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  1. R

    Jesus came and what???

    Evidently not a man who knows much history. Does he give an ancient source for this claim? No...? Hearsay is poisonous. Unfortunately none of this is true. Where did you get this from? Again, clearly a man who doesn't know the facts. Well, lots of hearsay there. Got any ancient...
  2. R

    Jesus came and what???

    Good catch. There's no "birthday of Mithras" recorded in any ancient source whatsoever. The 25 Dec. thing you're thinking of is the state sun god, Sol Invictus. There was a festival on that date, documented in the Chronography of 354 (i.e. well after Constantine) called the "dies natalis...
  3. R

    No Evidence for 1st Century Nazareth

    Indeed so. In fact, far from denying that Jesus existed, Christian haters of the period rather enjoyed pointing out that he was a low-born chap -- not even a Roman citizen! -- who was executed in a shameful manner. You can see this in Minucius Felix' "Octavius", for instance. Jesus was not a...
  4. R

    No Evidence for 1st Century Nazareth

    Only two of the Fathers display any acquaintance with Antiquities 11-20. Josephus' works did not travel down the years together, but were copied by hand in chunks. Antiquities, being long, was copied in groups of 10 books. The two fathers are Origen -- who quotes this passage -- and most of...
  5. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    I suppose it all depends on whether we base what we believe about ancient history on evidence or speculation. 100% of the ancient evidence tells us that the gospels were written by either apostles of apostolic men (Tertullian, Contra Marcionem IV, 1). Nor is there anything surprising about...
  6. R

    The Jesus Myth

    May I respond to the OP here? This is not the way to go about this. What you need to do is start looking at ordinary uncontroversial people. You need to immerse yourself in the classical world, and start looking at what kinds of evidence we usually have for people whose existence is never...
  7. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    I believe that L. Ron Hubbard could advise you better. For tax purposes, the benefit of that worship does indeed belong to you. The idea that someone does not exist because some other person has a mistaken idea about them is a rather odd one! (If I have understand the logic, that is) All...
  8. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    It is, of course, the case that some people claim to see the dead, although I notice the description above is rather vague and unspecific, and filled with claims that are untestable or at least unreferenced. There's a bit too much general analogy in all this. But surely general claims are of...
  9. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    It is of course true that evil motives generally underpin much of this stuff. But while the argument ad hominem may be factually correct, it does not tell us (as ever) whether the arguments being made, admittedly for evil motives, are actually correct. All the best, Roger Pearse
  10. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    You will find, in general, that people who advocate a daft position held by no-one in a position to know do get the brush off. Which historians do we mean, I wonder? -- Some names would be good (and please don't anyone just post the Remsburg list without looking up one of the copious...
  11. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    Best not to quote him as an authority, then! Not much of a reply, is it? I do feel for you, tho, being obliged to respond to an evident truth by ignoring it and changing the subject. But ... wouldn't it be better to just adopt a more rational position? Why try to defend a load of crap...
  12. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    Refutation indeed! This kind of 'reply' is another reason why atheists enjoy the reputation they do. No doubt there is some way in which this demonstrates that atheists are not dishonest? Or are you trying to change the subject again? Since no professor of ancient history at any...
  13. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    Well said. This is the ONLY way for any of us on any subject to address the contents of ancient texts. English translations of most of these texts are online these days, so there is really no excuse for quotations that are too vague to identify. All the best, Roger Pearse
  14. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    It is always depressing to find someone willing to be dishonest. I notice that you didn't attempt to respond to my comments! Here's what you dodged last time. [/B] Not a reference to Mithras but to Persian Mitra. See previous reply for details. Written ca. 100 AD, so not exactly...
  15. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    I'm sorry that you start talking about me, on what must be a matter of fact. Do these texts exist? You call these "known Mithraic text". They are not. You need to produce your evidence for these "known Mithraic text". Which books discuss them? What language are they in? Where can I find the...
  16. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    This is correct. There is no real doubt that Jesus of Nazareth existed. Christianity may not be true; but it isn't false because of crap like "he never existed". The whole argument is a piece of fraud, designed to undermine Christian claims by diverting the argument onto something where...
  17. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    Please don't quote mine me like this: I did not discuss any of this drivel. The word "sceptical" does not have the meaning you suppose. It refers to questioning things, particularly those we find attractive, not merely questioning things we find inconvenient, as you suppose. The punishment...
  18. R

    Why People Doubt Jesus Existed

    One of the problems with the internet is that all sorts of stuff gets uploaded. Unfortunately not all of it is genuine, or even checked for factual accuracy. Stuff about Mithras is one of these. This is mistaken. No archaeological evidence of any kind for Mithras exists prior to around AD 80...
  19. R

    What Real Evidence Exists for The Resurrection?

    Interesting. You copied this off the web, of course, as you make clear. (The forum software forced me to snip the link) But ... we all know that there is any amount of rubbish online, stuff that is biased, misrepresentative, or simply untrue. So ... what checks did you do, to make sure that...