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The evolving human consciousness


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome

I suspect you'd have a lot of fun with the Bible Code.

Supposedly historical events have been encoded into the Torah.
As I wrote in Slate two years ago (see “Cracking God’s Code“), the paper’s hypothesis, if correct, would all but prove both the existence of God and the divinity of the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible).
The Torah Codes, Cracked


Premium Member
Does science have a definition of consciousness on which all who study it can agree?
Consciousness has been defined and described specifically to one area of the brain.


Surprisingly, though, the human cerebellum – a sort of mini brain hanging off the back of your cortex – contains about three-quarters of the neurons in your brain but seems to have almost nothing to do with consciousness. One reason we know this is because some people are born without a functioning cerebellum, and while they experience some problems, a lack of consciousness is not one of them.

There are, however, some bundles of neurons that do appear to be vital for consciousness. If damage occurs to specific parts of the thalamus, or to a particular region of the brain stem, the result can be permanent unconsciousness. But are these brain regions actually central to generating conscious experiences, or are they more like a power socket that simply allows whatever is plugged into it to work?

Work involving brain imaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) paints a more complex picture. Several decades ago, neuroscientists including Francis Crick and Christof Koch began to search for what they called the neural correlates of consciousness: particular patterns of brain activity that relate to given conscious states – the experience of a painful toothache, for example.

As studies like this have progressed it has become clearer that consciousness depends on specific ways that different parts of the brain – particularly the cortex – communicate with one another. For example, by injecting a pulse of energy into the brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and using electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor the response, a team of neuroscientists led by Giulio Tononi and Marcello Massimini found that the electrical echo generated by the energy pulse will bounce all around a conscious brain, but stays very localised in an unconscious brain. In other words, the conscious brain is much more connected.

Do experiments like this bring us closer to understanding what consciousness is? Some might argue not. In the 1990s, the philosopher David Chalmers made an influential contribution to the consciousness debate by distinguishing between what he termed the easy problem, or problems, and the hard problem of consciousness.

The easy problems involve understanding how the brain and body gives rise to functions like perception, cognition, learning and behaviour. These problems are called easy not because they are trivial, but because there seems no reason why they can’t be solved in terms of physical mechanisms – albeit potentially very complex ones.

The hard problem of consciousness​

The hard problem is the enigma of why and how any of this should be accompanied by conscious experience at all: why do we each have an inner universe?

To address this hard problem, we need theories of consciousness that can bridge the gap from the world of physical processes to the world of conscious experiences: that can take us from correlation towards explanation.

There are now many theories of consciousness out there in the field of cognitive neuroscience: higher-order theories, global workspace theories, and integrated information theories, theories that – in their strongest form – imply that consciousness is spread widely throughout universe, and that even an electron may be conscious. There are even illusionist theories which attempt to persuade us that consciousness doesn’t really exist – at least not in the way we normally think about it.

The theory I’ve been developing is a version of predictive processing theory. When I see a chair in front of me, it’s not that the eyes are transparent windows out onto the world and my brain just reads out “chair”. Instead there are noisy sensory signals impacting my retina and my brain has to use its prior expectations about what might be out there in order to interpret this ambiguous sensory data.

In a little more detail, the idea is that the brain is constantly calibrating its perceptual predictions using data from the senses. Predictive processing theory has it that perception involves two counterflowing streams of signals. There is an “inside-out” or “top down” stream that conveys predictions about the causes of sensory inputs.

Second question next post.


Premium Member
And at what point in human evolution do you think consciousness might have emerged?
There are of course, unanswered question, but the following gives a good perspective of the scientific view of the evolution of consciousness, My view is relatively simple. We observe primitive forms of consciousness with the first animals with a complex nervous systems.

Ultimately, we conclude that the neurobiological structure of the vertebrate central nervous system is evolutionarily ancient and highly conserved across species and that the basic neurophysiologic mechanisms supporting consciousness in humans are found at the earliest points of vertebrate brain evolution. Thus, in agreement with Darwin's insight and the recent “Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in Non-Human Animals,” a review of modern scientific data suggests that the differences between species in terms of the ability to experience the world is one of degree and not kind.
Evolutionary biology forms a cornerstone of the life sciences and thus the neurosciences, yet the emergence of consciousness during the timeline of evolution remains opaque. As the theory of evolution began to eclipse both religious explanations and Enlightenment doctrines regarding the singularity of human consciousness, it became clear that consciousness must have a point of emergence during evolution and that point likely occurred before Homo sapiens. “How,” Darwin questioned, “does consciousness commence?” His post-Beagle research on this question evidently caused him violent headaches. One such headache can be expressed as the 20th century philosophical distinction of phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness (Block, 2007). Phenomenal consciousness relates solely to subjective experience, whereas access consciousness includes (among other processes) the ability to report such experiences verbally (other distinctions related to consciousness can be found in Table 3.1). Thus, the scientist looking for objective indices of subjective events is primarily limited to humans manifesting access consciousness, an obstacle in studying the evolution of consciousness antecedent to our species. We could, however, take solace in the dictum that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny and search for clues in developing humans. Unfortunately, Haeckel's theory of recapitulation is not scientifically sound and, even if applicable in this case, we would still be constrained by the high probability that babies develop phenomenal consciousness before access consciousness. To overcome the limitations in identifying the birth of consciousness, we need a reproducible experimental model in which (i) consciousness emerges from unconsciousness at a discrete and measurable point, (ii) phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness are closely juxtaposed or collapsed, and (iii) assessment of neural structure and function is possible. In this chapter, we consider top-down and bottom-up approaches to consciousness, nonhuman consciousness, and the emergence of consciousness from general anesthesia as a model for the evolution of subjectivity.


Active Member
Does science have a definition of consciousness on which all who study it can agree?

And at what point in human evolution do you think consciousness might have emerged?

Mate, really, just Google it, there's heaps of stuff about science and consciousness and the possible point of evolution.

I think you are asking these questions because you don't know of any other source that explains consciousness?

Science is the answer


Premium Member
Does science have a definition of consciousness on which all who study it can agree?

And at what point in human evolution do you think consciousness might have emerged?
I thought I would add that all higher animals have been found to dream in their sleep clear evidence of consciousness,
I started this thread originally to share some of my experiences throughout this life I have lived so far, and to give those with ‘faith and those people with an understanding of a ‘afterlife’ a bit more credibility. To those who do not understand the nature of God, I will try to help you understand in my basic layman’s style writings, how I myself have not come to have ‘faith in God’ through prayer or organized orthodox religion’, but arrived to an understanding of God by identifying a creative force and a ‘stair step process’ gained through afterlives towards hidden dimensional veils we refer to as the heavens. I have no ties to any religion, but acknowledge the presence of ‘God’.

It is hard for atheists to understand what believers may be going through the ‘mind processes’ especially if atheists themselves have embarked on a completely different path. You must also understand that believers & people of faith are at different levels of comprehension. My faith is simply the belief in something greater than myself & my own spiritual identity. Our conscience in a moral sense is the inherent ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. We all evaluate our own moral understanding which is shaped by our own political, cultural, religious, & social identities. A conscience is the ability of a healthy human to perceive what is right or wrong, just or unjust, good, bad & evil. The more we align ourselves with ‘higher moral concepts’ it is said that our conscience is the degree of integrity & honesty that we ‘self-monitoring humans - self-governing humans’ finally determine by the quality of our own actions. Our conscience and consciousness are a system of information collected and stored that helps governs our experiences and decision making.

‘Consciousness’ is the function of the reasoning mind that receives and processes information, crystalizes this information, stores or rejects this information, Consciousness is the state of awareness that gives the mind the ability to intuitively reason, use imagination, process emotion and memory, with the help of the five senses. Therefore, the more information one is able to gather and process, the more acutely ‘aware’ and conscious a person becomes in regards to their internal and external worlds. The process of ‘freewill thought’ is usually governed and formed by our personal interactions with other persons within our lives that we meet on a daily basis. My freewill is therefore governed by socially acceptable practices that have been ingrained within my conscience, the ‘by product’ is having the illusion that I have freewill but live within the boundary and confinements of existing within these invisible walls being the temple that rest upon my shoulder.

Awareness and wakefulness represent the two main components of consciousness, my awareness is defined by the content of my consciousness. Awareness contains self-awareness which manages and perceives the internal world of thought, self-observation, analyzing, reflection, imagination, conceptual thought, self-programming, daydreaming. Therefore, consciousness contains a spectrum of physiological states which include normality through to modified states induced by ‘drug taking’ or self-training through transcendental meditation. I personally prefer the former simply because ‘why ride the camel when I can take the train’. I have mentioned before that the ‘Age of Aquarius began in the 1960’s, and this is another milestone and historic marker ‘the time of accelerated spiritual awareness’ or the personal understanding of multidimensional fluid concepts of our own personal spiritual identity and collective consciousness. So, I ask the men who think their cousins ate lots of bananas… ‘why take the bus when you can catch a plane’.

The subconscious or ‘stream of conscience’ is continually training your mind to form notional retrievable thought, images, scenarios, collecting information through the senses. Therefore, your conscience is like an ‘app’ working in the back ground you can’t put to sleep which It is continuously self-creating by the unconscious processes of collecting thought which is constantly coming into existence through self-awareness, such as the act of observing an electron, which solidifies that electron by collapsing the wave function. This image of consciousness allows for the coexistence of “multiple, half-formed idea’, all flitting below the threshold of awareness at the same time waiting for the storage, collection & self-observing process to end thus enabling our conveyor belt of thought to create a singular idea. The following is/was an idea of mine…..

SENDAI JAPAN 11TH MARCH 2011 – A magnitude 9.0 earthquake generates a tsunami that kills & injures tens of thousands of people and creates a nuclear meltdown at the Fukashima power plant. The world watched in horror as the tsunami hit the coast of Japan as a result of this magnitude 9.0 earthquake which had its epicentre in the location, we have all come to know as ‘Sendai’. The loss of life was in the vicinity of 19,000+ people, with another 6,000 injured. The 10-meter wave of black water generated by the quake became the 7th biggest tsunami ever recorded, pulverized the ‘north eastern coastal city of Sendai’ the capital of the Miyagi Prefecture.

The words Sendai when spoken slowly can mean & sound like ‘Sin die’. Other than the name ‘Fukashima’ sounding like ‘fool ka she ma’ I would have to ask the conscious mind what relevance does the number ‘9’ mean to everyone or anyone?

To me the upside down ‘9’ from a birds eye view looking down from heaven resembles the number ‘6‘, the number ‘6’ being the mark of ‘man’.

The number ‘9’ is also another symbol for the ‘golden ratio’. You see this global event may not mean or have any relevance to anything or anyone. But again, to me it was another global portent.
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I suspect you'd have a lot of fun with the Bible Code.

Supposedly historical events have been encoded into the Torah.
As I wrote in Slate two years ago (see “Cracking God’s Code“), the paper’s hypothesis, if correct, would all but prove both the existence of God and the divinity of the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible).
The Torah Codes, Cracked
i enjoy reading other peoples thoughts, it helps generate ideas. I can learn from all sources even if i walk away with a fraction of what others write. i have learnt something of value.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I started this thread originally to share some of my experiences throughout this life I have lived so far, and to give those with ‘faith and those people with an understanding of a ‘afterlife’ a bit more credibility. To those who do not understand the nature of God, I will try to help you understand in my basic layman’s style writings, how I myself have not come to have ‘faith in God’ through prayer or organized orthodox religion’, but arrived to an understanding of God by identifying a creative force and a ‘stair step process’ gained through afterlives towards hidden dimensional veils we refer to as the heavens. I have no ties to any religion, but acknowledge the presence of ‘God’.
Good for you, but some of the 'evidence' just doesn't stack up as to such for many of us unworthy ones.
It is hard for atheists to understand what believers may be going through the ‘mind processes’ especially if atheists themselves have embarked on a completely different path.
Not really. We might just think many are eager to have such beliefs - rather than accepting evidence to the contrary. The path of truth is what I aim for - and not one that might lead me off in several different directions, as the religions have done.
You must also understand that believers & people of faith are at different levels of comprehension.
Yes, we see this quite a lot on RF, as to many believing the impossible - many being the YEC crowd and/or literalists.
My faith is simply the belief in something greater than myself & my own spiritual identity. Our conscience in a moral sense is the inherent ability to understand what is right and what is wrong.
This hardly requires a religious or even spiritual belief in my view.
We all evaluate our own moral understanding which is shaped by our own political, cultural, religious, & social identities. A conscience is the ability of a healthy human to perceive what is right or wrong, just or unjust, good, bad & evil.
Fine apart from the 'evil' bit. So why include it?
The more we align ourselves with ‘higher moral concepts’ it is said that our conscience is the degree of integrity & honesty that we ‘self-monitoring humans - self-governing humans’ finally determine by the quality of our own actions. Our conscience and consciousness are a system of information collected and stored that helps governs our experiences and decision making.
So why a need for religions, or even a God belief?
‘Consciousness’ is the function of the reasoning mind that receives and processes information, crystalizes this information, stores or rejects this information, Consciousness is the state of awareness that gives the mind the ability to intuitively reason, use imagination, process emotion and memory, with the help of the five senses. Therefore, the more information one is able to gather and process, the more acutely ‘aware’ and conscious a person becomes in regards to their internal and external worlds. The process of ‘freewill thought’ is usually governed and formed by our personal interactions with other persons within our lives that we meet on a daily basis. My freewill is therefore governed by socially acceptable practices that have been ingrained within my conscience, the ‘by product’ is having the illusion that I have freewill but live within the boundary and confinements of existing within these invisible walls being the temple that rest upon my shoulder.

Awareness and wakefulness represent the two main components of consciousness, my awareness is defined by the content of my consciousness. Awareness contains self-awareness which manages and perceives the internal world of thought, self-observation, analyzing, reflection, imagination, conceptual thought, self-programming, daydreaming. Therefore, consciousness contains a spectrum of physiological states which include normality through to modified states induced by ‘drug taking’ or self-training through transcendental meditation. I personally prefer the former simply because ‘why ride the camel when I can take the train’. I have mentioned before that the ‘Age of Aquarius began in the 1960’s, and this is another milestone and historic marker ‘the time of accelerated spiritual awareness’ or the personal understanding of multidimensional fluid concepts of our own personal spiritual identity and collective consciousness. So, I ask the men who think their cousins ate lots of bananas… ‘why take the bus when you can catch a plane’.
Says enough for me, if you can't accept the evidence as to human origins - why would I bother?
The subconscious or ‘stream of conscience’ is continually training your mind to form notional retrievable thought, images, scenarios, collecting information through the senses. Therefore, your conscience is like an ‘app’ working in the back ground you can’t put to sleep which It is continuously self-creating by the unconscious processes of collecting thought which is constantly coming into existence through self-awareness, such as the act of observing an electron, which solidifies that electron by collapsing the wave function. This image of consciousness allows for the coexistence of “multiple, half-formed idea’, all flitting below the threshold of awareness at the same time waiting for the storage, collection & self-observing process to end thus enabling our conveyor belt of thought to create a singular idea. The following is/was an idea of mine…..

SENDAI JAPAN 11TH MARCH 2011 – A magnitude 9.0 earthquake generates a tsunami that kills & injures tens of thousands of people and creates a nuclear meltdown at the Fukashima power plant. The world watched in horror as the tsunami hit the coast of Japan as a result of this magnitude 9.0 earthquake which had its epicentre in the location, we have all come to know as ‘Sendai’. The loss of life was in the vicinity of 19,000+ people, with another 6,000 injured. The 10-meter wave of black water generated by the quake became the 7th biggest tsunami ever recorded, pulverized the ‘north eastern coastal city of Sendai’ the capital of the Miyagi Prefecture.

The words Sendai when spoken slowly can mean & sound like ‘Sin die’. Other than the name ‘Fukashima’ sounding like ‘fool ka she ma’ I would have to ask the conscious mind what relevance does the number ‘9’ mean to everyone or anyone?

To me the upside down ‘9’ resembles the number ‘6‘, the number ‘6’ being the mark of ‘man’.

The number ‘9’ is also another symbol for the ‘golden ratio’. You see this global event may not mean or have any relevance to anything or anyone. But again, to me it was another global portent.
And the mind often produces garbage - is that what you mean?


Premium Member
I started this thread originally to share some of my experiences throughout this life I have lived so far, and to give those with ‘faith and those people with an understanding of a ‘afterlife’ a bit more credibility. To those who do not understand the nature of God, I will try to help you understand in my basic layman’s style writings, how I myself have not come to have ‘faith in God’ through prayer or organized orthodox religion’, but arrived to an understanding of God by identifying a creative force and a ‘stair step process’ gained through afterlives towards hidden dimensional veils we refer to as the heavens. I have no ties to any religion, but acknowledge the presence of ‘God’.

It is hard for atheists to understand what believers may be going through the ‘mind processes’ especially if atheists themselves have embarked on a completely different path. You must also understand that believers & people of faith are at different levels of comprehension. My faith is simply the belief in something greater than myself & my own spiritual identity. Our conscience in a moral sense is the inherent ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. We all evaluate our own moral understanding which is shaped by our own political, cultural, religious, & social identities. A conscience is the ability of a healthy human to perceive what is right or wrong, just or unjust, good, bad & evil. The more we align ourselves with ‘higher moral concepts’ it is said that our conscience is the degree of integrity & honesty that we ‘self-monitoring humans - self-governing humans’ finally determine by the quality of our own actions. Our conscience and consciousness are a system of information collected and stored that helps governs our experiences and decision making.
It is not a good idea to generalize about what atheists experience and think as opposed to your experiences and thoughts,
‘Consciousness’ is the function of the reasoning mind that receives and processes information, crystalizes this information, stores or rejects this information, Consciousness is the state of awareness that gives the mind the ability to intuitively reason, use imagination, process emotion and memory, with the help of the five senses. Therefore, the more information one is able to gather and process, the more acutely ‘aware’ and conscious a person becomes in regards to their internal and external worlds. The process of ‘freewill thought’ is usually governed and formed by our personal interactions with other persons within our lives that we meet on a daily basis. My freewill is therefore governed by socially acceptable practices that have been ingrained within my conscience, the ‘by product’ is having the illusion that I have freewill but live within the boundary and confinements of existing within these invisible walls being the temple that rest upon my shoulder.

Awareness and wakefulness represent the two main components of consciousness, my awareness is defined by the content of my consciousness. Awareness contains self-awareness which manages and perceives the internal world of thought, self-observation, analyzing, reflection, imagination, conceptual thought, self-programming, daydreaming. Therefore, consciousness contains a spectrum of physiological states which include normality through to modified states induced by ‘drug taking’ or self-training through transcendental meditation. I personally prefer the former simply because ‘why ride the camel when I can take the train’. I have mentioned before that the ‘Age of Aquarius began in the 1960’s, and this is another milestone and historic marker ‘the time of accelerated spiritual awareness’ or the personal understanding of multidimensional fluid concepts of our own personal spiritual identity and collective consciousness. So, I ask the men who think their cousins ate lots of bananas… ‘why take the bus when you can catch a plane’.

The subconscious or ‘stream of conscience’ is continually training your mind to form notional retrievable thought, images, scenarios, collecting information through the senses. Therefore, your conscience is like an ‘app’ working in the back ground you can’t put to sleep which It is continuously self-creating by the unconscious processes of collecting thought which is constantly coming into existence through self-awareness, such as the act of observing an electron, which solidifies that electron by collapsing the wave function. This image of consciousness allows for the coexistence of “multiple, half-formed idea’, all flitting below the threshold of awareness at the same time waiting for the storage, collection & self-observing process to end thus enabling our conveyor belt of thought to create a singular idea. The following is/was an idea of mine…..
Some interesting comment on consciousness, buta bit muddled. I am not a fan of astrology and the Age of Aquarius.
SENDAI JAPAN 11TH MARCH 2011 – A magnitude 9.0 earthquake generates a tsunami that kills & injures tens of thousands of people and creates a nuclear meltdown at the Fukashima power plant. The world watched in horror as the tsunami hit the coast of Japan as a result of this magnitude 9.0 earthquake which had its epicentre in the location, we have all come to know as ‘Sendai’. The loss of life was in the vicinity of 19,000+ people, with another 6,000 injured. The 10-meter wave of black water generated by the quake became the 7th biggest tsunami ever recorded, pulverized the ‘north eastern coastal city of Sendai’ the capital of the Miyagi Prefecture.

The words Sendai when spoken slowly can mean & sound like ‘Sin die’. Other than the name ‘Fukashima’ sounding like ‘fool ka she ma’ I would have to ask the conscious mind what relevance does the number ‘9’ mean to everyone or anyone?

To me the upside down ‘9’ resembles the number ‘6‘, the number ‘6’ being the mark of ‘man’.

The number ‘9’ is also another symbol for the ‘golden ratio’. You see this global event may not mean or have any relevance to anything or anyone. But again, to me it was another global portent.
I do not get the relationships here to the physical events of the earthquake or the tsunamis and the subject. Yes the number nine has spiritual significance to some religions such as the Baha'i Faith,

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
I do believe that there is a universal consciousness and when people use the word God, Allah or Brahman then they are essentially referring to this universal consciousness. I think panpsychism has the correct understanding that every living and inanimate matter has consciousness. The consciousness of entire universe coalesces and forms different subsets finally culminating in one universal consciousness or God. I think there is a predetermined pathway of evolution. It is like students in a class, one student may evolve to become a mathematician, another may become sports person. So, Universal consciousness includes all consciousnesses and it is free to evolve in different directions depending upon what is constituent parts may like to do.
The Golden Ratio or number ‘9’

● Logarithmic Spirals: Are one of the most fascinating patterns in nature! These spirals have a unique characteristic their curves maintain a constant angle as they expand. This property makes them perfect for efficient growth, seen in the arrangement of leaves on a plant's stems, flowers, flora & pinecones. Their efficient design ensures optimal access to sunlight and nutrients, allowing plants and organisms to thrive and adapt. These plants grow like a time piece slowly rotating & stretching outwards.

● The Golden Ratio Spiral: Nature's secret to perfect proportions, derived from the golden ratio, divine proportion this spiral is a true masterpiece. It gracefully unfurls, with each curve perfectly aligned to its predecessors. The golden ratio, approximately 1.618, is a mathematical constant that appears in countless natural phenomena, from the shape of our DNA to the distribution of seeds in a sunflower.

● Fibonacci Spiral:
This spiral follows the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on). In nature, this pattern emerges in the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the branching of trees, and the spirals in the centre of a sunflower. The Fibonacci spiral showcases the harmonious balance between growth and symmetry, creating a visually stunning masterpiece that captivates our imagination.

● Not only is the Golden Ratio aesthetically pleasing inspiring proportional designs: Architects, artists, and designers draw inspiration from these patterns, incorporating their principles into ancient architecture, modern buildings, paintings, and sculptures. The results are timeless structures and creations that resonate with our innate appreciation for natural symmetry & proportional beauty!

From a universal point of view the golden ratio exists as a collection of stars & planets within a galaxy shaped as the golden ratio which once again turns like an intricate timepiece. Scientist now know, that there are literally millions, billions of these clusters of stars & planets throughout our known universe.

The golden ratio is represented in our numerical decimal binary system as the number ‘9’ or in the written alphabet as the letter ‘g’. On a mathematical level it is written as the Greek letter ‘Phi’ the infinite number 1.618… continuously stretching outwards towards infinite.

When a person studies a ‘nautilus sea shell’, you can see pinpoint, basically imagine where the seashell began its life or existence, i am no marine biologist but the design has a notional beginning and grows, turns & spirals outwards. The design allows for the shell to expand and grow outwards, maintaining its structural strength. As long as the natural cycle of growth is maintained within the parameters of its natural design it will always have beauty and strength. However, If the shell does not stay within the mathematical parameters of the ‘golden ratio’ and decides to take a theoretical sharp ‘left or right’ at any point within its growth cycle then the shell itself loses its natural strength, design & flow and thus becomes weak, brittle and more likely to break & fall apart.

If you look at the shell again & imagine humanity at the ‘start or center of the shell’ and then imagine humanities population in each of these natural compartments, starting small from the beginning then slowly expanding over many centuries blossoming outwards heading towards the 9 billion population mark.

Then imagine humans as vigorous consumers. You see humanity has decided that its ok to consume & use whatever resources necessary for us to live our lives. I don’t want to speak about the contamination of land, depletion, extinction of other species, or the intrusive loss of their natural habitats or homes because of human activity. We all know there is an imbalance in the natural world, and humans being the main instigators & beneficiaries. We humanity simply haven’t maintained our collective expansion within the boundaries of earth’s natural provisional life cycle, or ‘Golden ratio’
We are part of a cosmic cycle.

Golden Ratio 1.jpg
Golden Ratio 1.jpg

‘In regards to the number ‘9’

The number ‘9’ is simply a written glyph that reminds me personally its simplistic form, that I, we are part of this cosmic cycle.
When I divide the ‘360 degrees compass’ that represents the divisional boundaries on a round ‘circular shaped earth’… ‘360,90, 180,270’ etc …. In all directions the base number when I add the numbers together, the answer will always be the number ‘9’.
When I apply myself to this type of mental programming it becomes like a number ‘9’ ‘Cyclone’ pronounced ‘Psyche clone’

The metal that we have all come to regard as priceless in its weight & monetary value…namely the precious metal ‘gold’. In reality has no real benefit, other than its natural beauty. We may give this precious metal life by making it sacred and forming it into art that adorns art galleries & spiritual religious houses, stored and hidden in our clandestine banks & vaults.

If you take that piece of ‘gold’ and place it in your hand. Divide the word ‘gold’ into the letter ‘g’ and the word ‘old’. What’s more important …. wealth or the ‘golden ratio’
Again, if you take the word ‘gold’ and replace the letter ‘g’ with a picture of a ‘galaxy’
In broader terms which is older, enduring and infinite?
I personally have never seen much ‘gold’ in my life…but I imagine gold only looks better because of the ‘Sun’

Then there is the passage in the New Testament in regards to revelations. The number 144 is a Fibonacci number and is the 12th sequenced Fibonacci number…. “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel”
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I’m personally still trying to work out the golden ratio in music…. ‘Golden harmonics. What is that frequency when people take ‘disco biscuits’ and dance the night away. What is that special frequency in ‘house music’ that brings the people to a spiritual collective? What’s that all about?
I will get back to you soon ‘Mock turtle’ I at times find writing a necessary chore.



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Golden Ratio or number ‘9’

● Logarithmic Spirals: Are one of the most fascinating patterns in nature! These spirals have a unique characteristic their curves maintain a constant angle as they expand. This property makes them perfect for efficient growth, seen in the arrangement of leaves on a plant's stems, flowers, flora & pinecones. Their efficient design ensures optimal access to sunlight and nutrients, allowing plants and organisms to thrive and adapt. These plants grow like a time piece slowly rotating & stretching outwards.

● The Golden Ratio Spiral: Nature's secret to perfect proportions, derived from the golden ratio, divine proportion this spiral is a true masterpiece. It gracefully unfurls, with each curve perfectly aligned to its predecessors. The golden ratio, approximately 1.618, is a mathematical constant that appears in countless natural phenomena, from the shape of our DNA to the distribution of seeds in a sunflower.

● Fibonacci Spiral:
This spiral follows the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on). In nature, this pattern emerges in the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the branching of trees, and the spirals in the centre of a sunflower. The Fibonacci spiral showcases the harmonious balance between growth and symmetry, creating a visually stunning masterpiece that captivates our imagination.

● Not only is the Golden Ratio aesthetically pleasing inspiring proportional designs: Architects, artists, and designers draw inspiration from these patterns, incorporating their principles into ancient architecture, modern buildings, paintings, and sculptures. The results are timeless structures and creations that resonate with our innate appreciation for natural symmetry & proportional beauty!

From a universal point of view the golden ratio exists as a collection of stars & planets within a galaxy shaped as the golden ratio which once again turns like an intricate timepiece. Scientist now know, that there are literally millions, billions of these clusters of stars & planets throughout our known universe.

The golden ratio is represented in our numerical decimal binary system as the number ‘9’ or in the written alphabet as the letter ‘g’. On a mathematical level it is written as the Greek letter ‘Phi’ the infinite number 1.618… continuously stretching outwards towards infinite.

When a person studies a ‘nautilus sea shell’, you can see pinpoint, basically imagine where the seashell began its life or existence, i am no marine biologist but the design has a notional beginning and grows, turns & spirals outwards. The design allows for the shell to expand and grow outwards, maintaining its structural strength. As long as the natural cycle of growth is maintained within the parameters of its natural design it will always have beauty and strength. However, If the shell does not stay within the mathematical parameters of the ‘golden ratio’ and decides to take a theoretical sharp ‘left or right’ at any point within its growth cycle then the shell itself loses its natural strength, design & flow and thus becomes weak, brittle and more likely to break & fall apart.

If you look at the shell again & imagine humanity at the ‘start or center of the shell’ and then imagine humanities population in each of these natural compartments, starting small from the beginning then slowly expanding over many centuries blossoming outwards heading towards the 9 billion population mark.

Then imagine humans as vigorous consumers. You see humanity has decided that its ok to consume & use whatever resources necessary for us to live our lives. I don’t want to speak about the contamination of land, depletion, extinction of other species, or the intrusive loss of their natural habitats or homes because of human activity. We all know there is an imbalance in the natural world, and humans being the main instigators & beneficiaries. We humanity simply haven’t maintained our collective expansion within the boundaries of earth’s natural provisional life cycle, or ‘Golden ratio’
We are part of a cosmic cycle.

View attachment 93792View attachment 93792
The prevalence of the Fibonacci Sequence in nature is on of the most amazing mathematical things I can think of. IOW, its' totally cool
Then there is the passage in the New Testament in regards to revelations. The number 144 is a Fibonacci number and is the 12th sequenced Fibonacci number….
Actually 144 is not the Fibonacci Sequence at all. The 12th number is actually 89.

144 is important in the bible because it is 12x12, and 12 has special signifence in the Tanakh, just as 7 and 40 do. For example, there are the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest. The number 12 is even more common in the New Testament, such as the 12 disciples, the 12 baskets left over after Jesus fed the 5000, and the 12 gates and 12 angels of the New Jerusalem.
The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a "Rule"

First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this:

n =
xn =​
For example, term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8), therefore term number 12 is called x12 ( which equals 144)
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a "Rule"

First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this:

n =
xn =​
For example, term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8), therefore term number 12 is called x12 ( which equals 144)
I apologize. The specific source I referenced (since I don't have the sequence memorized) did in fact say that 144 was NOT part of the sequence and that 89 was the 12th number. However, after reading you post, I visited a couple of other sites that did in fact confirm what you are saying. your table is also really excellent.

However, that is NOT why Revelation mentions that the number of the sealed are 144,000. Rather, it has to do with 12 being a significant number for Jews and Christians, and 144 is 12x12. I don't think John, the author of Revelation, was even aware of the Fibonacci Sequence.

The Fibonacci Sequence is often found in the natural world. But it doesn't apply to numbers any given culture might find special and significant. For example, seven is a really important number in the bible, but even you have to agree that seven is not on your chart.
Over the last 2 decades I have met dimensional beings via means of ‘holographic projection projected throughout my dream state.’ These types of dreams are considered & are referred to as lucid dreams which may leave persons upon wakening having the thought that ‘they had or were in another dimensional reality’. I presume that these dimensional humans are the same people that have instigated and programmed specific persons known as ‘mediums’ that channel messages to our dimensional ‘earth plain’ that we have witnessed & seen on television to represent their dimensional reality. These beings let us know that there does exist other dimensional realities hence the term ‘the space between space, or life after death. Last century if you were to speak of such matters to anyone about these taboo subjects, they would generally either try to ‘shut you down’ because of spiritual, religious superstition, or keep you under ‘lock & key’ and treat you like a leper. People from certain religious sectors, especially Kristians, ‘those persons who believe in the holy trifecta of the Heavenly father, Christ, & the holy spirit’ may & can target ‘spiritualist groups or persons’ who they have marginalize as having an inferior faith. I was made aware many years ago of a local church who are part of a global multimillion $ organization who sent members of their congregation to physically protest & ‘harass’ persons attending a ‘humble spiritual meeting’ which had a regular weekly Sunday gathering of perhaps only a dozen people. These spiritual mediums who pass on messages to the land of the ‘living’ are simply harmless persons who act as mediums in their trance state to pass on messages to their congregation. I have also found that most spiritualist groups struggle to exist, so larger religious organization's should not be concerned of their humble existence.

The following are extracts from biblical sources to remind people that I feel strongly that the ‘Son of Man’ must arrive before the return of ‘Christ’. If religious & non-religious sources accept that the ‘Son of man’ is or has in fact returned. Then they must also come to the conclusion that the ‘exalted person Christ must be on ‘his- or her way’

Psalm 8:4
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?

Psalm 36:7
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 80:17
Let Your hand be upon the man of your right hand,
Upon the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
There is no one who does good, not even one.

Ezekiel 2:1
Then he said to me, “Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you!”
Ezekiel 2:3
Then he said to me, “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against me; they and their fathers have transgressed against me to this very day.
Ezekiel 3:1 Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”

Job 25:6 How much less man, that maggot, and the son of man, that worm!”

Daniel 8:17
So, he came near to where I was standing, and when he came, I was frightened and fell on my face; but he said to me, “Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end.”

Daniel 7:13-14
“I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days, and was presented before Him. “And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.

Daniel 7:27
Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.’

Daniel 7:18
But the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come.’

Mark 2:10-11 ..But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet and go home.”

Matthew 9:6 - But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—then He *said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home.”

Luke 9:22 - saying, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and be raised up on the third day.”

Acts 7:56 -… and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

Mark 14:62- And Jesus said, “I am; and you shall see the ‘Son of man’ sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”

Matthew 24:27 - For as the lightning comes from the East and flash's are far as the West, so will be the coming of the 'Son of man'.

Matthew 26:64 - Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself; nevertheless, I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Luke 22:69- But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.”

Matthew 8:20 - Jesus *said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

Matthew 20:28 -‘Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’

Matthew 16:13 -‘Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

Matthews 24:37- ‘No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be the coming of the son of Man, for in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark.……. “So, to will be the coming of the ‘Son of Man’

In today’s political & religious climate the ‘Son of Man’ must also not to be confused with ‘the Son of ‘God’. Why I say this is simply ‘the Son of Man’ must reflect humanity itself, humanities physical & physiological conditioning…. ‘tik tok’

The Benbenstone - Sun stone.jpg

An image of the 'Sun stone'
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We understand that 'time' itself, in its simplistic term & meaning ... has no beginning & no end, therefore time is infinite. i have shown you how to break down the word 'time' itself into 3 simple compartments. We can theorize that 'time' has always existed, all it takes is the 'mind, reasoning and conscious thought' to acknowledge this simple statement. "And yet 'time itself' acknowledges ,'time' has a creator'

Big Ben.jpg monochrome-view-big-ben-clock-world-heritage-day.jpg
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Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Over the last 2 decades I have met dimensional beings via means of ‘holographic projection projected throughout my dream state.’ These types of dreams are considered & are referred to as lucid dreams which may leave persons upon wakening having the thought that ‘they had or were in another dimensional reality’. I presume that these dimensional humans are the same people that have instigated and programmed specific persons known as ‘mediums’ that channel messages to our dimensional ‘earth plain’ that we have witnessed & seen on television to represent their dimensional reality. These beings let us know that there does exist other dimensional realities hence the term ‘the space between space, or life after death. Last century if you were to speak of such matters to anyone about these taboo subjects, they would generally either try to ‘shut you down’ because of spiritual, religious superstition, or keep you under ‘lock & key’ and treat you like a leper. People from certain religious sectors, especially Kristians, ‘those persons who believe in the holy trifecta of the Heavenly father, Christ, & the holy spirit’ may & can target ‘spiritualist groups or persons’ who they have marginalize as having an inferior faith. I was made aware many years ago of a local church who are part of a global multimillion $ organization who sent members of their congregation to physically protest & ‘harass’ persons attending a ‘humble spiritual meeting’ which had a regular weekly Sunday gathering of perhaps only a dozen people. These spiritual mediums who pass on messages to the land of the ‘living’ are simply harmless persons who act as mediums in their trance state to pass on messages to their congregation. I have also found that most spiritualist groups struggle to exist, so larger religious organization's should not be concerned of their humble existence.

The following are extracts from biblical sources to remind people that I feel strongly that the ‘Son of Man’ must arrive before the return of ‘Christ’. If religious & non-religious sources accept that the ‘Son of man’ is or has in fact returned. Then they must also come to the conclusion that the ‘exalted person Christ must be on ‘his- or her way’

Psalm 8:4
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?

Psalm 36:7
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 80:17
Let Your hand be upon the man of your right hand,
Upon the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
There is no one who does good, not even one.

Ezekiel 2:1
Then he said to me, “Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you!”
Ezekiel 2:3
Then he said to me, “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against me; they and their fathers have transgressed against me to this very day.
Ezekiel 3:1 Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”

Job 25:6 How much less man, that maggot, and the son of man, that worm!”

Daniel 8:17
So, he came near to where I was standing, and when he came, I was frightened and fell on my face; but he said to me, “Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end.”

Daniel 7:13-14
“I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days, and was presented before Him. “And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.

Daniel 7:27
Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.’

Daniel 7:18
But the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come.’

Mark 2:10-11 ..But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet and go home.”

Matthew 9:6 - But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—then He *said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home.”

Luke 9:22 - saying, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and be raised up on the third day.”

Acts 7:56 -… and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

Mark 14:62- And Jesus said, “I am; and you shall see the ‘Son of man’ sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”

Matthew 24:27 - For as the lightning comes from the East and flash's are far as the West, so will be the coming of the 'Son of man'.

Matthew 26:64 - Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself; nevertheless, I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Luke 22:69- But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.”

Matthew 8:20 - Jesus *said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

Matthew 20:28 -‘Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’

Matthew 16:13 -‘Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

Matthews 24:37- ‘No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be the coming of the son of Man, for in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark.……. “So, to will be the coming of the ‘Son of Man’

In today’s political & religious climate the ‘Son of Man’ must also not to be confused with ‘the Son of ‘God’. Why I say this is simply ‘the Son of Man’ must reflect humanity itself, humanities physical & physiological conditioning…. ‘tik tok’

View attachment 95583
An image of the 'Sun stone'
I am happy to read about your meetings with the dimensional beings in your dream state. I would be happy if you kindly post more vivid description of some of your meetings. I do believe that the souls in the skies can appear in dreams but they have to be souls of dead persons otherwise I do not understand what appeared in these dreams.


Well-Known Member
I do "believe" in "eternal life" but it lasts only 1000 years and not forever. This might explain your "Tree of Life". Eat figs and drink wine but there's a catch. They have to be the right figs, the right wine, and in tiny quantities. They have to grow in fossilized gold (disintegrated auric sulfate) that is known in few places, such as directly under the phoenix and benben.

Coincidences and irony abound.

Good luck.

How's that for a coincidence!