This is actually an example showing a creator because it requires a change in the environment, the cracks, for life to exist, they don't just grow out of concrete the environment must be changed
While those are good points the problem is that both WLC and Turek will later address this very issue and make the case for the Christian God thereby removing relativism, these arguments at this stage are simply used to bring someone to the point where they have enough info detached from the...
OK last one then I really have to go
It also hasn't been proven that it didn't have a beginning and there's more evidence that it did. Therefore back to my beginning point you put out theories and I put out theories, doesn't mean that yours are more valid than mine
Sorry if I didn't make...
Sure, (this wont be all the evidence but it the general road map)
First, the universe had a beginning, it seems to me more likely that something created something out of nothing as opposed to nothing created something out of nothing,
In order for a universe with time space and matter to be...
Well then again if you're not implying it's a fact, a substantiated theory is still a glorified way to say guess in my opinion.
And yes I think that is where we differ I think there is more evidence for a theistic explanation.
I'm not sure why Hamm keeps getting brought into it, this is logic not a political idea.
I respectfully disagree that observe doesn't mean to truly see something in action. Observation is the only way to actually confirm something. Anything else is like I said an extrapolation.
I say this...
Agreed, and I can see how that evidence can be ultimately taken to the conclusion that we came from a common ancestor.
I can also see how it fits in with theistic Philosophy.
The point being that it's possible even from that evidence to arrive at two different conclusions, neither of them...
Well any idea for that matter, none of these have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment, they are an extrapolation of other evidence for micro mutations.
But see I think from the theistic view, seeing that there is a lack of explanation from both religion and science (after all all the "explanations" for adaptations are merely created stories and anecdotal evidence because no one was there to observe) we base our conclusion on the next most...
The thing is if someone knows something to be a sin and would cause someone else to be away from God it would be unloving to not bring it to their attention. I fully agree with you though that it is not acceptable to bring any form of punishment upon someone, but that doesn't mean we're not...
But judgement is not being passed by objectively saying something is or isn't a sin, a judgement is more like a guilty or not guilty verdict in a trial and passing down a punishment, stating that something is a sin is more like presenting evidence.
For example I can determine that you've...
I think the other responses we're good for your other points, but as to this one, is it narcissistic to demand of someone to do the very thing that will make them happy?
Or is it loving, For example when a parent demands that a child eat their vegetables, and then punishes them when they...
And I think herein lies the major issue with everyone's argument, whose
justice, emotion, reality, language, empathy etc are we basing the belief on? Because in one sense it can be the "morality" of say a pedophile and on the other hand it can be the "morality" of Mother Teresa and if you can...