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Search results

  1. ChieftheCef

    Is Yaldabaoth really real?

    Except that mild rains produce enough force to distribute seeds down stream. That's how dumb you are. Stop, meditate, and think over your life. See you're playing dumb. Because ytou don't understand how diverse nature's species are. And only you listen to those definitions. Evolution wouldn't...
  2. ChieftheCef

    What do you think about Quranists?

    Actually Evil. Want me to explain? I have to put they argument together
  3. ChieftheCef

    Is Deism rational?

    I don't believe so unless you've found the truth. How do you know that? Why get bothered about things liked better or worse?
  4. ChieftheCef

    When did you choose Deism?

    No, deism chooses you. It is a realization, you can't force that
  5. ChieftheCef

    Is Yaldabaoth really real?

    You don't even understand what I'm implying. That's how capabale you are of building a worldview. No, they wouldn't, they'd be swept away to the deeper seeds and never be born. For the same reason you can't **** your sister. You obviously don't fathom how big the Earth is. There are millions...
  6. ChieftheCef

    Is Yaldabaoth really real?

    Deuteronomy 34 Moses has written his own death. Mark 2:5 “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’“ Sins were forgiven before Jesus died nullifying the idea that Jesus had to die to forgive sins. Mathew 16:28 "Truly, I say to you, there...
  7. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    Negative Nancy.
  8. ChieftheCef

    Deistic Polythesim

    The Dualities The First Pole of The Greatest Duality Space-Time — Space-Time composes the background of our Universe. It is eternal, which means everything that ever happens to the universe happens all the time. It also means physical observables show no singularity from the infinite past to...
  9. ChieftheCef

    Deistic Polythesim

    God is a woman Nature is proto female form We can understand this because almost all embryos start out female, as if female is the default phenotype of the universe. Animals are conceived and then grow into a female and then mutate by proteins (or whatever) into male fetuses typically. Female...
  10. ChieftheCef

    Deistic Polythesim

    The Monality Absence/Nothingnesss/The Void/Abyss Nothingness who exists outside the universes (nothing is the omnipresent void), within and as (because most of the reality is composed of mostly void). She composes existence. Subatomic phenomena, atoms, molecules, compounds, solar systems...
  11. ChieftheCef

    Isn't a deist supposed to see God as the first cause?

    Somewhat. But it's really just the reality doing what it naturally does: get better.
  12. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    Don't be a jack *** learn
  13. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    And what wisdom on technology do you have? You don't keep up with the news. Also you don't get what I actually said
  14. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    Sorry for the angry reply, I had no caffeine at the moment It was, but same as all the other places that did not prosper as much
  15. ChieftheCef


    WHat are you using to determine these traits of god?
  16. ChieftheCef

    Deistic Polythesim

    It literally is duality composing monality, so Egyptian style polytheism is actually corrector than deistic monotheism
  17. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    Do you want to go back to preindustrial times and then be wiped out by an asteroid?
  18. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    Lol, you're that much of a troll. Leviticus 25:44-46 "You may keep them as your property; they can be passed on to your sons as an inheritance. You may treat them as slaves, but you must not treat them as harshly as you treat your native-born slaves."
  19. ChieftheCef

    Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

    So this is my current thesis so far Nature = everything as it actually is; everything-at-once Freedom = the ability for an organism to sustain it’s life at all to better or an object to make a greater whole greater by by doing what it has the aptitude for Capitalism = freedom and rules...