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The evolving human consciousness


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I am happy to read about your meetings with the dimensional beings in your dream state. I would be happy if you kindly post more vivid description of some of your meetings. I do believe that the souls in the skies can appear in dreams but they have to be souls of dead persons otherwise I do not understand what appeared in these dreams.
What makes you believe they are the souls of dead persons? Have you ever wondered why people can be so mixed up?


Well-Known Member
Science keeps marching on.

Cutting edge science in gold nanoparticles are little clumps of gold comprised of 8 to 10 atoms. Proper monatomic gold (called "mfkzt" by ancient science) are single molecules of gold that are stripped from auric sulfate over millions of years and still fixed in the matrix of sandstone and liberated by the dissolution of the siderite by carbonic acid. This gold must be taken up by sycamore figs or grapes to be effective when eaten. It has strange properties when separated into its pure form. It can not be transmuted into gold by any known means other than it is deposited in the long bones of mammals that consume it. It is probably effective to a greater or lesser extent in all animalia.

It can not be identified by most modern instrumentation.

This gold is deposited in the philosophers stone also known as the ben ben. Even the clumps of gold are very ungoldlike. It is a lightweight pink powder where mfkzt is a strange white powder.

Alchemists worked for many centuries to turn gold into mfkzt and failed. It exists all over the earth but the pyramids over the ben bens are the giant X's that marked the only known spots to ancient science and the origin of the Fountain of Youth.
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Bharat Jhunjhunwala

What makes you believe they are the souls of dead persons? Have you ever wondered why people can be so mixed up?
In my assessment, there is no mixing up. The dead souls have some desires and they will connect with a person who is active in those desires, a kind of fulfillment of a desire by proxy but this is purely speculation, and I may be wrong.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
In my assessment, there is no mixing up. The dead souls have some desires and they will connect with a person who is active in those desires, a kind of fulfillment of a desire by proxy but this is purely speculation, and I may be wrong.
I'm not sure of what you are saying. Do you believe there are dead souls that connect with the living?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
In my assessment, there is no mixing up. The dead souls have some desires and they will connect with a person who is active in those desires, a kind of fulfillment of a desire by proxy but this is purely speculation, and I may be wrong.
Abdu'l-Baha has guven some interesting thoughts about souls that strive for good and souls that do not.

Source of Evil Thoughts
"They come from other minds: they are reflected. One should not become a mirror for them—to reflect them, neither should one try to control them for this is impossible: it only aggravates the difficulty, causing more to appear.
"One should constantly turn the mirror of his heart squarely toward God so that the Light of the Sun of Truth may be reflected there.
"This is the only cure for attacks of evil thoughts. The face of the mirror should be turned toward God and the back of the mirror toward the evil thoughts." (‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Daily Lessons Received at Akka, p. 35, 1979 ed.)

When we pass on Abdul'baha says the evil influences are lost and only the good can influence.

Influence of Evil Spirits
"You have asked regarding the influence of evil spirits. Evil spirits are deprived of eternal life. How then can they exercise any influence? But as eternal life is ordained for holy spirits, therefore their influence exists in all the divine worlds." (From a Tablet of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to Mrs. Ella Goodall Cooper: Daily Lessons Received at Akka, p. 78, 1979 ed.)

A big topic with many insights now given. Regards Tony


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Abdu'l-Baha has guven some interesting thoughts about souls that strive for good and souls that do not.

Source of Evil Thoughts
"They come from other minds: they are reflected. One should not become a mirror for them—to reflect them, neither should one try to control them for this is impossible: it only aggravates the difficulty, causing more to appear.
"One should constantly turn the mirror of his heart squarely toward God so that the Light of the Sun of Truth may be reflected there.
"This is the only cure for attacks of evil thoughts. The face of the mirror should be turned toward God and the back of the mirror toward the evil thoughts." (‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Daily Lessons Received at Akka, p. 35, 1979 ed.)

When we pass on Abdul'baha says the evil influences are lost and only the good can influence.

Influence of Evil Spirits
"You have asked regarding the influence of evil spirits. Evil spirits are deprived of eternal life. How then can they exercise any influence? But as eternal life is ordained for holy spirits, therefore their influence exists in all the divine worlds." (From a Tablet of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to Mrs. Ella Goodall Cooper: Daily Lessons Received at Akka, p. 78, 1979 ed.)

A big topic with many insights now given. Regards Tony
Question: If, according to your source (Abdul-Baha), evil spirits are deprived of eternal life, are they dead, in other words, not communicating with anyone?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Question: If, according to your source (Abdul-Baha), evil spirits are deprived of eternal life, are they dead, in other words, not communicating with anyone?
In this life we influence each other, so evil thoughts can influence us if we feed them. We have to relace all evil thoughts with good and productive thoughts. After they pass on, their mind no longer connected to this world, but pure souls can feed all the possibilities of the arts and sciences.

I have long seen that violence breeds more violence and hate breeds more hate and immorality breed more immorality. That is why the degradation of entertainment based in all that is evil, is now shaping the world we live in. Imagine playing such degrading video games and watching it as entertainment, it makes me cringe.

Regards Tony


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
In this life we influence each other, so evil thoughts can influence us if we feed them. We have to relace all evil thoughts with good and productive thoughts. After they pass on, their mind no longer connected to this world, but pure souls can feed all the possibilities of the arts and sciences.

I have long seen that violence breeds more violence and hate breeds more hate and immorality breed more immorality. That is why the degradation of entertainment based in all that is evil, is now shaping the world we live in. Imagine playing such degrading video games and watching it as entertainment, it makes me cringe.

Regards Tony
In many respects I agree with you. Otherwise how can there be so much random violence and horrible actions by people. But I really do not want to get off the initial subject I have about spirits. which is, do you believe evil spirits exist and can influence living persons? By that I also mean spirits of dead persons (or souls one might put it). Therefore I will hopefully start a thread in reference to these points later. Thank you.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
In many respects I agree with you. Otherwise how can there be so much random violence and horrible actions by people. But I really do not want to get off the initial subject I have about spirits. which is, do you believe evil spirits exist and can influence living persons? By that I also mean spirits of dead persons (or souls one might put it). Therefore I will hopefully start a thread in reference to these points later. Thank you.
I do not think that people that chose evil in this life, who have passed on, can influence those who still live in this life. Yes it is a big subject to which a new thread would create great discussion.

Regards Tony


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do not think that people that chose evil in this life, who have passed on, can influence those who still live in this life. Yes it is a big subject to which a new thread would create great discussion.

Regards Tony
Well, since we're in the thread of evolving of human consciousness, (1) do you believe in the theory of evolution, and (2) if you do, do you imagine these "dead souls" are still evolving?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Well, since we're in the thread of evolving of human consciousness, (1) do you believe in the theory of evolution, and (2) if you do, do you imagine these "dead souls" are still evolving?
This is what Baha'u'llah offered.

"...All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. The Almighty beareth Me witness: To act like the beasts of the field is unworthy of man. Those virtues that befit his dignity are forbearance, mercy, compassion and loving-kindness towards all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Say: O friends! Drink your fill from this crystal stream that floweth through the heavenly grace of Him Who is the Lord of Names. Let others partake of its waters in My name, that the leaders of men in every land may fully recognize the purpose for which the Eternal Truth hath been revealed, and the reason for which they themselves have been created..."

— Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh

Regards Tony
In response to the September 11th Terrorist attacks
In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, almost all of the twenty major industrialized and emerging economies (The G20) who represent 85% of global ‘GDP’, 75% of international trade, & two-thirds of the world’s population passed new national anti-terrorism laws that were to protect their countries borders & citizens. These new laws restricted civil liberties and expanded the powers of the executive branch of those ‘countries existing security’, in the name of the greater good & national security. These new anti-terrorism laws that were formed, are in force & are still used 24 years latter to this very day.

The national laws and policies of the G20 states and other countries that adopted these new anti-terrorism laws shows that even the vast majority of new anti-terrorism laws still remain in force 24 years later to this very day. Authoritarian type states continue to use the "war on terror" as a justification to subjugate human rights, silence local dissidents and undermine opposition figures that potentially have the power to tip the apple cart in these ‘so called democratic states. Many of the originally temporary encroachments on privacy, such as ‘telecommunications surveillance’ on persons in the public & private sector, or the collection of biometric features, remain in force and have been normalized by these governments & have been infused & written into permanent law.

In the so-called new "war on terror," countries governments created a state of emergency in which civil liberties ‘basic human civil rights’ were systematically placed on hold, not reinstated & will eventually be forgotten. These past events also serve as a reminder that a person’s fundamental basic democratic rights, such as the rule of civil law, should neither be taken for granted nor be abandoned prematurely and without reflection.

New Zealand

On 15 October 2007 300 armed police did a dawn raid and arrested 17 known political activists in locations throughout the North Island of New Zealand. The small Tūhoe community of Rūātoki was completely closed off by police during the raids. Police claimed those arrested were involved in a terrorist training camp in the ‘Urewera national park mountains. In total 14 people were arrested & faced charges after these raids. The solicitor general (head of the Crown Law Office of New Zealand) turned down police requests to allow the defendants to be charged under the newer more recent ‘Terrorism Suppression Act of 2002’. One defendant, Tuhoe Frances Lambert, died while still awaiting trial. In September 2011 Charges were eventually dropped against the majority of the original 17 arrested, except for 4 of the remaining defendants. In March 2012 the remaining 'Urewera Four' were convicted on simple unlicensed firearms, weapons charges. In May the same year ‘Tame Iti and Rangi Kemara’ were both sentenced to two and a half years prison. The case brought to the people by the police was controversial throughout its trial, with some members of the public claiming that police used the fear of terrorism to suppress, subjugate, bully genuine ‘known political activists who express genuine dissonance’ with the way indigenous Maori people had been previously treated by the Crown throughout past history. Reports on the day by the press stated that a bus full of children from a kōhanga reo ( an indigenous Māori language preschool for children under the age of 5) was stopped and searched, police ‘superintendent ‘Wally Haumaha’ went on record & originally stated to the New Zealand public ‘that these initial news reports were wrong’ However, a bus driver told a group of protesters "The police did hop on our bus full of children and they did search our bus ... they had full arm defenders squad gear & always held their rifles in their hands. The organiser of the protest called on the government to acknowledge the incident and to do something for the young children affected by this raid. Speaking on ‘Radio New Zealand’s national radio station, she asked "I'd like to ask that question why? (was there nothing being done?) is it because we're from Ruatoki? Is it because the majority of people out here affected that day were children of indigenous Māori descent? (therefore marginalized)
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Is described in the book of Exodus from the ‘first testament Bible’ as the food that sustained the Israelites during the period they were lost in the wilderness, Manna was sent from the heavens to nourish the people, it was made available & collected 6 mornings a week after the dew had evaporated, I would presume morning dew would be the tiny droplets of water found on surfaces before the rising morning sun.

The word ‘manna’ is mentioned twice: once in Exodus 16:1–36 and once again in Numbers 11:1 – 9. The description of ‘manna’ in the Book of Exodus, manna is described as being "a fine, flake-like thing" like the frost on the ground. It is described in the Book of Numbers as arriving with the morning dew during the night. Exodus states that it had to be collected 6 mornings a week before it was evaporated or melted by ‘the heat of the mid-day sun’ and that it was similar to ‘coriander seed in size’ but white in colour.

In the book of Numbers manna is describes as having the appearance of ‘bdellium’ which is a semi-transparent fragrant resin produced from specific trees. The Bible states that the Israelites ground it and pounded it & made manna into cakes, which were then baked, resulting in something that tasted like ‘cakes baked with oil’ Exodus states that raw manna tasted like wafers that had been made with honey. The Israelites were instructed to eat only the amount of manna they were able to collect and had gathered for each day. Excess manna that was stored "bred worms and stank", the exception being that if manna was stored the day before the Sabbath (Preparation Day), when twice the amount of manna was allowed to be gathered. This manna did not spoil overnight. Exodus 16:23–24 states:

This is what the Lord commanded: "Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord. So, bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning". So, they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it.

From the Quran - The word mana appears three times in the Quran at 2:57, 7:160, and 20:80. It is narrated in the ‘Sahih Muslim’ that Muhammad said: Truffles are part of the 'manna' which God sent to the people of Israel through Moses, and its juice is a medicine for the eye."

Mana In Polynesian Culture. People generally associate Mana with a person’s presence, to have Mana is to have either prestige through personal achievement, for example a ‘sporting hero or heroine someone who has been in numerous gladiator type battles, this type of mana is basically physically earnt. Mana may be inherited through a famous deserving ancestry bloodline, usually an established kingship. Mana can also be earnt. The more a person is in tune & respectful with all aspects of life & life forms, the more Universal knowledge & mana is given to that individual. These persons genuinely seek divine knowledge for the greater good & have divine intention for all members of humanity and extend their concern & welfare to animal’s & all aspects of creation. Mana exists in all living things; inanimate objects may also possess this universal energy. People generally find this type of energy while visiting sacred locations on earth ‘places of peace and power'

TRIBAL MANA Collectively a group of people can achieve ‘Mana Whenua’ by demonstrating their intention to live and co-exist within the boundaries necessary to maintain natural laws or 'rules of existence', MANA ATUA - Ancient Universal law & authority
Is a sacred force existing in the universe of a super natural origin. ‘Mana Atua’ is known in Polynesian culture as universal authority and therefore represents authority from a source known as God
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The following is a exact copy of a letter sent to our national government back in 1st December 2011. The hard copy letter sent using actual envelopes & stamps would have arrived within 24 hours to our National capital, the letter read....

Honorary Prime Minister Mr John Key,
I would like to congratulate you and your National Party on your recent win. There is no doubt that you are the preferred Political leader of our country.
I am writing in regards to the 2007 New Zealand Police & O.D.E.S.C.S 'Anti-Terror raids' imposed on the Bay of Plenty tribe and people of Tuhoe.
To utilize 300 members of the Armed defenders and anti-Terror Squad on a small rural township was no doubt excessive. Reports of early morning raids on families dressed in pajama's, children on a school bus have done nothing to strengthen & heal the relationship between Pakeha* & Maoridom.
We all know that Tuhoe have justified historical grievances with the New Zealand Crown, and there will always be Māori people classified as extremists who wish to have their mana reinstated and returned. This is simply the return of dignity, to people who wish to be identified as equals in a country their forefathers have lived in for centuries. We also have to consider the long-term psychological effects that these raids have had on the children of Tuhoe.
Mr Howard Broad, in his last years final press conference, implied that the people of Tuhoe would possibly get a formal apology from the New Zealand Police in regards to these terror raids.
Perhaps the New Zealand Government & New Zealand Police would consider a formal apology to the people of Tuhoe. It’s been a while now since these raids had taken place. An apology costs nothing. It would be a good gesture for all New Zealanders and a great start for the coming year for your government. With kind regards,

Ben King Te Haenga

Minister of Police Judith Collins.
Minister of Justice Simon Power & Prime Minister John Key
( These are the 3 government Departments that received this letter )
* Pakeha - is a name given to colonizers, generally of Caucasian, English European descent.
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The following is a news report printed nationally on the 4th December 2011

Earth quake near Picton rocks capital felt afar.
New Zealand's capital city ‘Wellington and Picton’ residents were last night rattled by the biggest quake to hit the Marlborough area in 45 years. The capitals city’s Buildings were rattled and many of the cities high rise buildings lost their windows as skyrise louvers & windows fell and were left shattered & damaged
The 5.7 magnitude earthquake was centered 30km east of Picton in the ‘Marlborough Sounds’ at 7.19pm, at a depth of 60km.
‘New Zealand’s Capital city Wellington’ and southern area Picton only escaped major damage due to the nature & depth of the earthquake.

Within a few days this event triggered a response from the new government to state publicly that new legislation would be passed within a few years to honor rights for indigenous Maori to be included in all policy making in ‘local, district and national governing bodies. To have 50% equal share & representation in all decision-making concerning the welfare of lands and its original indigenous people. This event was to help expediate and restore historical promises made and manna back to the lands original indigenous people. This country ‘down under’ is the very first place in the world to welcome each new days morning sun.

( The word Picton when spoken slowly sound exactly like the word 'Picked on' )
I was urged to change my name to 'Ben King Te Haenga' by members of the 'Spirit world' and is only used when dealing with legal matters. The name Te Haenga is a connection that the 'spirit world and humanity have' to the 'Ancient One' who passed away in 1931. The headstone reads 'Here is the leader the peoples leader'. 1931 is also the year a great Earthquake happened which changed the local landmass, that seabed's were raised and created new land that once belonged under the sea. When i mention 'Ancient one' it is highly likely and probable this is the 'name reference' used in the Bible.
( I am slowly putting together some info concerning my dealings & relationship with other dimensional beings )

The Ancient One.JPG
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Well-Known Member


Is described in the book of Exodus from the ‘first testament Bible’ as the food that sustained the Israelites during the period they were lost in the wilderness, Manna was sent from the heavens to nourish the people, it was made available & collected 6 mornings a week after the dew had evaporated, I would presume morning dew would be the tiny droplets of water found on surfaces before the rising morning sun.

The word ‘manna’ is mentioned twice: once in Exodus 16:1–36 and once again in Numbers 11:1 – 9. The description of ‘manna’ in the Book of Exodus, manna is described as being "a fine, flake-like thing" like the frost on the ground. It is described in the Book of Numbers as arriving with the morning dew during the night. Exodus states that it had to be collected 6 mornings a week before it was evaporated or melted by ‘the heat of the mid-day sun’ and that it was similar to ‘coriander seed in size’ but white in colour.

In the book of Numbers manna is describes as having the appearance of ‘bdellium’ which is a semi-transparent fragrant resin produced from specific trees. The Bible states that the Israelites ground it and pounded it & made manna into cakes, which were then baked, resulting in something that tasted like ‘cakes baked with oil’ Exodus states that raw manna tasted like wafers that had been made with honey. The Israelites were instructed to eat only the amount of manna they were able to collect and had gathered for each day. Excess manna that was stored "bred worms and stank", the exception being that if manna was stored the day before the Sabbath (Preparation Day), when twice the amount of manna was allowed to be gathered. This manna did not spoil overnight. Exodus 16:23–24 states:

This is what the Lord commanded: "Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord. So, bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning". So, they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it.

From the Quran - The word mana appears three times in the Quran at 2:57, 7:160, and 20:80. It is narrated in the ‘Sahih Muslim’ that Muhammad said: Truffles are part of the 'manna' which God sent to the people of Israel through Moses, and its juice is a medicine for the eye."

Manna has been associated with white powder of gold/ mfkzt/ monatomic gold by many others. It has been suggested that there were industrial processes that emitted it into the atmosphere. I can hardly imagine what they were doing with it other than small scale "experimentation".

I don't have a strong opinion.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I was urged to change my name to 'Ben King Te Haenga' by members of the 'Spirit world' and is only used when dealing with legal matters. The name Te Haenga is a connection that the 'spirit world and humanity have' to the 'Ancient One' who passed away in 1931. The headstone reads 'Here is the leader the peoples leader'. 1931 is also the year a great Earthquake happened which changed the local landmass, that seabed's were raised and created new land that once belonged under the sea. When i mention 'Ancient one' it is highly likely and probable this is the 'name reference' used in the Bible.
( I am slowly putting together some info concerning my dealings & relationship with other dimensional beings )

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Have you ever considered you're being misled?