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  1. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    His belief is based on a terrible translation and goes against Greek grammatical rules and what's worse, this is visible to everyone.
  2. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Lucas 1:26-38 Biblia Sacra Vulgata 26 In mense autem sexto, missus est angelus Gabriel a Deo in civitatem Galilaeae, cui nomen Nazareth, 27 ad virginem desponsatam viro, cui nomen erat Joseph, de domo David: et nomen virginis Maria. 28 Et ingressus angelus ad eam dixit: Ave gratia plena...
  3. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    This was never the initial position of the early church and neither does it represent the meaning of the word “KECHARITOMENE” and the Greek grammatical rules in Luke 1:28. The name given to this is religious affront, but all religious feelings are permitted.
  4. B

    I was just given my first conker of this year

    They are for playing. With one hand, throw the others in the air and then pick one up from the ground, without letting the first ones fall.
  5. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    The literacy rate in Jesus' time was only 5%. Sacred art dates back to this period and is also represented in the catatombs of Rome. There was no internet at that time and no colleges. Sacred art took the place of scriptures for this large mass of evangelized people, but their arrogance does not...
  6. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    I understand your anger... An enlightened Catholic gave you a Sola Scriptura "beating" and this is too much for you! Don't worry, there are still few, but soon all Catholics understood that true Sola Scriptura is pro Catholicism.
  7. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    In the King James Version of the Bible, Matthew 1:20 reads, "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost"...
  8. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    The king's mother is always queen... How can you be so incoherent?
  9. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Sinless and queen.
  10. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Luke 1:52 NVI He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. The verb is in the plural, who are the kings who were dethroned and who are the humble who were exalted? Answer this question and your answer will help answer your question.
  11. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    You are so incoherent, you talk about a pure Jesus but being born of a "dirty sinner" according to the Protestant vision.
  12. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Why don't you study Greek grammar? You demonstrate ignorance like this.
  13. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Jesus was a Jew and could not deny his father and mother, it is a commandment. What Jesus was teaching in this passage is that the spiritual bond is the determining factor in the kingdom of heaven and for the virgin Mary the angel's greeting is written: blessed are you among women.
  14. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    Then refute the argument from grammar rules. Nobody will be able to do it.
  15. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    A person made in the past, actually prophesied, completely full of grace, cannot co-exist with sin. There is no room for sin, it is completely full of grace.
  16. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    These are grammar rules. They cannot be cancelled.
  17. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    kecharitomene first of all is a verb, the virgin Mary was made in the past with full grace, before the birth of Jesus. In addition, the angel uses a greeting from an inferior to a superior.
  18. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    The interpretation in the light of Greek grammar has already been given. #271 #272 #273 #274 #267
  19. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    ok ok It's not this. It makes no sense to discuss Christian philosophy among ourselves, just as it makes no sense to discuss Kabbalah and gematria. Grammatical rules are proof. You ignore the verb “KECHARITOMENE”, it is, in a way, the same mistake as Protestants, despite you not believing in...
  20. B

    Mother mary without sin?

    I gave you an example of interpretation in the Torah concerning Rebekah, but you ignored it.