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Search results

  1. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    Other people have had some intersting things to say but you seem to be very full of yourself and out of touch with rational arguments. Truth is not a contest of egos or who can google what blogs better. Humans are not born as gods who can resurrect the dead but who get stabbed on a cross and...
  2. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    I am in no way humilated. I am merely bowing to the staff. You clearly have not read anything I have posted and have almost no intention of doing anything but belittling and insulting me and that is no way to have a discussion. By all means take your trophy and run. I love Staff Ad Homs as they...
  3. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    I agree but was there ever really a jesus? And if there was does the fact that he never had any supernatural abilities actually matter? I think that it does to millions of people today and the insinuation that he didn't have supernatural powers would be met with millions of people saying otherwise.
  4. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    Thus: Jesus is real and walked on water and turned water to wine and raised the dead and was resurrected? There is no logical argument I know of, including stories and highly editted tales, that would account for such supernatural abilities. Clearly Dracula and the werewolves are popularized...
  5. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    PM me what to say. I don't want to further anger you.
  6. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    Yessum. Sorry I spoke up. (Why would I read or research on my own without your guidance?) Clearly. Your arguments are unflawwed and mine flawwed. I guess. Not sure why they post my replies at all until you are atleast allowed to validate them. Your time is quite valuable.
  7. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    Other than the blog I cited I would like to know why you feel this way. I want to inquire more about this but I get caught up in the if someone told me that someone was able to bring the dead back to life and could also walk on water and turn that same water to wine you would be ok with...
  8. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    I believe I did? Let me go back and re-read your post.
  9. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    I think I sourced your argument. (armariummagnus.blogspot.com) for anyone interested) You present an interesting spin but I think you are speaking as an authority on a subject you are not qualified to speak about. (Sorry I know you are staff here) To be clear I have never presented myself as...
  10. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    It seems like you are saying the majority of Biblical historians have not always been Christian preachers but then you mention a minority that are not?
  11. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    So I understand your argument you are saying we only have one writing of failed messiahs that you know of? The author is stating we have lots of historical documents about what was going on then but really nothing about walking on water and ressurecting the dead or meeting all the saints that...
  12. V

    What book(s) are you reading now?

    God is not Great: Hitchens The last argument of kings: Abercrombie Breaking the spell: Dennett Just finished: David and Goliath (Gladwell), Nailed Ten Christian Myths that prove Jesus never Existed (Fitzgerald), Before they were hanged (Abercrombie)
  13. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    This is an interesting point of view to me. Could you provide some examples of outright dishonest arguments? I would love some ammunition but as stated it seems very convincing that Jesus the man who performed miracles no one wrote about until half a century after he was gone but decided to...
  14. V

    What is your stance on free will?

    It is an illusion. I have no more ability to choose what I do then does a bouyant pebble caught in quick current. Neither does anyone else. Although they believe they do. Which is the illusion part. Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins! :D
  15. V

    Small Banks Disappearing

    I prefer small banks. Suggestion: Start a a big small bank. (Get the state to start a bank for residents only) Credit unions are great as well... I have no idea why Bank of america or Peoples bank and other such Fee based profit entities have customers but I'm sure their customers will pipe...
  16. V

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    There is a great book called Nailed which goes through a few of the myths of Jesus and provides a very convincing case that Jesus is also just a myth. Has anyone read it and considered the arguments presented?