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  1. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    You're asking the wrong person.. Of course. A day is the interval of light between two successive nights. Is that not obvious enough? Why are people complicating things? Actually The Bible says that the Light (morning and day) was created before plants.. Wat. It says: "But, beloved, be...
  2. Sir_Loin

    Of course evolution is a religion because . . .

    Of course Evolution isn't a religion..
  3. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    And why does it not? I would like for you to explain to me how that post doesn't explain anything. Because it does.
  4. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    =_= I'm not sure why you would even think of posting that. Elaborate. If you go back to one of my posts, you will see why this isn't possible..
  5. Sir_Loin

    Is America a Police state?

    I say that if you do nothing wrong (against the law) then you have nothing to be afraid of. I couldn't give five monkeys about the government knowing what I'm doing or where I'm going- I couldn't care less because I'm not doing anything violating the law. If, however, I get pulled in for things...
  6. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    I would say that the soul is the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. I don't believe I...
  7. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Wait, hold up. Where in the hell does it say that? Genesis 1:5 says: (courtesy of biblegateway.com) God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. There you go, the definition of day as used in the bible. Nope. The entire...
  8. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    How does it not? The First Law of Thermodynamics encompasses several principles one of them being the law of conservation of energy. This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another. The total energy of...
  9. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    sigh It says "In the beginning....". Implying the beginning of time. (You are right that we don't know when this was in terms of years-ago, but "in the beginning". What? A day is the interval of light between two successive nights; the time between sunrise and sunset: This would have...
  10. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Creationism combats Evolution not by using evidence, but by using counter-evidence and finding a way to fault The Theory, that is, evolution. EDIT: The strongest piece of evidence against Evolution have to be the Laws of Thermodynamics.
  11. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Do you believe that God created the universe? I'm not quite understanding you.. You say you believe in Creation, which is the belief in that God created the "heavens and the earth" in 6 days. That's what Creation is supposed to be. If you believe that God created everything but don't believe he...
  12. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    And sometimes vice-versa..
  13. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    And that is why, as has been implied in this thread many times, it makes for an incompatible debating stage.
  14. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    When a fact is a fact, we receive it as a fact. When a truth is a truth, we receive it as a truth. With the truth we have no quarrel. But this is also a fact: a theory is a theory and a hypothesis is a hypothesis and a guess is a guess. A so-called scientist in supporting his hypothesis can be...
  15. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    I disagree. These forums educate people Also, I don't know of a bigger alternative to Evolution as Creationism. perhaps open the field to more interesting debates relating to biology. You would have created a Ghost Town of a forum.. (in my opinion, of course) EDIT: Just changed thread title
  16. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Perhaps. But the problem with this is that if Creationists believed this they would no longer be Creationists. Because I'm sure that in the Bible it says that God created the world in 5 days (or was it 6 or 7?), and evolution happens over an extremely long period of time. So yeah, they are...
  17. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Hello, I just wanted to post on here my thoughts about the whole Evolution v Creation thing- IT'S UNREASONABLE. Let me elaborate. Evolution is a theory on how modern man came to be today- today meaning long ago, of course. Evolutionists (yes it's a word) believe in changes in the gene pool...
  18. Sir_Loin

    Evolutionists, explain..

    But how could mutations create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things? How could such errors create 3 billion letters of DNA information to change a microbe into a microbiologist? There is information for how to make proteins but also for controlling their use. One...
  19. Sir_Loin

    Evolutionists, explain..

    I've never had a satisfactory answer to date to the problem of where the new information comes from that evolution requires for turning a microbe into a myxomycete or a maze-mastering mammal. I don't understand how random mutations are supposed to turn something into something that is more...
  20. Sir_Loin

    Evolutionists, explain..

    Are we using the Monkey Theory? If so, as I said, certain things, such as typing out a third of a page of Shakespeare's works may be possible given an infinite amount of time. But giving a monkey infinite amount of time to write out the complete works of Shakespeare would never ever happen...