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  1. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    As well, "I dunno" is what leads to evolution and invention. It is those who claim to 'know it all' that are stuck in living standards, and beliefs from 2000+ years ago. How do fuel injectors in an internal combustion engine work? I dunno, but it ain't no supernatural imaginary friend making it...
  2. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    If no one believes you are born with the knowledge of God, then you are admitting God is a man made construct of the mind, and admitting that God is unfair in that he requires belief in him, but not everyone is able to even know of him. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to make baby talk to...
  3. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    I always find the parallels between Jesus and David Koresh rather striking. Killed by the government at the time, a life with followers believing he was the son of God... all it would take is for his followers to write a book. Perhaps they can make up a story that he came back from the dead...
  4. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    The whole "world view" debate is a stupid distraction from having the believers prove their claim. Atheism is a 'world view' if you define 'world view' as a particular opinion on a subject, and it is not a 'world view' if you define 'world view' as an absolute rigid, overpowering belief that...
  5. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    It's not the denial that is simple minded. It is the same mechanism as telling your child their imaginary friend doesn't exist. You are not born with the knowledge of a God. It is brainwashed into you by the religious club your parents belong to. It's the childlike belief in the imaginary...
  6. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    As much as you wish to deflect and dodge, or use terminology, definitions and quotes... it doesn't prove your claim a God exists... therefore, please provide proof. It really *is* that simple. You could change the world! If you don't have proof, like if you were to claim hot sauce cures...
  7. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    What if this "divine creator" ended his existence in the creation of the universe? Oops. Shouldn't have played with that. Therefore, you have your intelligent design, and the complete lack of godly presence since then. The debate then shifts back to having to prove your god... the one listed...
  8. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Thank you for demonstrating why the religious cannot evolve intellectually. Fingers in the ears logic.
  9. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    It is not a sigularity. Protestants, Catholics, New Agers etc. all share a particular world view centered around Jesus... yet split off from one another citing different world views on other subjects... I just re-read that paragraph and am dumbfounded that I had to write the obvious in such detail.
  10. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    What greater purpose? To believe you have a purpose without proof of that purpose is absurd. If the purpose you believe in without proof is incorrect, then your entire life will have been maleaningless.
  11. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Religion is a worldview that has implications. Choosing Coke or Pepsi is a pop view that has implications. Dare I say most things come with implications. Immature logic. Using big words does not a meaningful statement make. To think so, is a demonstration of the absurd.
  12. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    It is amazing how human babies, who apparently contain souls and all these things that require the nurturing of a God for purpose... ... don't have a clue about God, can't read his book, and yet function day to day with purpose. It isn't until after the religious brainwashing when...
  13. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    That is interesting, because to believe in the teachings of Jesus, you have to ignore the teachings in The Old Testament... willfully.
  14. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Everyone has actually refuted it, scoffed at it, shook their head at it... and quietly thanked God they are not related to you.
  15. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Absurd. What if you don't believe in Gods, and don't subscribe to everything contained in teleological philosophy? One belief doesn't *therefore* mean you believe another. You cannot simply assign a belief to a group. The truly intelligent don't stop at one term or definition, stick to it as...
  16. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    "Meaning" is relative based on perspective as well. One man's good deed, can be another man's sin... or someone's positive can create a negative for another. Some find it a meaningless existence to worship an imaginary friend. What a waste of life constantly calling upon an invisible buddy...
  17. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    You can have a purpose in the present, and say "I don't know how the universe was created... and until I see some sort of proof, I'm okay with that. A book written by a group of cult followers means nothing to me. David Koresh also had followers that lived, and if they wrote a book claiming he...
  18. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Again, "intelligent design" goes back to the drawing board.
  19. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    If you feel your purpose is to have a child, nurture that child, set that child off into the adult world... retire and die... you can also be an atheist. Purpose, and an atheist. It happens. Life is more than a dictionary meaning. Try living beyond a book...
  20. O

    *[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

    Thank you for proving that whole "intelligent design" thing wrong.