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  1. A

    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai, I agree completely with you here that translators of the particular sects translate Quraan supporting their own sects. That is the reason I always read Quran and try understanding it by myself with out any translators' help. It is good that you understand Quraan and Hadith in Arabic...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai, Who are you and me to decide for Allah that how should He reveal His terms? It is His will and Wish what He should do and when. Even Christians have this sort of foolish discussion that when all the Prophets after Ishaq(PBUH)have come from the offsprings of Ishaq(PBUH) not from the...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    I think before coming of Baha Ullah, all the Baha'is were Muslims. Everyone believed in Quran. I want to ask you when Quraan clearly mentions in 33:40 that Mohammed (s.a.w.s) is the last and final Prophet to world. Everyone should believe in it. But how come suddenly another person comes with a...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    hai After this post, I would like to know what, according to you or according to Baha'i sect of Islam, is the Taweel of As-Sirat?
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai friend, Sorry to interrupt you two guys in your discussion(you and Farouk). Allah never directly appear on the earth. Even at the time of Moses(PBUH), Allah did not appear directly. Moses(PBUH) could talk to Allah directly not see Allah or Allah appearing on Earth. Once Moses(PBUH) urged...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    My friend, for your kind information, let me tell you that Islam has no sects. It is Muslims who have sects. In Islam having sects is haraam(prohibited). Islam believes in Unity. Dividing is prohibited. Regarding the formed sects among Muslims, I would only say it is so unfortunate that...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    I already said in one of my previous posts that we should check the context to know which verse is literal and which verse is not. We cannot blindly say that all the verses are meant to be in the literal sense, neither we can say that all verses are not meant to be in the literal sense.
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai friend and thank you for welcoming me. In this discussion, I forgot to wish you about Eid-ul-Fitr. Eid-ul-Fitr Kareem my dear friend to you and your family. My friend, I am glad that you read Arabic Quraan. But yet, you didnt read it with Arabic understanding. My advice was please dont...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai man, After reading your previous post and the post number 25, I am very sorry to say that your knowledge of Islam is ZERO. I guess you read the translations of Quraan and Hadith. I would like to request you to read Quraan in its own language that's Arabic. Then you can understand them better...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Hai investigate truth, the verse you have quoted from surah al-Isra 17:85 is talking about the spirits of human beings. It says spirit is possessed by Human being it self, How can you say that Allah is spirit? when human beings has it then how can it be Allah. Allah is unique. Please dont...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Firstly, I want to ask an apology from you because I misinterpret the word "physical". I realised that physical generally mean having solid material. I never wanted to say Allah is a solid body(Allah forbids). I just wanted to say Allah has a form but may not be solid as human beings or any...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Firstly, I want to ask you whether you are asking this to gain knowledge or to just win the argument? If it is to win the argument then I would say: "lakum deenukum waliyadeen" meaning "to you your religion and to me mine" and end the talk. But if you are asking to gain knowledge, then I would...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    you want step by step then even I come step by step to you. Your first quote Al Quraan 50:16 "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein". The thing you have to understand while talking about presence of Allah and...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    I am not able to make out exactly about which verses you are talking to. I can clarify you if you quote the verse again for me. In the above verse, I agree that seeing does not mean literal seeing. But that does'nt mean that every verse in Quraan and Hadith does not means literal seeing...
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    I dont know of any such Quraanic verse but it is a simple logic. Humans and Supernatural powers are purely opposite. A human can never be God(you will have to agree with that) but God can become man, he wont do that because the moment he become a man, he loses the authority to worship(which...
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    the right religion

    I am afraid most of the time the catholic church dont follow what the Holy Bible has to say.
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    Muslims: Can God Manifest Himself on Earth?

    Allah can manifest himself on the Earth, but He will not do that. Regarding the quote from Qura'an you qouted, it refers to meeting of believers with Allah on the Day of Judgment. Believers can see God on Friday in the life after death. It comes one of the Qura'anic verses that Allah will...