I'd rather be broke then dead. I'd also like sources predicting the outcome of an investment in green energy because I've never heard of an investment in infrastructure turning out bad for anyone.
I totally agree that we are just kicking the can down the road and it's unfortunate that so many people are that short sited. Climate change is real and if we don't do something about it soon we will die, maybe not tonight or in the morning and maybe not in a generation from now but we will die...
Teachers should be paid like gods and scrutinized like criminals. If a teacher can teach well then pay them well so they enjoy their job and so they can raise the quality of their teaching but if the cant teach then fire them. Education and science should be held higher then anything else.
I realize that and I attempt to live my life to the fullest and to make my self the happiest I can become. But if debate makes you happy then go for it, I was just answering the OP's question.
No there is no point to debate. Eventually everyone will die and the human race will cease to exist. Even if somehow we create a galactic empire that spans billions and billions of years we while still have no effect in the grand scheme of things. Stars will die and there will cease to be light...
I do, but if you were implying I stole the joke from there I didn't (intentionally) I saw the joke on Reddit a week or so ago.
We cant let this pun comment thread collapse.
Sorry for not reading the whole thread and I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, but your number 2 reason is basically Pascal's Wager.
Taken from Wikipedia
The problem with this is, assuming there is a god or gods, that he/she/it would know that you only choose to believe in them...
Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt. They didn't take **** from anyone and I would have gladly voted for both of them. The US needs more presidents like them.
Hopefully this has been posted but if not Everyone should read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. It is a very underlooked book but it is right up their with Asimov and Bradbury
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but to all those ******** about the extending of the Bush Tax cuts Obama did it so the Republicans would allow him to pass a START, and IMO a reduction of nuclear arms takes president over tax cuts. But I do agree, unfortunately Democrats have no...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they have had simple quantum computers for a couple of years now. Nothing special, but they did simple addition i.e 4+4. But either way I would love to have a quantum computer.