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  1. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    No, I just entered the astonishment mode! How many times we talked about this? The last time I addressed this was in my post # 8503 and #8108. You may also want to see #1245 this is unbelievable, really what is wrong with you guys? Here it is again: Adaptations are encoded in the genes...
  2. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    No, this is not the theory, this is you denying to see how ridiculous the theory is. But sure, the theory allows such transformations to take effect provided you give the process time, random changes and selection pressures.
  3. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    “Non-functional” is at best “neutral”. But even if the change stayed limited to neutral only, yet the accumulation of the neutral changes in the same gene would cause the loss of original protein-coding ability due to the significant random alterations to the original DNA sequence, hence a gene...
  4. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Irrelevant How is the debate between punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism is relevant to Haeckel’s comparison of embryos that was proven to be fraudulent? Again, irrelevant. What is your point? If you actually have one.
  5. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Especially because of natural selection. Selection will not allow random non-beneficial steps to accumulate towards a future benefit. Irrelevant, such mutations are neither new functions nor new genes and will never be. You fail to understand that the new function is the end product of...
  6. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

  7. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    If you mean "never", then we are in agreement. such imaginary transformations are not possible.
  8. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Except that “error" is not allowed. (because of selection) The “good” doesn’t pop out suddenly in a single step but rather it’s supposedly the end product of a long route of numerous steps of "bad” (non-functional). If the steps are not allowed, the end product is not possible.
  9. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    No, you’re not sure. You are just misled. You chose to trust those who are not worthy of trust. Haeckel’s comparison of embryos that was done in 1868 was a fraud. Scientists disputed his work, Haeckel confessed. The fraud was exposed and published in the Münchener Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 8...
  10. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    All living systems are irreducibly complex, not only the living systems but also the individual constituents of the living systems are also irreducibly complex, a single cell is no exception. Complexity is in the sense that any system is essentially composed of numerous components that work in...
  11. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Their no mechanism for the “good” to emerge randomly. First, the “good" is supposedly a final product of a long random process that comprises numerous slow meaningless steps. There is no mechanism to keep these meaningless random steps (DNA replication errors) till finally the “good” emerges...
  12. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    New traits of the same genes, even when they accumulate across multiple genes never give rise to new functions (new genes). Changing tires of your car with some different or better tires will not make it an airplane. There is a limit to what “change of trait” can do. The outcome of the process...
  13. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    We discussed that long time ago. These are meaningless names that many proponents of the ToE don’t know much about; none of these fossils can be established as a transitional form / ancestor leading to Homo sapiens. a)- Homo habilis (Handy Man) lived 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in...
  14. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    I’m not sure what do you mean by “broken genes”. I guess you may be talking about “pseudogenes", which are also labeled as “junk DNA” or “non-coding DNA” because it doesn’t contain instructions (coding) to create proteins in the cell. Pseudogenes (junk DNA) were considered to be failed copies...
  15. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Again, what is your point of sharing this link? Is this how fish transformed into elephants? If the shape of the skull looks interesting to you, here is the skull of a modern fish “Alligator Gar”. Tristichopterids don’t in any way support the ridiculous speculation that fish transformed into...
  16. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Leory has different views than mine but we sure can be friends and have rational discussion. On the other hand, if you don’t learn to address the argument rather that attacking the person, you’ll never make a rational argument. Have fun.
  17. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Last time I checked “ Genitic Engineering” needs someone to do it, right? See his post #8133 (6) Darwin's Illusion | Page 406 | Religious Forums
  18. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    No, we don’t. Should we? What are the odds that modern-day prokaryotes would acquire some new genes and transform into elephants? If the elephants did it, then the prokaryotes would still have a chance. Right? What are the odds that you would acquire some new genes and grow wings on your back...
  19. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Again, what is your point? Are you suggesting that fish transformed into humans through genetic engineering? Who did the engineering? The ostrich? Don’t get me wrong; it’s an interesting theory.
  20. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    You’re very welcome. We may have different views, yet we sure can have rational discussions for the benefit of all. Those who play games to win a false argument merely deceive themselves; they fall into their own tricks and end up believing their own lies.