Define Christianity
Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?
My cherry picking from page-1 :
God can not be disproven by science
It is beyond the limits of Science as per Scientific Method, please, right?
My cherry picking from pages-1,15 :
Science does not deal with that that cannot be evidenced
Quranic words/sentences/verses could have 7/70 and or more correct explanations, provided these are within the context of some preceding verses and some following verses and within the cope of the very short chapter named the Opener (Arabic Al-Fatihah):
Evidence that Ivrim, Benei Yisrael, Yehudim, and Modern day Jews do not descend from Yadavas farmers
Then why friend @Aupmanyav mentions that you are a Christian, please?
Your Complaints About Christianity?
(Jesus)Yeshua (son of Mary/Meriam/Maryam) - the truthful Israelite Messiah ( he was not of Judaic descent) was never a "Christian"- a misnomer, it was/is never Yeshua's religion in his teachings as well as in his deeds, right, please?
Why do Christianity get so much hate?
So, one means that the "calling" is not from G-d, and those who respond to are not blessed by One G-d because G-d never told them in the first place in so many words, right, please?
Why do Christianity get so much hate?
Yes, I am, a good human being is always learning, but don't visualize from the syllable " I am " the HellenistPauline aka Christian Jesus-god, right, that he never ever was, please?
Exalted then is Allah, the True King! And be not impatient...
Why do Christianity get so much hate?
But that doesn't mean even that they are even blessed by One G-d, please, right?
I googled for "many in the ministry may have a "calling" :
What signs indicate you may have a calling to ministry?
January 5, 2024
Are there signs that indicate you may...
Is there such a thing as a universal religion?
One means:
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a lustrous niche, wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a glittering star. It is lit from a blessed tree — an olive —...
Why do christianity get so much hate?
(Friend @RabbiO)| One is our resident Rabbi , one may say, at RF, we are listening to you, start convincing us all, right, please?
Evidence that Ivrim, Benei Yisrael, Yehudim, and Modern day Jews do not descend from Yadavas farmers
What is this kind of cultural with them, I don't know of, please?
Is our friend @Bharat Jhunjhunwala , a Christian, please, right?