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  1. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I personally still cant get my head around the concept of a original one monolithic entity, i simply look at the concept of 'Ra' as simply a 'united confederation' or collective organized body. A type of superior God like administration that exist somewhere up Jacobs ladder or further up the...
  2. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The House of RA We all know the story of ‘RA’ the ancient Sun God, or God of the Suns (sons). I have mentioned previously that the glyph that represents the letter ‘R’ can be separated into 2 glyphs, the number 1 & the number 2. Which gives us the number ‘12’. On a priority list the number 12...
  3. thebenbenstone

    Evolution: the basics

    AGAR - Agar is commonly found in a laboratory. Chemically, agar is a polymer made up of subunits of the sugar galactose, and is a component of the cell walls of several species of red algae that are usually harvested in eastern Asia and California. Dissolved in boiling water and cooled...
  4. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    https://archive.org/details/KSDictionary1/page/n103/mode/2up?view=theater i found some of the information here quite informative.
  5. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    THE WATER BEARER… If I take a circle and look to the heavens, place that circle in the sky and divided the 360-degree circle into 12 x 30-degree segments. This will help me think and imagine the 12 notional astrological houses. it’s true I can’t observe the 12 astrological houses all at once...
  6. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    If my suspicions are true concerning dawn light, crystals etc. Those people who own gemstones and place them in high regards in monetary value & ownership, obviously have no idea what a 'alternative intrinsic purpose' these gemstones are meant & can be used for. In regards to longevity... those...
  7. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    ...my Father’s house.... I have come to the understanding that there are some scientists who support the idea of a parallel universe – multi universe theory. Which means we exist in this 3-dimensional reality which is possibly one of many allotments of 3 dimensional realities that coexist...
  8. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The Alpha people The scientist who study various topics, medicines, biology, natural resources etc do so to advance their understanding in a particular field of study. The complexity of biological life forms, the diversity and range are completely mind boggling. I don’t look at creation from an...
  9. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    My reality exists on many levels and plains. My Ancestral lineage from my father, grandfathers, fore fathers side can be traced to an early migration to Aotearoa ( New Zealand ). My older brother is deeply embedded in Maori tradition, especially in ancient lore. When he speaks privately of such...
  10. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    THE CHURCH SERVICE We had just arrived back from being out at sea. We were happy to have survived this particular trip. A woman approached us, her name was Nicky, she was a servant of God. She was from a local church and was handing out free cookies she had just baked. We had been away out at...
  11. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I have decided to share some stories with you that have helped shape not my life, but my thoughts on God. THE STORM AT SEA Maybe Late 2002-2004 The Fishing Trip During the end of 2002,2004 i cannot recall with complete accuracy. i had left my job at a local restaurant. I had not arranged any...
  12. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I was told - taught this many years ago, The numbers…. 0 = A symbol for a planet or Sun. 1 = The acknowledgement of oneself. The number ‘1’ being similar to the lower-case letter ‘i’ identifying a person’s body with a head. 2 = The acknowledgement of another human soul, 2 being ‘us’ or ‘we’...
  13. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    MOUNT EVEREST The Himalayan ranges are home to ‘*9’ of the highest peaks on earth including ‘Mount Everest’ being the highest in the world. In Tibet Mount Everest is known as ‘Chomolungma’ meaning ‘Mother Goddess of the Universe’, and to the Nepalese people Mount Everest is known as ‘Sagarmatha...
  14. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    ACTS 2:18 “This will happen in the last days: I will pour out upon everyone a portion of my spirit. I will show portents in the sky above, and signs on the earth below” “The 1st of January 2011 & again 1st January 2012 – location Beebe, Arkansas U.S.A” On New years day 2011, 5000 ‘Red wing...
  15. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    King Solomon & his respect for the humble bee. One day King Solomon was sitting on his throne with the great & wise men standing around him. Suddenly the door to the reception chamber was thrown open and the Queen of Sheba walked in. “Oh King,” said the Queen. “In my country far far away, I...
  16. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The following is a collection of thoughts of events that have occurred over recent years. The Humble Bee. The ordinary honey bee lives in ‘community colonies’ that have within their hive infrastructure highly specialized jobs. Each hive has about 50,000 bee’s and only one Queen. There are 100...
  17. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    The Vow We all know that this written language I am using is a collection of symbols & glyph’s from different sources that have evolved into its present day form known to most as the ‘English Language’. This written language to ‘most’ is simply an international tool that is used to convey...
  18. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I am in 2 minds concerning the existence or origin of Christ (a.k.a Jesus - Yeshua - Emmanuel) Probably because the New testament is written by a collection of authors & put together over a hundred years after the death of Christ. Apparently, the earliest Christian groups were found in Judea...
  19. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    I have mentioned previously in this thread the term ‘Dimensions of the blessed’. It is in reference to another dimensional reality. Most people would call it the spirit world. There are various terms found in ancient transcripts, scriptures & holy books that make reference to these places. In...
  20. thebenbenstone

    The evolving human consciousness

    i look at the 'written English language' subsequently formed from the 26 letter English alphabet, which in my view are simply a collection of symbols & glyph's that have developed & evolved over time to its present day form. I also understand this language has its origin from many sources. I...