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Search results

  1. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I was urged to change my name to 'Ben King Te Haenga' by members of the 'Spirit world' and is only used when dealing with legal matters. The name Te Haenga is a connection that the 'spirit world and humanity have' to the 'Ancient One' who passed away in 1931. The headstone reads 'Here is the...
  2. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The following is a news report printed nationally on the 4th December 2011 Earth quake near Picton rocks capital felt afar. New Zealand's capital city ‘Wellington and Picton’ residents were last night rattled by the biggest quake to hit the Marlborough area in 45 years. The capitals city’s...
  3. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The following is a exact copy of a letter sent to our national government back in 1st December 2011. The hard copy letter sent using actual envelopes & stamps would have arrived within 24 hours to our National capital, the letter read.... Honorary Prime Minister Mr John Key, I would like to...
  4. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    MANNA ‘THE BREAD sent FROM HEAVEN BIBLICAL MANNA Is described in the book of Exodus from the ‘first testament Bible’ as the food that sustained the Israelites during the period they were lost in the wilderness, Manna was sent from the heavens to nourish the people, it was made available &...
  5. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    In response to the September 11th Terrorist attacks In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, almost all of the twenty major industrialized and emerging economies (The G20) who represent 85% of global ‘GDP’, 75% of international trade, & two-thirds of the world’s population...
  6. thebenbenstone

    Reincarnation of the Samsung Phone!

    i always wondered if indeed there was a historic man named Jesus born from parents 'Joseph & Mary', this might explain why Jesus 'Jeshewua' is buried in two locations in the state & land of Israel.
  7. thebenbenstone

    Reincarnation of the Samsung Phone!

    Celesteline (Celestalline - Stardust Blue - White Powder Gold) from Educate-Yourself Website A natural transient (very short life) element. The ancient Egyptians try to find them in the substance called white gold powder, and also tried to manufacture it. The substance only appears during the...
  8. thebenbenstone

    Reincarnation of the Samsung Phone!

    The following is a 'copy' of a document written over 2 decades ago by an author named 'Noel Huntley' which explains briefly why specific people possibly are reincarnates, this written material is 'out there with the stars', but still mildly interesting. by Noel Huntley February, 2005 Many...
  9. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    We understand that 'time' itself, in its simplistic term & meaning ... has no beginning & no end, therefore time is infinite. i have shown you how to break down the word 'time' itself into 3 simple compartments. We can theorize that 'time' has always existed, all it takes is the 'mind, reasoning...
  10. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    Over the last 2 decades I have met dimensional beings via means of ‘holographic projection projected throughout my dream state.’ These types of dreams are considered & are referred to as lucid dreams which may leave persons upon wakening having the thought that ‘they had or were in another...
  11. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a "Rule" First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this: n = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... xn = 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ... For example, term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8)...
  12. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I’m personally still trying to work out the golden ratio in music…. ‘Golden harmonics. What is that frequency when people take ‘disco biscuits’ and dance the night away. What is that special frequency in ‘house music’ that brings the people to a spiritual collective? What’s that all about? I...
  13. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The Golden Ratio or number ‘9’ ● Logarithmic Spirals: Are one of the most fascinating patterns in nature! These spirals have a unique characteristic their curves maintain a constant angle as they expand. This property makes them perfect for efficient growth, seen in the arrangement of leaves on...
  14. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    i enjoy reading other peoples thoughts, it helps generate ideas. I can learn from all sources even if i walk away with a fraction of what others write. i have learnt something of value.
  15. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I started this thread originally to share some of my experiences throughout this life I have lived so far, and to give those with ‘faith and those people with an understanding of a ‘afterlife’ a bit more credibility. To those who do not understand the nature of God, I will try to help you...
  16. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    Some time ago in this thread, i did mention my writings would be of a original nature. Here' something for you Indigo Child. https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/81057929/meet-quasi-the-new-fivemetre-tall-artwork-for-roof-of-christchurch-art-gallery This news report could mean something ( news...
  17. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    i have now for many years processed in my memory bank the word 'Christ' to be programmed as 'Ka - rise-t' Ka meaning 'spirit' ,rise meaning ascend, for example rise to heaven, and the letter 't' designating the historical Christ. Ka-rise-t or Christ to me now means...
  18. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    HOLOGRAPHIC INSERTS or VISIONS Our human body can be viewed as a “Biological holographic projection machine”. As the neurological structure process the DNA codes as electric impulses, the individual will perceive outside of itself - as three-dimensional matter - the images and events that were...
  19. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    Thank you both for your input, for some reason i always associate Horus with a 'ka-rise-t' or Christ. Perhaps its because i always view the ancient Egyptian Goddess 'Isis' with the mother of creation who is often depicted with Horus, I view Isis as the earthly mother who gave birth to Horus...
  20. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    In terminology, the word "Christ" originates from "KRST" - ancient Kemet/Egypt origin which means "the anointed mummy, the anointed one" it is often found etched alongside ancient Egyptian mummies buried in their sarcophaguses. It was first used referring to Asur (Osiris) in the Pyramid...