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  1. Chibiusa


    That is true; however my question lies in whether or not the Bible is true?:) 1%? Are you certain about that? Naturally, I'll disagree. ;)
  2. Chibiusa

    People in Hell

    My opinion? Yes, God loves even those murderers, rapists and all matter of people in Hell. Including those who choose Hell over Him. However, He is a just God, and He must pass judgement on sinful behaviour and sinful people who refuse to repent. However, He grieves whenever one of His children...
  3. Chibiusa


    I do not think that God would have damned people to Hell for lack of faith in Jesus. After all, I would think that His Judgement was far more complex than that.:o Great to hear that! :yes: I'm among those who believe that while Christ would have wanted to evangelize people, he would prefer that...
  4. Chibiusa

    Why I don't believe that God could be incarnated in a man

    Since God is a non-corporeal being, the issue of place would have no meaning for Him to need to exist. He could send Himself to earth while staying in heaven.
  5. Chibiusa

    Why I don't believe that God could be incarnated in a man

    What do you mean by "physical" sense? Well, God is a non-corporeal being.
  6. Chibiusa

    Why I don't believe that God could be incarnated in a man

    Here's how I see it: God was in Heaven, and He sent His Son to earth like the way a person sends their voice to aid someone in need.
  7. Chibiusa


    It goes like this - or at least my opinion of it. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were kicked out of Eden, and God cursed all of creation, and children were all born imperfect later on. Now the sinner must be removed from God's holy presence (in Hell) because any sin is undeserving of God. So...
  8. Chibiusa


    Well, I was bathed in Christianity for a short while, but some of the teachings and doctrines turned me off. For example, my pastor told me (and every child, in fact!) that when Adam and Eve sinned, their sin was passed on to all of us (first I wondered how sin could be passed on like blood ;)...
  9. Chibiusa


    I came here to discuss religion with various people because I myself am considering conversion to Christianity! I may hold certain opinions that seem odd to everyone, but I promise I will try to make sense! All I can say is, howday to y'all!