I wasn't being witty. I was pointing out for like the thousandth time that just because you think you're threatened doesn't mean you're threatened. I'm not sure at this point that you were serious though. Maybe you're just stirring things up as is typical of you. And no — just because you try to...
Censure happens with both — both justified censure and unjustified censure.
If I lived in a country that would not permit criticism of LGBT movements, making it a topic that is out of the question in any public speech, television show or article, I would feel oppressed.
That someone would believe in hell and think another person might go there, but without deserving it, would be confused, to say the least. I believe that God is just so if a person goes to hell, they definitely deserve it, but it is not permissable in Islam to say of an individual that they go...
I didn't think the topic was about declaring all individuals of a particular group enemies.
If someone says in the news that China is an enemy of the United States, would you assume they mean every Chinese tourist and doctor is an enemy?
Some enemies don't declare themselves. If someone chased you with a knife, would you need them to declare that they are planning to hurt you or would you just assume and apologise later if you were wrong?
And you're exactly the type that would believe everything my enemies told you about me and then hate me for just existing and being polite and I'd figure you got the disease.
I'm claiming you imagine a threat because you are afraid. You claim you're not so the other person speaks to you as though you didn't believe, but it turns out you're not sure and you blame them for not taking your doubts into consideration when you claimed you don't have any doubts.
No, that doesn't make sense. If I didn't believe there is a hell. If I was convinced there is no hell and someone warned me, 'if you keep living like that you might go to hell.' Why would I care? The only reason I would be upset is if I was not convinced.
I know there is a hell so I'm not...
God gave us the understanding of what is right and what is wrong. I don't need to look at what Islam says of each separate little issue to know whether they're wrong or not.
God is the most just.
If the law says you can harm someone to help yourself and you have the need, that is moral to...