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Search results for query: fairy tails

  1. Dan From Smithville

    How do you define evolution?

    Changes in the genes that express as new phenotypes protected by natural selection. With those new adaptations populations become increasingly optimized to existing environments or capable of exploiting novel environments. That is evolution Deeje. Are you suggesting that Chinese women do not...
  2. Jackson Lee Skipper III

    Bible has predicted COVID-19 and Judgement Day what comes shortly after it

    ...is your only master. All who obey another government are not putting God first.. breaking the first commandment. teachings in schools.. fairy tails.. deceptions to children with the excuse of their age.. - GUILTY OF LIES. Age discrimination against children- Hypocrisy working for money -...
  3. Augustus

    So... the Easter Bunny DID lay eggs

    ...bonfires or anything else. Just the name of a month. All this stuff was made up in the 19th C by people like Jacob Grimm of Grimm's fairy tails fame. Easter hares are probably from 18thc Germany, eggs are probably cos of the fact people gave up eggs for Lent and had a surfeit at the end...
  4. S

    Do You Believe In God, Why? Don't You Believe In God, Why?

    Gradualness is not the mechanism of evolution because gradual things are not gradual on the micro level. They are gradual in terms of what we see and notice. Gradual things have gray areas and intermediates, but there are still absolutes-they just are impossible to notice. How Did the Elephant...
  5. crossfire

    Joseph Campbell's Reading List for his Comparative Mythology Class at Sarah Lawrence College:

    ...The Koran The Portable Arabian Nights Beowulf Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson Poetic Edda The Mabinogion Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Grimm's Fairy Tails Adams, Henry. Mont Saint Michel and Chartres Boas, Franz. Race, Language, and Culture Mann, Thomas. "Tonio Kroger" Thompson, Stith. Tales of...
  6. 101G

    From where did the "wives" of Cain and Abel come?

    ...planted this notion in men heads that Nephilim are only giants, but the bible is clear. as our apostle said, leave those old wives, and fairy tails behind, and re-new your mind in the knowledge of Christ. king David, and some of his men was identified as MIGHTY MEN who killed a lot of other...
  7. SkepticThinker

    The creator did it.

    No, that has not been established. You need to stop repeating it, as it is a false claim. You wouldn't want to tell a fib, would you?
  8. Truly Enlightened

    The creator did it.

    Again spare me the false bravado, and a very poor argument from incredulity. Since you don't understand the value and reliability of evidence, and how it pertains to my position(not who I am), maybe trying to hold your breath indefinitely, or trying to walk up a wall, might illustrate my point...
  9. Subduction Zone

    The creator did it.

    This is wrong. We have very reliable evidence for the theory of evolution. There are mountains of scientific evidence for the theory. You have no such evidence. All you have is a book of myths. He was probably pointing out that you have no clue as to the nature of god. And your...
  10. Rapture Era

    The creator did it.

    How are you any different? Everything you mention here is exactly who you are, except you can substitute "God did it" with "Evolution did it." You are a hypocrite!:D Why do I have to be a God? "Unless YOU are a God yourself, how can you possibly KNOW anything about the true nature of a God? You...
  11. Phantasman

    Zero Probability of Evolution. Atheism wrong?

    ...Even though Jesus said that they were following a liar and murderer. (John 8). I see gnosis as Christs true teachings. Spiritual, not fairy tails. Christ killed no one, and his miracles were on people. The other (god) was a murderer and his miracles on things seen to cause fear (to follow)...
  12. ChristineM

    A Universe from Nothing?

    Dna exists, it proven repeatedly, example 1 in transitional fossils (those things like my avatar that deniers claim don't exist). Example 2, human behaviour. Example 3, genetics (as previously mentioned) funny how you would happily convict a suspected murderer to execution on genetic evidence...
  13. Mister Emu

    What if there was no Holy Bible at all?

    Pfft. Yep, listening to a Harvard professor of Sanskrit is fairy tale. I find it humorous how mythologically powerful some, particularly those who pat themselves on the back for not being religious, make themselves in their own minds. You'd do well with some willingness to listen to someone who...
  14. wizanda

    How Can Anyone Not Accept This Biblical Prophecy as Real?

    If you literally can't see what is being said, then not sure how to help you see the whole church is built on falsified texts, as prophesied would happen. Glad someone can be logical. :innocent: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." -...
  15. Underhill

    How Can Anyone Not Accept This Biblical Prophecy as Real?

    It's a tough question but I'll give it a shot. Because it is a book of fairy tails which includes, but is not limited to, walking on water, multiplying loafs, raising people from the dead and a host of other nonsense. Because the majority of the "prophecies" are either obviously always true...
  16. Kirran

    Who was the most influential person to walk the earth?

    I can do no better than my best to ascertain how reliable people are. Thus far, I have been impressed with Augustus. Remember, you are naturally going to reject much of what they say due to your theological stances, but this isn't something that impacts me.
  17. S

    Who was the most influential person to walk the earth?

    ...what I said which IS true, that incident not even legitimate or reliable. Don't be so easily duped by words, this person is telling fairy tails. I find it worrisome you think this person is anything but deceptive and devious, unreliable and not concerned with the truth at all, willing to...
  18. Sapiens

    Mormons; the Problem of Iron, Alcohol & the Wheel

    ...and speed of dissemination), only goes back (at most) into the 19th Century and has proven to be both a rapid and robust self correcting undertaking. . Instead you'll swallow whole fairy tails of angels, golden tablets and mighty cultures that left no trace of any sort ... makes really good...