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  1. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    Nobody in his or her right mind is making the claim that those hypotheses are true. And they are certainly NOT atheist creation myths.. They are scientifically deduced hypotheses. They have nothing at all to do with any God hypothesis one way or the other. God is a total irrelevancy to these...
  2. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    And you assume all this why?
  3. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    er.. but now I have MORE questions.. thanks but? so, by "life" we don't actually mean real life as we know it on earth.. while we live ... we mean that other kind of life.. the spiritual life that can go to heaven or hell? I'm really just guessing at your words.. but thanks for your...
  4. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Yikes, I can really see how you would be stuck. Think about god's morality and you're out. I see a problem. And you want to stay IN .. and keep your belief.. so.. questioning is out of the question.. as it were. Are you saying that you DO question your belief that God is good? or.. something...
  5. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    Right.. Hell, that veiled creepy threat that I was talking about. If they ask me to believe in Jesus..and I ask why?.. and the reply seems to be .. or else, Hell. Hell, isn't exactly the most evidenced place we know of.. and we can only seem to get ANY evidence for it after we die. So, as you...
  6. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    The part where you say.. "Whether you like it or not"... It's a bit creepy. It reminds me a bit too much of what someone who wants to force his beliefs on someone else would say.. He is OUR god.. like it or not.. Sounds JUST like a veiled threat to me. Well, what happens if I DON'T like it...
  7. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    True, it's good to have dreams. Make believe is ok.. for STARTERS.. that's not what I meant.. I asked a badly formed question. We DID make it happen through a whole lot of EFFORT and NOT just dreaming it on some nice cozy chair in a nice cozy room... We may START OFF by dreaming, and that's...
  8. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Sarcasm. Oh. Maybe next time.. less sarcasm. Good. We have agreement. Sorry for reading your text so literately. Why would anyone feel that they HAVE to believe something about this god?.. And why in particular should anyone HAVE TO believe the god is just?.. Or is this.. more sarcasm? You...
  9. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    I am not expecting art to be science. So, yeah, I agree it's not the point at all. and not my point at all. Great. We agree on that. But art can't be used as a method to know about reality. Come on.. we all know that art is representative of HUMAN values and experience, but it won't tell us...
  10. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    I guess I agree with a lot of that. I knew when I asked the question that it had an easy answer. However, if you read on, I was saying that when we want to know how the world works, that the imagination can't just be the only method to use. I was very inarticulate. In the scientific method, the...
  11. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    Hold on, buckaroo.. Who was talking about art? I am an artist, among other things, so I hardly need to be told how valuable art is. We were talking of gods and the supernatural, NOT debating about art ... as far as i KNOW.. this isn't a debate about art. And it would be LESS of an utter waste...
  12. Blastcat

    Assuming life after death....

    If you base your expectations on hopes, wishes or desires, you will be most certainly wrong. The after life doesn't offer any data for us to make a reasoned expectation. All we could possibly have are dreams and fantasies in the here and now.. Why is this such a pressing issue.. You can't...
  13. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    From an atheist's point of view, this looks like a storm in a tea pot that orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars. We can't falsify any god belief.. so the argument between two god believers seems just as ridiculous as claiming what happens in that pot. How about we...
  14. Blastcat

    "My deity/deities exist and yours doesn't" mentality

    Just precisely IS the value of imagination and make believe?.. We can tell nice tales and make money writing books.. and it's all very entertaining.. but if we truly want to know how things work in our world.. how is making pretend going to help us?
  15. Blastcat

    Arguments for the existance of God that don't fall into the "God of the Gaps."

    I was asking for clarity. You don't feel the need to be clear, then fine. Insulting me isn't following the rules of the forum. 1. Personal comments about Members and Staff Personal attacks, and/or name-calling are strictly prohibited on the forums. Speaking or referring to a member in the third...
  16. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Oh, thank you for being precise. So, you don't think that killing babies is bad? I do. I think that a woman having to have an abortion is an extremely sad event, but that sometimes, it WOULD be the better way. I know a few teenage mothers, and I can tell you how much of a tragedy that has been...
  17. Blastcat

    Arguments for the existance of God that don't fall into the "God of the Gaps."

    No, I don't agree about your random chance analogy. Please clarify.. I can't be BOTHERED to imagine what you mean. And I don't Know or really CARE what you imagine I suspect. PLEASE , don't bother imagining my POSITION. What you have achieved here is ONLY the power to confuse issues. NOT...
  18. Blastcat

    Evolution is illogical and non sense

    The theory of evolution is not about chance. IF you define the theory of evolution that way, it's just wrong. So, we don't have to pay attention to that. We SHOULD pay attention to what evolution theory actually IS.
  19. Blastcat

    Arguments for the existance of God that don't fall into the "God of the Gaps."

    We agree on that. Improbable does not mean impossible. Your god is possible. That says nothing about the probability of your god. Oh, we have established the probability of the multiverse now?.. I wasn't aware. How many multiverses are there? Did we count them? .. No, the multiverse is a...
  20. Blastcat

    Arguments for the existance of God that don't fall into the "God of the Gaps."

    Yes, precisely, religion is a HUGELY interesting social phenomena. I don't know why you would THINK the subject uninteresting to someone living in our world today. Why don't THEISTS just drop the subject and move on? .. I would NEVER ask such a ridiculous question to theists.. But of course...