Will those sent to Hell spend eternity there? yeppers... so the bible says.
How can mere mortals flesh and blood last for eternity burning....only the soul stands alone. The from dust to dust theory.
My thoughts are why do those who do not belive in hell and punishment give so much thought to...
To believe that people hate Gays for not voting gay marriage in is blinding one's self to the realty of our governments influence. Just as they kept blacks and whites at each other's throat... so goes for gays and straights.
Truth be that if gays were given all the benefits of marriage it...
Jesus was the son. I think he made that clear over and over. Any worship or praise was directed to God for the wonderful connection he sent. My question is you can't believe in Christ how can you belive in Satan? And what is the benefit in it? IN other words "What's in it for you"?