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  1. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Really? Can an entity better fit a function other than the intended target of its design? Go ahead, demonstrate it. Purpose is an intrinsic component of the process. You may purposefully change the function, but the entity always stays “best fit” for its intended purpose. You made a new less...
  2. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    You didn’t understand a single word of what I said and I wonder why? Yes, per the ToE random DNA mutation neither has any knowledge of he environmental variables nor intentionally trying to address it. And yes, fur color for a hunter at the North Pole is going to impact that hunter's fitness...
  3. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Sure, you can simply ignore a couple billions of years, it doesn’t really matter since the whole thing is nothing but some meaningless “Geisteswissenschaften”. See #331.
  4. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Nonsense, “local optimum” may arguably cause stasis but “local optimum” must be preceded by gradual changes. Meaning the geological history should first show a long “pre-stasis phase” of gradual changes that finally reach a “local optimum”, but the “pre-stasis phase" is totally missing in the...
  5. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Entities in the universe as well as the universe in its entirety. The universe in its entirety is a temporal being. Every temporal/contingent entity is caused including the universe in its entirety. The universe as a temporal/contingent being is necessarily caused but the cause beyond the...
  6. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    You didn’t get it. I’m not accusing scientists of pretending to know what they don’t. The point is that it’s always acceptable in science to infer causes that are neither known nor understood such as dark energy, strong nuclear force and all fundamental forces for that matter. Our knowledge...
  7. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Why? It’s a flawed logic. An engine is made of atoms, same as the transmission, frame, axle, wheels, etc. all the components of a car came through physical and chemical processes. Is that in any way evidence that the car is not purposefully designed? Why? Our physical bodies are created from...
  8. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    True, Quantum physics introduces a world of mysteries. Richard Feynman said, "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics". The more you know about this theory, the less likely you are to pretend you fully understand its deepest implications. Quantum...
  9. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Mutations don’t happen by chance simply because the DNA replication machinery proofreads/controls its own synthesis to ensure successful DNA replication and even if mismatched base pairs escape proofreading, the cell machinery utilizes several DNA repair mechanisms to maintain the integrity of...
  10. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    It’s an oxymoron. “Design” is always intentional/purposive. If the process/natural laws give rise to design, then the process itself is design. An automated process that yields a functional design is never evidence against a designer. In fact, both the design (end product) and the automated...
  11. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Evolution is your unevidenced axiom/ blanket statement to allegedly explain what you perceive as “over capability", “under-capability" and the “perfect fit" in-between. But evidence is never about the perceived exceptions, it's about the overwhelming rule, which is evidently “the perfect fit".
  12. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    The genes coding DNA only account for a very small fraction (up to 2% of DNA in the human genome), while the rest of the genome is made up of “non-coding DNA”. Non-coding DNA was considered by scientists as junk DNA (with no known purpose). It’s now known to contain many types of regulatory...
  13. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Unknown function ≠ no function. And the rule is what matter not a perceived exception that could very well be false. New studies showed that Goosebumps response to cold trigger new/more hair growth and thicker hair on the long run by activating stem cells. In addition it help conserving heat...
  14. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Aupmanyav, why would evolution give us much more capabilities more than what we need?
  15. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Again, it’s not a game of semantics. Most English dictionaries define “function” as “the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.” The rule is “Its goal. Its target. Its aim” is typically the same as “how it is being used”. The rare and illogical exception is that something...
  16. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Stasis would arguably only happen after reaching a local optimum/perfect fit in a niche but how did you get to this point to begin with? There is no evidence for the “pre-stasis phase" that is essentially required before reaching a local optimum/perfect fit in a niche. The entire geological...
  17. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Even so it’s irrelevant speculations but you cannot simply ignore 2 billion years of the alleged age to make a point. I disagree but not interested in arguing about some irrelevant “Geisteswissenschaften” See #331 Darwin's Illusion | Page 17 | Religious Forums Agreed, many blind followers...
  18. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Nothing is wrong about being optimistic about the future, but we cannot ignore the facts of today based on future speculations/hopes that may never materialize. The alleged first non-living strand of RNA is not possible to emerge in nature from non-living matter, not possible to keep its...
  19. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Meaningless speculations that have nothing to do with the real-world evidence. First, the state of “local optimum” of a species/becoming perfectly specialized in the niche in which it lives, must be preceded by gradual changes slowly spreading in the population before any fixation may be...
  20. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Causality is a necessity for every contingent entity (an entity that doesn’t exist by virtue of its mere essence). Every single entity in the universe is a contingent entity. The sum of contingent entities doesn’t add up to a non-contingent. The entire universe is a contingent entity (the...