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Search results

  1. freelight

    Jesus is not God

    Only 'God' is 'God',...... Jesus never claimed to be the Father-Source of all creation, but pointed to a 'God' greater than himself. True 'God' is that absolute reality prior to any name, form, image or personality, but is the universal Source of all those things. As the Urantia Book describes...
  2. freelight

    Does any supernatural god exist?

    But no one can prove he exists either :) - but in your own imagination. I'll refer back to my former post on consciousness, being the only fundamental reality we know, the reality that we are - all else is 'imagination'....welcome to the Matrix :) Also, so far the poll shows a more 'agnostic'...
  3. freelight

    Enjoyed some of your posts,....just posted on the covid thread. Fasten ur seatbelts lol

    Enjoyed some of your posts,....just posted on the covid thread. Fasten ur seatbelts lol
  4. freelight

    Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

    Well, I think the whole thing was done under the context of a sham psy op, even if there is some kind of presumed technology and logic of mRNA vaccine theory and a deadly virus loose, - btw, even one of the creators of this 'tech' has criticized it and probably others. It was pushed out too...
  5. freelight

    Marjorie Traitor Greene Brings Floor Vote to Expel Speaker Mike Johnson.

    Havent watched the latest on this yet,....but her voice is indeed worth hearing in the great context of what is going on in Congress. I think she ought to keep the speaker and work on a more strategic plan to keep the Republican lead in the house. Sure Johnson is a sell out, bascially passing...
  6. freelight

    Is there anything all humans agree on

    Existence Itself, which is Self-evident :) This is the only fundamental if not absolute reality. We can hold a theist or non-theist view on this as well, since absolute reality is the only reality we are conscious of, while all else that arises in this consciousness is an abstraction or...
  7. freelight

    The Only 'God' that IS :)

    The Only 'God' that IS :)
  8. freelight

    Does any supernatural god exist?

    But you cannot prove that one of those 320 million gods is the only TRUE GOD can you? even with a book or books that claim to be inspired by said 'god', since many other religious books are inspired by their own 'gods' too :) However, I can hold a view that says Consciousness ITself is the only...
  9. freelight

    Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions

    Of course there are errors and contradictions in the Bible and other religious writings; -many books are pseudographical as well,.....while some is historical, plenty of mythology, heresay, metaphors, allegories abound....as in any religious book written by man, no matter if some parts of any...
  10. freelight

    The Aetherius Society

    ~*~*~ Interesting organization and teachings. Ive read some of King's works and was a member as a 'friend' for a short while, just havent been following as of late. His teachings of Jesus so interpreted are significant and pretty on point. If all things are ONE, then all is a synthesis of...
  11. freelight

    THank u :)

    THank u :)
  12. freelight

    Enjoy your time here, add to some threads or create your own in the future.....I may create some...

    Enjoy your time here, add to some threads or create your own in the future.....I may create some new threads when I get the time :)
  13. freelight

    Hello :)

    Hello :)
  14. freelight

    Trump 2024. Why or why not.

    It doesnt, unless such is proven in court with ample evidence.......are you aware of all the crimes of the Biden family which SURPASS anything on Trump? - besides all that corruption, We had it way better under Trump! - ~*~*~
  15. freelight

    Trump 2024. Why or why not.

    ~*~*~ TRUMP any day over Biden :thumbsup::thumbsup: - just a current opinion :) ~*~*~
  16. freelight

    Should there be a predetermined structure in worship or not?

    If we agree that one universal omnipresent ultimate reality exists which we can call 'God',.......that alone is absolute, while all else are relative abstractions and descriptions thereof....concerning the 'names' and 'forms' of 'God'. If we are true monotheists/monists....we will recognize the...
  17. freelight

    Should there be a predetermined structure in worship or not?

    Structure and ritual serve as an template perhaps in which spirit and meditation can be facilitated or directed, so therein is its usefullness when used appropriately to actually unite with Spirit. 'Church' as usual can get boring I suppose depending on what tradition you are raised, yet one...
  18. freelight

    More on God's Identity and function :sixpointedstar:

    More on God's Identity and function :sixpointedstar:
  19. freelight

    the name of G-d

    Yes interesting,.....so yahweh may just be another 'jealous' god among a pantheon, a passionate & loving one, MAINLY to his devotees only, and in this sense some early israelites where henotheistic, since gods/goddesses abound in ancient cultures :) - In any case the broader more universal sense...
  20. freelight

    'God' as beyond 'name' and Source of all 'names' :)

    'God' as beyond 'name' and Source of all 'names' :)