the mark and I don't appreciate your attempts to insult me. Like I said, instead of trying to insult me, why don't you correct what you think is wrong that I posted?

So what? God does.

Which god? Mormons don't seem to believe in the same God that historical Christianity does.

And why should anybody care what the Catholic Church thinks about Mormonism? I don't really care what Baptists think of Lutherans, what Pentacostals think of Catholics, what Jehovah's Witnesses think of Methodists or what Orthodox Christians think of Seventh-day Adventists. There are better sources of information about people's beliefs than their enemies.

And why should anyone care about the Mormon teaching of the Great Apostasy? Your religion teaches that the other Christian churches are apostates.


Not your average Mormon
Instead of getting uppity, why don't you attempt to correct what you think is wrong that I said?
I have every right to get "uppity." I suspect you'd get "uppity" too, if I started posting nonsense like, "Catholics practice cannibalism." As I've already stated, I will correct your statements if you start a new thread. I don't think it's right to take the OP's thread off topic.

Well, you're very far off the mark and I don't appreciate your attempts to insult me.
I merely said that you are quite different than most Catholics I've known in the past, and seem much more like a fundamentalist Christian. If I've guess wrong, I'm sorry. I'm just stating how it appears to me.

Like I said, instead of trying to insult me, why don't you correct what you think is wrong that I posted?
And like I said, start a new thread if you want to talk about Mormonism beyond its definition of "eternity."

Which god?
The one spoken of in the Bible.

Mormons don't seem to believe in the same God that historical Christianity does.
That depends on how you define "historical Christianity." But you're right -- we don't accept the 4th and 5th century attempts to define God.

And why should anyone care about the Mormon teaching of the Great Apostasy?
Well I'll tell you what... You answer my question and then I'll answer yours. Deal?

Your religion teaches that the other Christian churches are apostates.
Well, that's exactly what Martin Luther taught about the Catholic Church, i.e. that it had fallen into apostasy and had changed certain doctrines and practices as taught by Christ.

Look, either start a new thread on the topic you wish to discuss or don't. But don't continue to try to derail this thread.
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Not your average Mormon
Every religious person that I've ever met describes the god of the bible as being eternal and that he is not bound by space, time, and matter. With that said, I would like to get the opinion of religious people (or non-religious) as to what exactly eternity is? This question is intended to get people to think critically. I will respond to your answer with a follow-up question that will further my reasoning behind the original question. All responses are appreciated! Thanks!
I see "time" and "eternity" as referring to the same reality. In other words, eternity is simply "endless time."

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I merely said that you are quite different than most Catholics I've known in the past, and seem much more like a fundamentalist Christian. If that's an insult, I'm sorry.

For simply pointing out some Mormon beliefs that differ from traditional Christianity? Like I said, it was idea who started this by bringing up the belief that God the Father has a body, which is quite a bizarre belief.

The one spoken of in the Bible.

I don't agree.

That depends on how you definie "historical Christianity."

Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

What kind of an answer is that to my question?

Just that your religion isn't as open-minded towards others as you wish other religions to be towards yours.

Well, that's exactly what Martin Luther taught about the Catholic Church.

I don't care about Luther's teachings.

Look, either start a new thread on the topic you wish to discuss or don't. But don't continue to try to derail this thread.

It's not my intent to derail.


Not your average Mormon
For simply pointing out some Mormon beliefs that differ from traditional Christianity?
No, for misrepresenting those beliefs, for parodying them and stating them in such a way that anyone who was unfamiliar with them would wonder how on earth anybody could possibly believe such nonsense.

Like I said, it was idea who started this by bringing up the belief that God the Father has a body, which is quite a bizarre belief.
It may be "bizarre" to you, but that's because you don't believe it. I do believe it, so it's not "bizarre" in the slightest to me.

I don't agree.
I know you don't, but Mormons believe every word the Bible has to say about God the Father and about His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The biggest reason that I can see why you disagree is that you really don't know what we Mormons believe at all. You only know what you've been taught we believe.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
Yes, I understand that. To me, Christianity is all about the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church He founded.

Just that your religion isn't as open-minded towards others as you wish other religions to be towards yours.
Actually, it's far more open-minded towards others than they are towards us. Try looking for Mormon-sponsored anti-Catholic websites. You won't find any. Try looking for Mormon-published books in any Christian bookstore that bash other religions. You won't find any of those either. Try finding Mormon-made films and cartoons ridiculing Lutherans or Catholics or even Muslims or Jews. There are none. Check out that new Mormon-written broadway play intended to provide a couple of hours of sacreligious entertainment about the Catholic magisterium. Oh wait... it's yet to be written, and in fact never will be. Drive around any city where a large group of Catholics or Baptists or Methodists are congregating and see all of the Mormons holding up signs saying they're all going to hell. Well, you're going to be driving around for a long, long time.

I don't care about Luther's teachings.
But care about Mormonism's. Why? You've found a religion that works for you. Is there some reason why you feel you have to badmouth mine?

It's not my intent to derail.
Well then stop it.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
We're never going to agree on this. We don't even agree on the nature of God or which Church Christ founded. So I'm done with that. I've said what I needed to say on that subject.


Not your average Mormon
Oh my goodness. You take these to mean a literal corporeal body?
Sure. Why not?

To be made in the image of God doesn't mean a bilateral body form complete with skeleton, blood vessels, nervous system, and the like!
So what does the word "image" mean? It's the representation of something's physical appearance. That's it's only meaning.

That's silliness.
Of course it is -- if by "silliness" you mean "something I don't believe."

All of the above verses are simply anthropomorphic metaphors, such as saying, "I felt my God smiling down upon me today as the sun filled my soul". What, you felt actual lips of flesh squishing against your face, and a burning ball of hydrogen actually entered into you, literally? A literal reading of this would make you conclude this, wouldn't it. These are all simply a use of language to express how it impresses us in terms we are familiar with; the face of God, the hand of God, the heart of God, etc, etc, etc. Whoever reads these as literal truly has no understanding of the uses of language, and would find themselves utterly dismayed and lost a poetry reading, assuming the poet to be speaking of actual, corporeal things! :)
There are plenty of verses in the Bible which are anthropormorphic metaphors. There are others, including many that idea has posted, that make more sense if taken literally than if interpreted symbolically.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sure. Why not?
Because these are not literal expressions. Even when I was a child I understood things like "the hand of God", to mean a representation of power. Not fingers and a palm and a wrist.

So what does the word "image" mean? It's the representation of something's physical appearance. That's it's only meaning.
It's a representation of the nature of God. "She is the image of purity and refinement". Does purity have a physical body? If being created in the image of God means we look like God physically, then why don't we all look identical? Why are some black? Why do some have olive skin? Why do some have green eyes? Why are some women? Why are some men? You see the sorts of problems you get into trying to make this fit some theology?

Physical most certainly is not its "only" meaning. Someone can embody love, without love being a corporeal being that you swallowed and it now lives in your stomach.

Of course it is -- if by "silliness" you mean "something I don't believe."
No, I can respect differences in belief just fine. I reserve the word silly for things which are irrational and fly in the face of what is common sense in language use.

There are plenty of verses in the Bible which are anthropormorphic metaphors. There are others, including many that idea has posted, that make more sense if taken literally than if interpreted symbolically.
None of those make more sense taken literally.


Dwelling in the Principle
Every religious person that I've ever met describes the god of the bible as being eternal and that he is not bound by space, time, and matter. With that said, I would like to get the opinion of religious people (or non-religious) as to what exactly eternity is? This question is intended to get people to think critically. I will respond to your answer with a follow-up question that will further my reasoning behind the original question. All responses are appreciated! Thanks!

Eternity is usually described as being unending, but that which may have beginning. In this context, it of course cannot have beginning, because all that has a beginning must have an end.

In a way, you could say that Eternity/Infinity is that which renders time and measure utterly irrelevant.


Truth Seeker
Do we have any evidence of eternity? I think angels are the best evidence, they came directly from God. Humans are very different. they come indirectly from God by way of evolution. I know my mother was a human. I am sure angels would say their "mother" is God. That is a fundamental difference between heavenly creatures, and earthly creatures.

According to biblical accounts angels are timeless, or they have no time-related characteristics. Therefore, we can conclude that timelessness, or, if you will, a pure form without blemish or sign of aging, is eternal? Humans, on the other hand, are mortal--they age. So, if an angel, after its creation, lives forever, we can say it is almost, but not quite, eternal. Because God has no beginning or ending, we can say He is 100% eternal.

If you are visited by an angel, you've had a close encounter with eternity.


رسول الآلهة
Eternity is without beginning and without end...

Conservation laws - you don't get something from nothing, and you can't make something into nothing - everything has always existed in one form or another.

Wrong, eternity has a fixed point while infinite does not. You are confusing eternity with infinite.

Infinite has no beginning nor end while eternity has a beginning but just no end

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Wrong, eternity has a fixed point while infinite does not. You are confusing eternity with infinite.

Infinite has no beginning nor end while eternity has a beginning but just no end

Hmm can you elaborate further in how eternity has a fixed point? Are you referring to eternity as a matter of succession?