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The evolving human consciousness


We had just arrived back from being out at sea. We were happy to have survived this particular trip. A woman approached us, her name was Nicky, she was a servant of God. She was from a local church and was handing out free cookies she had just baked. We had been away out at sea a few days so it was nice to see a female, especially a female with free cookies, She seemed pleasant enough and invited us to join her at the Church she was a member at. I thought I'd better go pay a visit at some stage, to thank the 'Universal Master' for getting us through the storm we had just experienced.

A few weeks later i decided to visit Nickys church. I knew the Sunday sessions 'kicked off" around 10 am, i strolled into the church service ten minutes late, i knew to arrive early would mean i had to exchanged pleasantries and acknowledge say hello to all these strangers who would be beaming with Jesus in there heart. To arrive late would also mean I could stand at the back of the congregation, where i wouldn't be noticed as much. I also liked thee idea of standing away from people so they wouldn't notice my poor singing ( if i was singing at all )

My eyes scanned the room to see if i could spot Nicky, and i noticed her a few meters away. I eventually settled into the service not really paying much attention to the speech's and singing.

My eyes began roaming and focused toward the front where the stage was ... the church had a pastor, band & musicians. On the stage i noticed a huge 'vase' about a meter & a half tall. Protruding from the vase was a tree branch. Its wood was a dark in colour and it was bare of any life all leaves.

My mind began to focus on the tree branch and I imagined the tree branch placed upside down in the sky. I imagined it upside down like a 'fork of lightning’ I realised the tree branch resembled lightning.

I then realised the 'lightning bolt' making its way to the ground. From a 'birds eye' view from the sky looking down I could see the ravines, rivers and streams had the same forked pattern.

I then tried to correct myself .. 'What are you doing thinking about this stuff?' you should be in Church singing the praise of the lord, not manifesting idea's about tree branches.

I immediately refocused my eyes and attention to the Church leader, as he was speaking to the congregation.

My mind couldn’t focus my eyes kept returning to the vase and tree branch. I thought to myself I'm gunna be burning in hell for this'

From tree branch to lightning forks to rivers & streams. I then realised the tree's and shrub's growing alongside the riverbanks would have the same forked pattern, there root structure would be identical, but on a smaller scale & if i was to be there on those riverbanks i could also pick and remove those small plants and shrubs. The arteries & veins from my hand, would have the same forked pattern.

One word popped into my head 'Replicate'. I then realised that 'all' existence and creation is replicated here on earth and throughout the Universe.

My journey to the congregation that day was to learn that simple word ‘replicate’. The Universal Masters work in mysterious ways with me. It is either a simple word, formula or number. All my life’s complicated questions always have a simple answer.
Is'nt it odd that i did'nt attend church to seek answers, i attended church to pay homage and keep my promise.
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Well-Known Member
All of reality is determined by one's perspective and perspective is fixed by his beliefs. Most people will never escape this pattern even briefly.

Sometimes the simplest thing can snap us out of a trance.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You are quite right. let me rephrase that;

We eaxch have our own unique reality
I could repeat what I just said, but obviously it would be a worthless endeavor. Having different perceptions of reality doesn't mean that we have different realities.


Well-Known Member
That is not true. Reality objectively exists apart from our perceptions. The universe existed for billions of years before there was any life to perceive it.

You are quite right. Let me rephrase that;

We each have our own unique reality determined by one's perspective and perspective is fixed by his beliefs.

I'm having software issues.


Well-Known Member
I'm having software issues.

We each experience reality according to our beliefs unlike every other life forms who experience only tiny bits ands pieces of reality. We see branches, vases, and rivers from a predetermined perspective.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You are quite right. Let me rephrase that;

We each have our own unique reality determined by one's perspective and perspective is fixed by his beliefs.

I'm having software issues.
We have unique perspectives. We share the identical reality.


Well-Known Member
We have unique perspectives. We share the identical reality.

Again, I don't disagree and our argument is largely semantics.

There is one reality but each individual usually believes he is privvy to it. Most people think they can just Look and see reality or a very large fraction of it but I am suggesting that this is in no way true. We are each a product of our time and place and our own unique set of beliefs. We are nothing like an 8th century theologian or a 19th century scientist. We look out and see what has been created by thousands of years of those who came before us. We see not reality but what we believe must exist based on what we were taught at school or on our parents' knees.

This is the nature of human life. We don't each start at square one and piece reality together. We each start with the acquisition of language and sets of beliefs. Science changes one funeral at a time because our realities are based on assumptions about what is real and what is imagined. We are mystics fumbling through understanding our world and then shuffle off leaving the the real world and reality to be perceived by a new generation with new perspectives derived from new beliefs. Bill Gates et al want to change this equation and turn the status quo into reality itself but they will fail horribly, or if successful, it will mark the extinction of the species.
My reality exists on many levels and plains. My Ancestral lineage from my father, grandfathers, fore fathers side can be traced to an early migration to Aotearoa ( New Zealand ). My older brother is deeply embedded in Maori tradition, especially in ancient lore. When he speaks privately of such matters & subjects to me personally, he can do so with confidence. But to other family members or outsiders, these subjects would be placed in the ‘too hard to understand, what are those two smoking? category’. They simply wouldn’t understand because their lives revolve around the more mundane traditional daily routines, rituals that we all have to deal & live with. I could classify their lives as mundane, or boring but that would be a very biased personal opinion.

I have witnessed conversations from a blood brother that have turned qualified people’s traditional thoughts, beliefs upside down because the orators subject of ancestral bloodlines go back to the first *person or people on earth, this subject is beyond the normal scope of understanding for most. Even to those who thought they knew more, but realised there’s room for more information in their personal temple because of a missing piece of a puzzle or sudden epiphany, everything starts to make more sense.
your random thoughts start being more cohesive.

If you could pinpoint a person either now or through recent history. If you could prove from a global perspective, portents signs which could not have been created by any human, but created from a Godly heavenly administrative perspective… that person would be placed in the same category as those men who are found in ancient holy scriptures. Those persons chronicled events could and will be used in the future as reference points.

I am of the complete understanding that ancient holy scriptures emanating from different sources, countries, languages, the old prophets, disciples, did exist, to the extent that most of the stories did actually happen but end up being streamlined, but the nucleus still remains. i don’t look at the holy scriptures or bibles belonging to any specific religion who can claim ownership.it seems to me that religion has been formed around written or spoken lore of passed historical events…. organized religion has been formed around … basically a person’s experiences....those ordinary men with extraordinary stories.

*tiki - from Maori mythology ‘ across the pacific, throughout Polynesia. Partiki – the smallest units of conscious energy electro tonal in nature
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Well-Known Member
I am of the complete understanding that ancient holy scriptures emanating from different sources, countries, languages, the old prophets, disciples, did exist, to the extent that most of the stories did actually happen but end up being streamlined, but the nucleus still remains. i don’t look at the holy scriptures or bibles belonging to any specific religion who can claim ownership.it seems to me that religion has been formed around written or spoken lore of passed historical events…. organized religion has been formed around … basically a person’s experiences....those ordinary men with extraordinary stories.


People are trapped into a single means of perception where all things are or are not without every realizing that it is we ourselves we are trying to perceive, and failing. Reality really is binary with everything existing or not but our perception is incapable of a positive identification of being or not being. All we can do is estimate the odds of what is or isn't.

I would estimate the odds of every single thing ever recorded by man from the Bible to the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics as having some basis in reality. But people think linearly and need something solid on which to stand so they pick and choose what's real to suit their own selfish and personal needs.
The Alpha people

The scientist who study various topics, medicines, biology, natural resources etc do so to advance their understanding in a particular field of study. The complexity of biological life forms, the diversity and range are completely mind boggling. I don’t look at creation from an omnipotent source originating from a single point of origin for example a male God who represents an ideology of a heavenly father creator.

My personal idea of what God is…is simply God is more of a continuity, a process of conscious creative thought that keeps the process of earthly lifeforces going. There is proof that all living creatures, entities that exist are binary and coexists as a functioning whole. And when establish lifeforce programmes that may have taken millions of years to develop & evolve start to break down due to usually human activity. We see these groups of life forms digress in numbers, start to disappear, then finally become extinct.

Which in turn is a reflection of where we humans (humanity) actually stand. Humans collectively tend to be more destructive or corrosive than creative. We should have earnt the right and held the title ‘guardians’ of this earth.

The Alpha-bet

I have previously spoken about the symbol or glyph that represents the first letter in the alphabet being the letter ‘A’. in a creative mind it could be a ‘compass with a piece of paper’ – or a pyramid with a elevated base.

The term… ‘Alpha, the beginning, the planning, the paper & compass’. The first 3 syllables in this sentence reads ‘Al-pha-the’. When you say these 3 syllables slowly, they sound & are the words ‘Our Father’.

This could also mean with some form of reasoning that the term ‘Amen’ used in prayer could be a evolving conscious thought that refers to ‘A-men or Alpha Men’. In biblical text ‘I am the Alpha, and thee omega’. Then you have to turn around and ask yourselves this question why is the Alphabet called the ‘Alpha-bet?’ I would assume the ‘heavenly father’ male creative force complex which is found in biblical text is for us humans to understand we could have at least respect or acknowledged a male entity; try to mirror a creator and become caretakers of this planet earth we call our home. That we humans know and understand what’s needed to maintain a creative and productive planet, to breathe longevity to life here on earth. It doesn’t really matter if you’re a pro-preacher, pro-scientist, pro evolutionist. We can all agree that the welfare of our planet should be a priority.

The 5th commandment that reads …” Honor your father and mother, that the days may be long upon the land that the lord has given you”. Should actually mean Honor your heavenly father and mother (mother earth) that the days may be long upon the land that the lord has given you.

But I can guarantee that most earth-based preachers will maintain the 5th commandment ‘means’ & is in regards to your actual birth parents. Because a lot of them do not acknowledge a heavenly mother or female entity for example a ‘Goddess’. This sort of reasoning that I write about is sadly classified as religious literature blasphemy.

From “The Gospel of Thomas.”

Jesus said to them, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like below, and when you make the male female one and the same, So that the male not be male, nor the female, female: when you fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness, then you will enter the kingdom”

The ancient Egyptian goddess ‘Isis’, a mother of creation. The word ‘Isis’ when spoken slowly can sound exactly like ‘I assist’. Why is the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis connected to the Sun God ‘Ra’? why are plants of a particular region called ‘flora’… floor Ra or flow Ra?... perhaps the sun rays of Ra flow through all vegetation.

Here is a story that happened a few years ago

I went through a phase a few years ago when I decided to write to the environmental ministers, environmental representatives of every single country that were attending those annual C.O.P summit meetings held each year in different countries around the world. These C.O.P meetings are about climate change and are run by the United Nations.

If I remember correctly, it may have been the year the summit meeting was to be held in November 2016 in a place called Marrakech in Morocco.

A month before the meeting I had finished my 2-page letter, printed about 120 of them. Had brought stamps and envelopes. Had hand written all the addresses to those countries attending next month’s summit meeting in Marrakech.

I was at work and had the stack of letters in my car ready to post to various countries with my information concerning ‘recent portents signs’ from around the world that I thought were important and also my interpretation of the 5th Commandment found in the Bible. That day must have been cold because at exactly 12pm midday I stepped outside and hail fell from the sky. It wasn’t large hail but it was small balls of ice.

The same day when I finally reached and found an inner-city postal box along a street called ‘tennyson’.

Just as I started to place the letters in the postal box a vehicle drove by with the personalised number plate ‘RA’. These types of synchronicities happen to me all the time. I don’t think much of them at the time and I never discuss them with anyone.

I have my mind trained to look at the capital letter ‘R’ as two glyphs joined together.

The number ‘1’ and a stylised number ‘2’, which gives me the capital letter ‘R’, these 2 glyphs when apart become the number ‘12’. I will try and write soon and explain my interpretation of the concept of the sun God Ra, the ‘Is Ra lites’ and also the number 144,000. Which is found 3 times in the bible.
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
That is not true. Reality objectively exists apart from our perceptions. The universe existed for billions of years before there was any life to perceive it.
I could repeat what I just said, but obviously it would be a worthless endeavor. Having different perceptions of reality doesn't mean that we have different realities.
We have unique perspectives. We share the identical reality.
You're right. Just like in your dream reality where your dream character and all the other dream characters are experiencing the same identical objective dream reality. All of you have unique perspectives in your dream, but you're all experiencing the identical objective dream reality. ;)
...my Father’s house....

I have come to the understanding that there are some scientists who support the idea of a parallel universe – multi universe theory. Which means we exist in this 3-dimensional reality which is possibly one of many allotments of 3 dimensional realities that coexist together.

I have mentioned before of my thoughts in regards to the other dimension’s namely because over the last decade or so television has been producing programmes that have been broadcasting and promoting spiritual mediums on television relaying messages from the dead (on the other side) to well-known celebrities on this side who are very much alive. These celebrities seem genuinely interested in the messages that are given to them & are genuinely surprised that some information could only have originated from a particular source, for example a very close friend or family member.

These televised programmes are designed to promote & teach ‘us the people in the land of the living’ that the people that have ‘died & passed over’ are very much alive in another dimensional reality. In fairness some sceptics may ask the simple question ‘why have only few people been chosen to receive such messages?’ and why haven’t I received any contact or verification from previously deceased friends or family members? Which would help solidify the possibilities of the existence and concept of other worlds, a heaven, a hell or something in between, for example from the Christian faith a transitional purgatory reality. The idea of Jesus returning to gather his faithful and offer eternal life is namely a Christian idea but is also offered within Islam, Judaism & other faiths.

“…. In my father’s house there are many mansions (rooms, Dwelling, places) and if not so, would I have told you? I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into my presence….”

This statement by Christ found in ‘John chapter 14 verse 2’ would imply that there are many dimensional realities.
Christ also quotes from the gospel of Thomas ..."i will reveal to you what no eye can see, what no ear can hear, what no hand can touch, what cannot be conceived by the human mind"
I myself know and have had enough life experiences to fully comprehend & understand other dimensional realities. Heaven is not upwards towards the revolving sky. But there is a type of ‘life earnt extra credit advancement offered’ through the space between space.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that when and if an eastern temple is established within the framework of existing religious beliefs, concepts e.g. ‘The *ark of the covenant & the son of man rising from the eastern skies’ That crystals 'gemstones' will be used to capture the first dawn light, amplify light, filter light,

I also understand that the 10 commandments given to Moses were made of sapphire (safe fire)

When I utter the word ‘dawn’ to myself it sounds like the word ‘door in’.

For some reason when I think of light, stars, our sun, I always think of the ‘star shafts, air shafts’ of the great pyramids’.

I personally don’t know much about photons & electromagnetic fields but that ‘rain bow’ in the sky can be a constant reminder of the ‘stair step process’ that to me indicates that the direction of heaven is through the passages of light, or other dimensional realities. We simply just have to work out how to use the earth made tools & elements created by the ‘earth and time’, thus allowing us to learn use and process the elements & tools offered by the heavens above our heads.

This is the part where you think I’m nuts…. But the word crystal sounds like ‘Christ tool’
The return of Christ ,think the Christ as a 'Solar key' - pronounced 'so lucky'.
Here are some passages from the Bibles concerning longevity…
eternal life is mentioned in Genesis 3:22, "Then the lord God said, 'behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil, and now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.

And again …Jesus defined eternal life … John 17:3. That verse says, “and this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” eternal life is knowing God.

And again …John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”

I myself don’t believe in an eternal life where I achieve immortality. However, I do believe in a dimensional transition to another realm for those people who follow basic laws (the 10 commandments).
*ark - think in terms of light 'arc'
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If my suspicions are true concerning dawn light, crystals etc. Those people who own gemstones and place them in high regards in monetary value & ownership, obviously have no idea what a 'alternative intrinsic purpose' these gemstones are meant & can be used for. In regards to longevity... those gods are clever eh? ;)
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Well-Known Member
...my Father’s house....

I have come to the understanding that there are some scientists who support the idea of a parallel universe – multi universe theory. Which means we exist in this 3-dimensional reality which is possibly one of many allotments of 3 dimensional realities that coexist together.

I have mentioned before of my thoughts in regards to the other dimension’s namely because over the last decade or so television has been producing programmes that have been broadcasting and promoting spiritual mediums on television relaying messages from the dead (on the other side) to well-known celebrities on this side who are very much alive. These celebrities seem genuinely interested in the messages that are given to them & are genuinely surprised that some information could only have originated from a particular source, for example a very close friend or family member.

These televised programmes are designed to promote & teach ‘us the people in the land of the living’ that the people that have ‘died & passed over’ are very much alive in another dimensional reality. In fairness some sceptics may ask the simple question ‘why have only few people been chosen to receive such messages?’ and why haven’t I received any contact or verification from previously deceased friends or family members? Which would help solidify the possibilities of the existence and concept of other worlds, a heaven, a hell or something in between, for example from the Christian faith a purgatory reality. The idea of Jesus returning to gather his faithful and offer eternal life is namely a Christian idea but is also offered within Islam, Judaism & other faiths.

“…. In my father’s house there are many mansions (rooms, Dwelling, places) and if not so, would I have told you? I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into my presence….”

This statement by Christ found in ‘John chapter 14 verse 2’ would imply that there are many dimensional realities. I myself know and have had enough experience to fully comprehend & understand other dimensional realities. Heaven is not upwards towards the revolving sky. But there is a type of ‘life earnt extra credit advancement offered’ through the space between space.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that when and if an eastern temple is established within the framework of existing religious beliefs, concepts e.g. ‘The *ark of the covenant & the son of man rising from the eastern skies’ That crystals 'gemstones' will be used to capture the first dawn light, amplify light, filter light,

I also understand that the 10 commandments given to Moses were made of sapphire (safe fire)

When I utter the word ‘dawn’ to myself it sounds like the word ‘door in’.

For some reason when I think of light, stars, our sun, I always think of the ‘star shafts, air shafts’ of the great pyramids’.

I personally don’t know much about photons & electromagnetic fields but that ‘rain bow’ in the sky can be a constant reminder of the ‘stair step process’ that to me indicates that the direction of heaven is through the passages of light, or other dimensional realities. We simply just have to work out how to use the earth made tools & elements created by the ‘earth and time’, thus allowing us to learn use and process the elements & tools offered by the heavens above our heads.

This is the part where you think I’m nuts…. But the word crystal sounds like ‘Christ tool’
The return of Christ ,think the Christ as a 'Solar key' - pronounced 'so lucky'.
Here are some passages from the Bibles concerning longevity…
eternal life is mentioned in Genesis 3:22, "Then the lord God said, 'behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil, and now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.

And again …Jesus defined eternal life … John 17:3. That verse says, “and this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” eternal life is knowing God.

And again …John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”

I myself don’t believe in an eternal life where I achieve immortality. However, I do believe in a dimensional transition to another realm for those people who follow basic laws (the 10 commandments).
*ark - think in terms of light 'arc'

Because of the way our minds work I don't think it's even possible to come up with an idea that isn't true from some perspective. I think it was Heinlein who created a world where any writer's imagination actually became real. As a youngster I tried to concoct some sort of idea that simply couldn't have any truth to it. Immediately the idea that there was always rain within 48 hours of an easterly component to the wind came to me. For decades I've seen this was both true and that most rain was preceded by an east wind!!! For about the first time I saw it fail early this month. We had days of an east wind and then no rain.

I think there's truth to what you say but like a lot of truth it's very hard to see. Truth comes from reality itself and our minds process the information and find it in disparate places.

I do "believe" in "eternal life" but it lasts only 1000 years and not forever. This might explain your "Tree of Life". Eat figs and drink wine but there's a catch. They have to be the right figs, the right wine, and in tiny quantities. They have to grow in fossilized gold (disintegrated auric sulfate) that is known in few places, such as directly under the phoenix and benben.

Coincidences and irony abound.

Good luck.

If I take a circle and look to the heavens, place that circle in the sky and divided the 360-degree circle into 12 x 30-degree segments. This will help me think and imagine the 12 notional astrological houses. it’s true I can’t observe the 12 astrological houses all at once because of my earth-bound existence & location.

If I pierced an orange fruit straight through the middle with a bamboo skewer. Held the piece of skewer protruding from the base steady, then made a small circle with the top of the skewer. This will give me an example of what earths precessional cycle looks like.

The earth takes 25,920 years to complete one full 360 degree ‘axial precessional cycle’. The precessional cycle is earths wobble which tilts the earth 1 degree every 72 years, or 30 degrees every 2,160 years. This means each of the 12 astrological houses last about 2,160 years (12 x 2,160 = 25,920) In regards to the zodiac i personally don’t follow horoscopes but I do understand the concept of how each house may influence & affect a person’s notional conscious characteristics which then can develop & identify a person’s individual characteristics.

Apparently, some of the Egyptian Gods and the God of Moses from the bible - Moses birth era was around 1590-1390 BCE- were developed, lived and existed in the astrological house called ‘Cancer’ cancer is the crab. The prophet we know as Jesus was apparently born in the astrological house of Pisces, Pisces being the 2 fish and apparently, we are now in the notional astrological house of Aquarius, the age of water. The age of Aquarius for some reason was promoted and started back in the 1960’s. Why? I have no idea perhaps the physical stars that represent the astrological house of Aquarius was starting to appear more dominant & visible in the night skies.

Luke 22:10 … concerning ‘The Water Bearer’.

Jesus quotes … “Behold when you enter the city. There you shall meet a man bearing a pitcher of water, follow him into the upper house when he enters…”

The Jewish holiday that celebrates the ‘Passover’. Is commonly assumed that it means "He passed over" in reference to God "passing over - or skipping" the houses of the Israelites during the final of the ten plagues of Egypt. Where all the 1st born from all households were apparently killed unless you had a marking on the front door of your house. This apparently happened approx.’ 1,400 years before the Christ was born

I think that Jesus’s reference to water was actually a referral to the age of Aquarius in regards to the Passover of the stars that represents the astrological house of Aquarius.

We all can understand & acknowledge that Gods ultimate life force currency is water. That is why water is contained within the confinements of a river bank. Rain is the primary source of water, and water is the life force for all living entities. I guess that is why the object that is located in our head is called a Brain. ba meaning spirit, ba rain meaning ‘spirit or life force of rain.’ Therefore, water should be a person’s primary focus when thinking about important elements that effect or enhance our lives.

We must also remember that the word rain is exactly like the word , reign meaning to govern or rule usually from a sovereign ruler. This would literally mean the concept of a ruler must come from and be upwards & from the direction of heaven.

The word Rain also contain the words ‘Ra- in’… probably in reference to the Sun God Ra,, & possibly the fact that the concept that ‘Ra’s life force flows through the people, flora & the land. Staying with the focus from the heavens the word ‘Cloud’ which can contain water sound like the words Ka loud, which can translate to the words ‘spirit loud’.

This Cladking is probably why synchronicities throughout your life with rain water from the east resonates with you & i. I comprehend your connection with God source obviously exists on another level. ‘Believe it all not’ the recent psychological battles I have experienced have been basically which God source reigns & has bragging rights and can claim ownership of the life force of water.
And this was magnified recently 'When Cyclone Gabrielle came to town, and it didn't stop there either, its been all over the world.
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Well-Known Member
This Cladking is probably why synchronicities throughout your life with rain water from the east resonates with you & i. I comprehend your connection with God source obviously exists on another level. ‘Believe it all not’ the recent psychological battles I have experienced have been basically which God source reigns & has bragging rights and can claim ownership of the life force of water.

We live and exist in a virtual miasma of consciousness because we are all connected by our humanity while being kept apart by our individuality. When people thought in Ancient Language they tended to arrive in about the same place because the knowledge that got them there was all processed by the brain using the same methodology and pathways. We naturally thought and acted very similarly.

But then abstract language arose which used the same vocabulary as Ancient Language but gave each word many new meanings that had to be deduced in speech. If someone yelled "fire" you'd have to figure out through context if it meant the place was on fire or you should shoot. Each individual had his own thoughts and own way to process information. Rather than thought resonating with reality thought now resonated only with the beliefs of the observer.

But we can still get peeks into other peoples' consciousness because the vocabulary is still Ancient Language and it rhymes with reality. We each have at least some appreciation for ancient times because we still have a brain wired about the same way the pyramid builders'
minds were wired and we just operate them differently. Our operating system has changed radically and suddenly in 2000 BC. Our imaginations and perceptions still rhyme with ancient times and ancient thinking.

Yes! "Ka loud" truly is the sun speaking out loud in Ancient Language and this probably is not strictly coincidence. The sun's ka is its ability to work and is the driving force of the hydraulic cycle that causes the water to evaporate into the air and create clouds. The CO2 that drove water into the air and provide the motive force to build pyramids was a "solar element" named "risings begetter" (i3.t-wt.t) in Ancient Language. They believed this water evaporated and created the headwaters of the four rivers mentioned in the Bible. In Ancient Language speech was powerful because it did contain knowledge so re's ka had the power to cause the water to go into the air and fall somewhere else.

1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus.
1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water;
1146b. for he is the Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent with the many coils;

Whatever you're tapping into is probably real and probably something from the waking world that is leaking into our "collective" dream.

This shows a clear understanding of the hydraulic cycle and these words date to at least 2700 BC and probably were originally oral traditions that went back centuries before the invention of writing. The "Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent" is usually translated as "Nehebkau" but the word actually mean "The Natural Phenomenon of the Hydraulic Cycle" and was ancient theory. Nehebkau's many coils were the clouds.

These words we use create Zipf's Law and are the formatting of both our speech and our beliefs. It's only natural that they resonate with ancient times, each other, and our thoughts.

It's this miasma that prevents people from understanding just how simple human existence can be explained all the way back to proto-humans and the construction of the ben ben lifted high by means of tefnut's strong arms. It's truly a remarkable world with eight billion sleepwalkers who each think we're all wide awake. We each think we are intelligent and fully conscious even though we all live in a miasma of what we believe and what we believe to be possible.


Well-Known Member
1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus.
1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water;
1146b. for he is the Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent with the many coils;

This shows a clear understanding of the hydraulic cycle and these words date to at least 2700 BC and probably were originally oral traditions that went back centuries before the invention of writing. The "Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent" is usually translated as "Nehebkau" but the word actually mean "The Natural Phenomenon of the Hydraulic Cycle" and was ancient theory. Nehebkau's many coils were the clouds.

These simple facts, simple ideas, and simple ancient understanding does not penetrate into peoples' dreams. I've shown this and substantiated it more times and in more places than I can count but I am still the only person who knows ancient people even before the invention of writing were quite familiar the hydraulic cycle!!! How is it possible that simple facts can't penetrate the sleeping world? How is it possible to explain the existence of these words without the recognition that we are not the crown of creation because the crown of creation was carried off by horus in 2900 BC.

There is even more complex knowledge than this shown quite clearly in Ancient Language.

Let the sleepers be they already have all the belief they need. It can be dangerous to wake them up, anyway.
