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Search results

  1. B

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    I'm just getting to know you, but for some reason I found this last sentence of yours quite appealing, it almost made me laugh, but in a good way. I guess it is because of my perception that you have this charming enthusiasm for what you hold dear and you don't seem like a butt head - those are...
  2. B

    Mormon Missionaries badly beaten in Bolton

    Right you are. :)
  3. B

    "Should we respect religions and the religious?"

    Well, were you to encounter someone from a culture that practices pedophilia, your reaction to their cultural norm would only put them on the defensive, and cause them to likewise close their minds to your way of thinking. Probably, yes, I think that is very probable. We have already...
  4. B

    Mormon Missionaries badly beaten in Bolton

    Knowing that they were mormon (if they did) doesn't establish motive. Why is it so hard for you to appreciate that you can't know their motive unless you get more information?
  5. B

    Mormon Missionaries badly beaten in Bolton

    It is hard to determine the veracity of their claim (targeted because of our religion) because we haven't investigated the crime. I have no reason to discredit their take on things. We know that violence is often motivated by religious hatred. To me it seems like a completely reasonable...
  6. B

    Mormon Missionaries badly beaten in Bolton

    Stupid stupid people. I hope they catch all of the thugs and that they are all punished to the full extent possible. My heart goes out to those two men and their families and friends. I find my heart strings tugged especially when considering the parents.
  7. B

    "Should we respect religions and the religious?"

    PureX, thank you for the exchange. You seem to be confusing respect for someone else's ideas with capitulation, or agreement. Perhaps not. This might provide you with a better perspective of my ideas on the issue. First example, I can respect the idea that evil does not exist, but I do not...
  8. B

    "Should we respect religions and the religious?"

    Respect for people and respect for ideas should be separate considerations IMO. I agree - we don't have to respect people. I believe that often it is counter-productive not to respect people. I agree - we don't have to respect people’s ideas. I strongly disagree with the idea that it is...
  9. B

    "Should we respect religions and the religious?"

    Democratic societies express tolerance by not restricting a persons right to believe what they want as long as they don't violate the harm priciple. Tolerance is not respect, love, or the avoidance of offending people. Respect is different from tolerance, in respecting people we do not have to...
  10. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    I think I just sustained an Acid flashback. :rainbow1: (now is the time for rainbow smilie if I ever saw one)
  11. B

    Have you ever used a Woolly-Thinker Rhetorical Device?

    Have you ever used a Woolly-Thinker Rhetorical Device? :rainbow1: (I'm not sure how the rainbow smilie might be used, but ignorance hasn't always stopped me) The Woolly-Thinkers Guide to Rhetoric
  12. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    ah, the old Stockholm syndrome :sorry1: j/k
  13. B

    Because the bible tells you so?

    DeepShadow, I gotta hit the sack so I can't do a point by point, but I wanted to reply before turning in. Where I have failed in logic, the conflating of ideas, etc., I am grateful for the opportunity to see the error in my thinking. It is good to do the back and forth with you. I get what...
  14. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    You are so sweet, I feel like I just won a really good personal cheerleader in Christ. :yes:
  15. B

    Because the bible tells you so?

    Yes, I get that, I hear the anger.
  16. B

    Because the bible tells you so?

    DeepShadow, As a general rule, this is false. There are plenty of stories of people going on their missions without having a witness of anything. Moreover, at no point are we asked whether the Holy Ghost has told us anything. When we are interviewed, the questions deal with what we believe...
  17. B

    Because the bible tells you so?

    I dig the prickly bad boy thing you got going on, wanna make out or something?
  18. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    I have Mormon friends that I count as some of my closest friends. They have consistently been authentic loving friends. I have never thought that I was some kind of project, or a potential convert. I believe we see each other as "thou", not "it". Our relationship is quite independent of the...
  19. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Actually, I quite understand this perspective. I am reminded of the Groucho Marx quote, "I would never belong to a group that would accept someone like me as a member." I saw the PBS special. Did you watch it, what did you think of it overall? ......... On the one hand, it seems...
  20. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Yeah, what the heck do I know? I like your take on it much better. I should think Jesus had it right vs. the guys that said "obedience is the first law of heaven". Plus, the Beatles had it going on with "all you need is love".