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  1. Blastcat

    Evolution is illogical and non sense

    Evidence, please. Why should we consider a designer god if we have no evidence for one? And again, why do you reject evolution? - Credited, perhaps. But is there any evidence for this god, for this creation? You say you can't learn what this god does... billions of years ago, or...
  2. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    I didn't presume to tell you what you think. I was commenting on the above. These words are yours. If we don't understand you, it's not your fault, but ours, apparently.
  3. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    So, you never have to worry that you might be wrong. It's everyone else. BUT if your project is to communicate, it's not really useful to say that when you don't get understanding for your position that it is the fault of the listener in all cases. Communication should be a two way street...
  4. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    No, you are wrong as to what it means to be an atheist. Now, it may well be true that SOME atheists positively and emphatically claim that god does not exist, but that doesn't meant that ALL atheists think that way, or express themselves that way. And you also don't seem to have a good...
  5. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    It's like when you're a little kid...No REASON.. just hope . Faith.. IN but.. not by way of any actual reasoning. It's like you cross your fingers, hope that you can make sense out of some.. Bible verse.. and then.. if your intuition is working fine.. BINGO.. you get an "answer" .. and you call...
  6. Blastcat

    Evolution is illogical and non sense

    Is this healing or non healing from God something that can be falsified?.. because.. seems to me. either way.. hard to tell if God healed, or if it was JUST medicine.. I'm an atheist and SOMETIMES when I'm sick.. I just get better.. no praying.. no anything at all whatsoever but TIME. Or.. maybe...
  7. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Sure, why not.. But Paarsurrey. WHY believe in him ? Why not believe in Santa Clause.. or why not VISHNU.. or.. any other number of gods, goddesses that are all very nice? Surely, deciding what GOD to believe in is more important than.. I don't know.. some ice cream flavor. Why not try...
  8. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    No, that's not what I'm doing. I am defining my term so that people can understand what I mean when I use the term "atheism" more precisely. I don't want to be misunderstood. Words change over time .. Dictionaries explain common usages of words. But in philosophy, it is very common that we...
  9. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    It's yet to stick....lol. I know. It's as if some apologists want to imagine our position so that it would be easier to knock that straw man down, than our own, actual, position. The attempt at tu quoque ( as in "You make a positive claim, TOO!) is lame, shifting the burden of the proof is...
  10. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    I am an atheist. It's a non belief.. not a belief, but a NON belief.. but no, it's no claim at all. Sorry. You are just mistaken. I make NO claims. OK? I just don't buy the claims of the theists.. I am A theist.. that's not a claim, that's a position. I literally do no make a claim. I make a...
  11. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Ok, right. You aren't saying that the EXISTENCE of god is impossible.. you are saying that DISPROVING the existence of god is impossible: But I was also saying that it's also JUST as impossible to prove that any god DOES exist... So, were done now, right? God can't be proved or disproved...
  12. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    But no, I didn't make that claim. That's what I was ASKING about.. what claim? All I see is others insisting that I'm making these claims.. but.. I'm really not. Can you quote me on that?.. I'd have to admit I'm wrong if you can quote me saying that... I'm honestly offering to admit that I'm...
  13. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    I'm an atheist.. I think it says that on the left. I don't want to be included in your "we".. I don't agree with what you said I had to believe in. Sorry. So, please, don't generalize. You'd do better to talk about YOUR beliefs.. and not try to include me in those in order to gain some kind of...
  14. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    I totally agree that God's existence is possible. For sure...absolutely.. just like Santa is possible. So, that's not saying very much. I would also say.. facetiously, 1,000% POSSIBLE.. But does that mean that God's existence is probable at all? Well, that's another question. Is God real...
  15. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    I didn't mean they were silly, yes yes.. sorry.. yes yes.. THEIR ATTITUDES are silly.. But I haven't seen anyone espousing what you claim that they do here.. in this thread.. WHO... who have said this in this thread? Ohhhhhhhh .. those.. right. Maybe they can identify themselves.. those one or...
  16. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Ok, they're silly. You presumably told them they were silly. How about the non silly atheists?... I don't say that.. are you currently discussing this issue with someone who IS saying that ? Haven't actually SEEN one ... How about you talk about what the atheists who are talking to you say...
  17. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    But we have ONLY the evidence that the concept of god exists. What has to be demonstrated is that this concept has some truth to it.. or some reality attached to it. Some concepts don't. So, lots and lots of evidence for the concept existing.. TONS.. None for the thing the concept is supposed...
  18. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Before I quote you all over the internet and my latest best seller on the subject, I'd like to have you explain what hear-say evidence I must be using to say that I don't have any evidence for any god, and that therefore, i don't believe in any? What hear-say evidence am I using here?
  19. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Right.. god is a concept. That doesn't at all mean the concept is real or true. OR proved in any way.. OR that it has any evidence that it exists in any way. Just because we have a concept does NOT entail that it is true. Some concepts are false.
  20. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    If god is EVERYTHING, as you say.. then god is just another word for everything. God, used this way, to me, is only a word. We could make up another word, and that would have the same effect. I think what you are describing is a bit of a metaphor. And I think its a very confusing one, since the...