He looks to be in his mid to late 40s. Nice man boobs too. Tammy ( I've dubbed her Zirconia) looks and sounds like one of the vacuous Morman "sister wives" on the TV show Big Love.
I guess some people will fall for their self-proclaimed "mastership" and other nonsense just like they do with...
While Pilo and Zirconia have the energy levels of banana slugs and have cured hundreds of insomniacs, Gary Olsen's rendition of hunching over his plagiarized charts calling his suckers LOVED ONES has just won him his fourth Creepy award. Where will he put them all? Congratulations Gary Olsen...
OK...I now declare myself SRI SRI Anticult7 and now dub you Violet god-realized...pooof! (I'll wave the price and the ten years in your case). Actually you can get the coveted thigh high argyle socks right on amazon.com. Here's your link:
Amazon.com: thigh high argyle socks - Clothing &...
If you read David Lane's expose on Amercians claiming to be sound current grand poobahs, there are more...Jerry Mulvin, Olsen, Hinkins, and at least one other.
All these creepy, culty SRI people must have received way too much praise during potty training.
I agree that Gary Olsen is much more gaggy, uuurpy, bleggy, and upchucky than Paul.
Sorry to disappoint but I think only the creepy SRI people are evolved enough "manifest" thigh high argyle socks.:shout
But here's the thing...I wonder if Paul Marche or Pilo Albrasso or whatever...
Hysterical. This jerk is even dweebier looking than Olsen but Olsen definitely wins the pedophile look-alike contest. Makes ya think that anyone who calls themselves SRI has to be a royal as*h*le. Yes.... your as*holiness :facepalm:
Now that Professor Lane has put to rest con-man Gary Olsen's tragic excuses and rationalizations for stealing other people's writings, he will be writing about Olsen's ridiculous claims that he is a 'Natural Born Saint."
"Natural Born Shyster and Sociopath" would be much more accurate.
Violet pointed out that she has copies of all the new books and that Olsen still continued to plagiarize in 2010 in his new book editions. This guy keeps digging himself a deeper hole and can't keep his story straight. Hard to imagine how anyone could think he is GOD INCARNATE :facepalm:
A more skeptical analysis of Garys plagiarism points to something a bit more obvious than seekers are clamoring for information and I am in a rush excuses: the economic imperative. Now if Gary and MasterPath were giving out their materials for free, one might be more sympathetic (yet not...
How Gary Olsen of MasterPath Justifies Plagiarism
Dear David,
In your new publications critique of Volume III of MasterPath The Divine Science of Light and Sound, you are pointing...
David Lane just published Volume 2 on fake guru Gary Olsen. Volume one was called Gary Olsen Master Plagiarist Mr. Lane calls Volume 2:
The Master Apologist: Gary Olsen Explains his Literary Transgression[/B]
Professor Lane says, " The third volume will be out later this week, which...
Interesting. Someone sent me a private email and said that Gary Olsen grew up in Detroit Lakes, Minn. and that he did have a police record there. Usually those records, unless sealed, are available for a fee.
Unfortunately Dickipedia doesn't allow us to write or edit bios yet. Gary Olsen surely qualifies for the Hall of Fame of Wiki Dicks though :yes:
If you'd like to go back and forth I think we can write a good Dickipedia Bio for Olsen. Cherry picking from citi-data forum, here and many...
I hear that not only was there a lot of smoking pot in Viet Nam but also heroin. Anyone who claims not to know the names of hard drugs in our culture is FOS. While I don't know if Olsen took LSD or not, your phrase "he says not" is laughable about Olsen because even when caught with his...
That term "higher initiates" is just so goofy and lame. Do they have more stripes like in the military? I'm guessing they just gave more of their autonomy away and now are just more brainwashed. According to citi-data the upia nonsense only came out in his seminars after he was outed as being a...
So are the 'Ahem' principles and spiritual practices now easier? Shorter? More watered down? Entirely different?
Is smoking marijuana now an acceptable spiritual practice for others besides Olsen and his wife? (couldn't resist:)
Zizzer says, "Upon reading some of this text in the 2009...